[comp.sys.apple2] VITESSE & PUBLIC DOMAIN INFO

mkheintz@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Michael Heintz) (10/13/90)

Just a generic answer to a few inquiries on the net.

Numbers to reach VITESSE:
(800) 777-7344
(818) 813-1270
(818) 813-1273 (FAX)
Where to write:
13909 Amar Road, Suite 2
LaPuenta CA, 91746-1669

Let me know how the HP Printer drivers work, if anybody gets/has them!

Public Domain Exchange (PDE)
(800) 331-8125
call for a catalog of Public Domain titles for the Apple II,IIgs and Macintosh.
(most titles sell for $9.00-gs, $5.00-II, $7.00-Mac)
I've bought some fonts, DA's and public domain games.

Big Red Computer Club
(402) 379-4680
call for a catalog of titles for the Apple II and IIgs.
(most titles sell for $3.50, discounts for high quantities)
Again, I've gotten some fonts, DA's and clip art disks.

	I am not associated with these groups in any way.  I just thought that
this is a worthwhile thing for everyone to know.

	I'm fairly new to the net, so I have a few questions.  You may reply
to me directly so as not to clog the net with what seems to many to be useless
or redundant info.

Some terms I don't know:
	the VGC upgrade for the IIgs.
	What does CLI, BTW, and FST mean?

	I'm looking into getting a IIgs for myself when I move out, what is
the big difference between a ROM 03 new gs and the old ROM 01 "woz" machine
that my family bought when the gs came out?  Why won't some software run on it?
AND, can anyone tell me if these titles work?
	Appleworks GS
	Sierra adventure games: Gold Rush, Police Quest.
	Life & Death
	Revolution '76
	Task Force

Thanks in advance!

Mike Heintz
	 (Oakland University, Rochester, MI)

kgreen@pro-angmar.UUCP (Kevin Green) (10/15/90)

In-Reply-To: message from mkheintz@vela.acs.oakland.edu

Mike Heintz,
 CLI = Command Line Interface (ie Unix csh,MS-DOS,Prodos Basic.System,etc)
 BTW = By The Way...
 FST = File System Translator. GS/OS code segments that allow GS/OS to 
       read any file system. Currently only ProDOS FST is available, although
       persistent rumors abound that there is/will be a Macintosh FST in the


On Sat, 13 Oct 90 16:48:41 GMT Michael Heintz said:
>	What does CLI, BTW, and FST mean?

BTW - By The Way,
FST - File System Translator
CLI - I have absolutely no idea?

Anyone know what IMHO means? (In My Honest (Humble?) Opinion?)

>	I'm looking into getting a IIgs for myself when I move out, what is
>the big difference between a ROM 03 new gs and the old ROM 01 "woz" machine
>that my family bought when the gs came out?  Why won't some software run on it?
The original 'Woz' GS was ROM version 00, not ROM 01... that's an upgrade,
which is free, BTW (hehe).  As far as I know, virtually nothing works with the
old ROM 00 because ROM 00 will not work with GS/OS.  You need the ROM 01
upgrade for that and everything should work... assuming you have enough
memory... 512k ABSOLUTE MINIMUM!  That's just to BOOT GS/OS... if you want to
run anything you'll probably need AT LEAST 768k and 1.2Mb is what you SHOULD

>AND, can anyone tell me if these titles work?
>	Appleworks GS

Not with ROM 00, but YES with ROM 01 and 1.2Mb RAM.

>	Sierra adventure games: Gold Rush, Police Quest.

Yes. (works with ROM 00 too).

>	Life & Death
>	Revolution '76
>	Task Force
>	HyperStudio

I don't know about those.

>Thanks in advance!
>Mike Heintz
>	 mkheintz@argo.acs.oakland.edu
>	 (Oakland University, Rochester, MI)

|                                    |                               |
|  This is your brain...             |  BITNET-- mquinn@utcvm        |
|  This is your brain on drugs...    |  pro-line:                    |
|  This is your brain on whole wheat.|    mquinn@pro-gsplus.cts.com  |

jh4o+@andrew.cmu.edu (Jeffrey T. Hutzelman) (10/16/90)

Currently, four FSTs are available:

PRODOS.FST - for the ProDOS file system
CHAR.FST - needed for character devices - console, serial, etc.
APPLESHARE.FST - allows access to AppleShare servers
and there's one more for High Sierra CD-ROMs
Jeffrey Hutzelman
America Online: JeffreyH11
Internet/BITNET:jh4o+@andrew.cmu.edu, jhutz@drycas.club.cc.cmu.edu,

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