[comp.sys.apple2] 6502 *IS* RISC

jb10320@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Desdinova) (09/27/90)

In article <1990Sep26.194057.371@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu> you write:
>In article <8139.apple.net@pro-angmar> m.tiernan@pro-angmar.UUCP (Michael Tiernan) writes:
>>In-Reply-To: message from herwin@pro-novapple.cts.com
[doubts about new RISC from Apple]
>>                                             - Phil Ochs
>  Except the 6502 isn't a RISC chip.  Why?  well:
>  1.  RISC machines execute an instruction per cycle.  the 6502 doesn't

  No, but it pipelines- which is why it kicks a '286s butt (at appropriate MHz)

>  2.  RISC machines have a large number of general purpose registers. the
>      6502 doesn't.

  Uh, actually the 6502 has 256 of them.  They're called "Zero Page Addressing"
  Access to and from zero page is two cycles- same as an A,X, or Y access.
  So, the 6502 actually is a RISC processor- quite ahead of its time, and
  able to stand on its own against competition- IF Apple would market it.

>  I heard rumors that Apple was working on an 88000 based box that would run
>  mac stuff.  But then again, I just HEARD this  :)

    This isn't a rumor.  I accept this as fact.  Apple bought their Cray to
design that system.  My interviewer said everything BUT "88000 box to
run Mac software" (i.e., he tried to be vague, but I could read what he was
trying to hide).  Note that the 88000 will work on its own, but will have
the capability to run Mac stuff so Mac users are complacent about their
machine's death when it comes in two years.

>       Collin Douglas
>       cbdougla@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu
>  I wish I would 'hear' something about the GS.  Even a rumor is better than
>  nothing.

Oh.  Okay.  Apple will stop selling the Apple ][.  They'll keep supporting
it however.  They ARE coming out with a //e emulator for the new low-end
color mac.  They're still deciding what kind of color hardware to put on it
"so the // users will feel comfortable" (quoted from a University end
student price deal guy, NOT an official Apple Rep, but who works daily with
an official Apple Rep).
Apple will try to "wean // users to the Macintosh line" (quote from the guy
in charge of Apple <somewhere in Europe- see clari.apple....>) by offering
this emulator card for a "<$1000 machine" (quote from University rep again).

Frankly, I'm pissed that Apple is trying to screw me out of $3000 MORE than
I've already invested in my Apple //.  Why couldn't they have the sense to
produce a low cost GS/Mac combo machine (the famed "golden gate").  
It wouldn't take heck of a lot of effort to do something like this.  
There's been a 68000 card for Apple //s for many years now, I've used it
and it works.  I believe in the possibility of the Duet card, and think
that's the way to go for GS users who absolutely must have a Mac.  What I
don't understand is why Apple didn't do it first.

I truly hope I've spoiled Apple's plan to "Surprise" the // world into
buying macinsloshes. I hate marketing people.

Jawaid Bazyar               | Blondes in big black cars look better wearing
Senior/Computer Engineering | their dark sunglasses at night. (unk. wierdo)
jb10320@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu    |      The gin, the gin, glows in the Dark!
                            |                             (B O'Cult)
   Apple II Forever!  Apple II Infinitum!  Give me Woz or Give me Amiga!

jm7e+@andrew.cmu.edu (Jeremy G. Mereness) (09/29/90)

> Excerpts from netnews.comp.sys.apple2: 27-Sep-90 6502 *IS* RISC (was Re:
> RIS.. Desdinova@uxa.cso.uiuc.e (3297)

> >  I wish I would 'hear' something about the GS.  Even a rumor is better
> than
> >  nothing.

> Oh.  Okay.  Apple will stop selling the Apple ][.  They'll keep
> supporting
> it however.  They ARE coming out with a //e emulator for the new low-end
> color mac.  They're still deciding what kind of color hardware to put on
> it
> "so the // users will feel comfortable" (quoted from a University end
> student price deal guy, NOT an official Apple Rep, but who works daily
> with
> an official Apple Rep).
> Apple will try to "wean // users to the Macintosh line" (quote from the
> guy
> in charge of Apple <somewhere in Europe- see clari.apple....>) by
> offering
> this emulator card for a "<$1000 machine" (quote from University rep
> again).

Sigh, What I thought. I would have wished Apple would allow someone else
to step in (some Japanese companies have made offers) but at least I can
stop waiting for the //x that will never come. 

Please note that I, for one, will never be "weaned" as this suggests. No
Apple // clone on a card will stand up to the real thing (what with 5.25
drives and things, I'll bet this card costs a bundle!), and I am not
interested in buying an overpriced Mac. And I don't believe that the
card is an Apple //gs clone either. It probably just emulates a //c. 

I will continue to program and develop on my //gs and make it as useful
as possible. TCP/IP is my present project. I would like to prove to a
few people how capable my machine is, and could have been. I encourage
everyone else to do the same. 

