(Matthew Montano) (10/29/90)
If anyone is REALLY interested in avoiding the purchase of Apple Computer Inc's products, especially Apple monitors.. please read on. I was thoroughly dissappointed that Apple's new monitors for the LC/si worked at a different frequency than the IIgs. I'm no hardware techie wiz, but what would of it of cost Apple in R&D time and production costs to bring that same low-cost (relatively speaking, AppleWise) color monitor to the IIgs. That monochrome monitor would of made a nice alternative to composite displays for many. WELLLL... I finally obtained a "Mac II -> MultiScanning monitor Cable". Basically a cable which goes from the standard connector a MutliScanning (read: IBM VGA monitor) monitor to a DB-15 connector which both the IIgs and the Macintosh sport. Well.. hooking this cable/connector up to the IIgs and a PanaSync produced a wonderful result: A low-cost color option for IIgs owners. It was VERY crisp, and very clear. .29 dot pitch Multi-Scanning 14" Color Monitors are about $200 cheaper on the street up here than Apple's AppleColor RGB Monitor. --- Off note: The final question at the MacWorld/Canada exposition in their "Jepoardy Game" with noted Mac individuals playing was rather ammusing. The answer was: "The first Apple product with the Apple Desktop Bus". No one got the question (answer). It, of course, is the Apple IIgs.. I simply had to grin. Matthew --- Email: (most mailers won't barf on that..) My comments aren't even worth a disclaimer...