[comp.sys.apple2] TAR for the Apple II?

jonah@crl.ucsd.edu (Jonah Stich) (09/25/90)

Does anyone knowf there's a version of tar avaliable for the Apple II (a GE
specific version would be fine....) I have the feeling that I've seen this 
discussed before, but've totally forgotten what was said.... I have some files
that are tar.Z files. ShrinkIt GS can handle the .Z part fine, but then I need
to detar them, and I'd MUCH rather do this on my GS than on my UNIX box. Also,
they're not BINSCII files, so that doesn't help any (I know BINSCII can read
around the tar infowhich is why I mention it). If anyone can provide any help
in tracking down a utility to deTar file, I'dorship the ground you walk on 
for the rest of your life. :) Thanks!!

jonah@crl.ucsd.edu (<- note changed address....)