[comp.sys.apple2] Fatal Error 0681


I wrote a week or so ago about a problem with GS.Shrinkit v.1.0.3 leading
to a crash and "Fatal System Error 0681".  This occurred on a ROM 01 gs with
1.75 meg of memory, no RAM disk, under System.Software 5.0.2, using Prosel-16
v.8.54 as file selector.  To replicate the crash, all you have to do is
select GSSK, use it to unshrink anything, and quit back to Prosel.  Hit any
key a few times (e.g. an arrow key) and you crash.  I have been told that
this error number usually means "event queue damaged".

I finally traced the problem to the NDA "Show Textfile v.1.2 by Guy T. Rice".
If that was in the DESK.ACCS folder on bootup, you get this GSSK problem. I
replaced that NDA with TextREADer by Mark Geisinger in order to keep the
space used by DAs the same, and that solved the problem.  Note that it was
not necessary to have ever USED ShowText to get the problem.  So there is
a clear incompatibility