'nuff said on the matter. It's time to do as much possible with what we
|Jeremy Mereness                 | Support     | Ye Olde Disclaimer:    |
|jm7e+@andrew.cmu.edu (internet) |    Free     |  The above represent my|
|a700jm7e@cmccvb (Vax... bitnet) |     Software|   opinions, alone.     |
|staff/student@Carnegie Mellon U.|             |     Ya Gotta Love It.  |

stephens@latcs1.oz.au (Philip J Stephens) (10/03/90)

> >  2.  RISC machines have a large number of general purpose registers. the
> >      6502 doesn't.
>  Uh, actually the 6502 has 256 of them.  They're called "Zero Page Addressing"
>  Access to and from zero page is two cycles- same as an A,X, or Y access.

  Instructions that use zero page addressing are at least 3
cycles in length, where as instructions using register
addressing are only 2.  Even so, you could legitimately call
zero page as a bank of 256 registers, since all indirect
modes (except for the jump instructions) use zero page
variables to store the address in, and access is still
faster than absolute addressing.
  I don't think the 6502 is pipelined, though, since
instructions are executed singly without overlap.  If it
was, I would have noticed the timing discrepancy in my assembly
language programs years ago :-) 

<  Philip J. Stephens                ><   "Many views yield the truth."        >
<  Hons. student, Computer Science   ><   "Therefore, be not alone."           >
<  La Trobe University, Melbourne    ><   - Prime Song of the viggies, from    >
<  AUSTRALIA                         ><   THE ENGIMA SCORE by Sheri S Tepper   >

toddpw@tybalt.caltech.edu (Todd P. Whitesel) (10/03/90)

stephens@latcs1.oz.au (Philip J Stephens) writes:

>> >  2.  RISC machines have a large number of general purpose registers. the
>  I don't think the 6502 is pipelined, though, since
>instructions are executed singly without overlap.  If it
>was, I would have noticed the timing discrepancy in my assembly
>language programs years ago :-) 

The 6502 _IS_ pipelined, but in ways that are not very dramatic or even obvious
unless you look at the CPU's internal operation in detail. Rockwell touted the
pipelining in their 6502 user's guide years ago, it is essentially this:

When you do a ADC of something, the last cycle of the instruction is when the
actual data byte is read in, right? Immediately after that the next opcode is
read so the next instruction has started, right? So when did the 6502 add?

It added while the next opcode was being read. The accumulator does not
actually hold the new value until sometime during the second half (forget
exactly where) of the opcode cycle of the next instruction.

That's pipelining. It saves you a cycle on every instruction that does an ALU
operation. It may not be as spectacular as what's being done on the monster
RISCs these days but it is essentially pipelining.

Todd Whitesel
toddpw @ tybalt.caltech.edu

araftis@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (Alex Raftis) (10/03/90)

In article <8879@latcs1.oz.au> stephens@latcs1.oz.au (Philip J Stephens) writes:
>> >  2.  RISC machines have a large number of general purpose registers. the
>> >      6502 doesn't.
>>  Uh, actually the 6502 has 256 of them.  They're called "Zero Page Addressing"
>>  Access to and from zero page is two cycles- same as an A,X, or Y access.
>  Instructions that use zero page addressing are at least 3
>cycles in length, where as instructions using register
>addressing are only 2.  Even so, you could legitimately call
>zero page as a bank of 256 registers, since all indirect
>modes (except for the jump instructions) use zero page
>variables to store the address in, and access is still
>faster than absolute addressing.
>  I don't think the 6502 is pipelined, though, since
>instructions are executed singly without overlap.  If it
>was, I would have noticed the timing discrepancy in my assembly
>language programs years ago :-) 

Your right, a load/store with lda $6/sta $6 would take a 6502 6 cycles. It'd
take 4 to do a move d0,d1 on a 68000. So yes, it's slower, but you get 256
byes rather than 8 words to work with. You'd also have to add a cycle to move
a full word on a 65816 and a full 12 cycles on a 6502.

As for pipelining, the 6502 definitly uses it. Here's an example from "Pro-
gramming the 65816" by David Eyes:

   Step #1: Fetch instruction opcode ADC
   Step #2: Interpret the opcode to be ADC of a constant
   Step #3: Fetch the operand, the constant to be added
   Step #4: Add the constant to the accumulator contents
   Step #5: Store the result back to the accumulator

The pipliningg of the 6502 allows the chip to do steps 2+3 at the same time by 
incrementing the PC and getting the constant while it interprets the opcode. 
Then step 4+5 are made to overlap step #1 of the next opcode, thus making 
the ADC #$xx work in only 2 cycles. 

True, this isn't true risk which might be able to do it in less time, but it 
definitly beats out the 68000 which only runs a simple queue. As a point, the 
68000 would take 8 cycles to do an ADDI #$xx,D0 (add xx and put in register 
D0), six more cycles than the 6502.

                     Internet: araftis@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU
               America Online: xela      (Real Life: Alex Raftis)

rhyde@ucrmath.ucr.edu (randy hyde) (10/04/90)

>> I don't think the 6502 is pipelined...

That was one of its claims to fame.  The pipelining isn't as deep as modern
day processors, but pipelining was one of the main reasons the 6502 beat out
the 6800 and edged the Z80 in various benchmarks.
*** Randy Hyde  O-)