[comp.sys.apple2] Laser 128 Compatibility

davidbrierley@lynx.northeastern.edu (10/30/90)

     I have a Laser 128 (ROM version 4.2) and would like to add some titles
to the list of compatible software that came with the model (dated 05-27-87).
If any one else out there has a Laser 128 with ROM 4.2 they are welcome to
send me additions to the list via e-mail.  Please include title, version,
publisher, and if the software is commercial, shareware, or public domain.
I'll only consider major public domain items, like Kermit, for example.  I'll
occassionally post updated lists to Info-apple.


ABM (Muse)
Appleworks 3.0 Patcher v1.4 (Mark Munz) Public Domain
Artsci Startup Disk (Artsci)
Balance of Power (Mindscape)
Bank'n v1.2 (Hal Carter) Shareware
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein (Muse)
Championship Lode Runner (Broderbund)
Chop Lifter (Broderbund)
Crystal Castles (Atarisoft)
D Code v1.0 (Beagle Brothers)
Diskette Librarian v1.0 (Hal Carter) Shareware
Diversi-Copy v1.3 (DSR) Shareware
Diversi-DOS v2-C (DSR) Shareware
Dung Beetles (Datasoft)
Ed's Plot Package v1.2 (Ed Titlebaum) Public domain
Fireground (Albert Lesiak) Public domain
Graph It! v1.0 (Timeworks)
High Resolution Picture Library v10-83 (H.R.P.L.) Public domain
High Rise (Microlearn)
King Tut's Revenge (Albert Lesiak) Public domain
Marble Madness (Electronic Arts)
Monopoly v2.00 (Tim Taylor) Public domain
Multiscribe v3.0 (Styleware)
New Print Shop, The (Broderbund)
Printographer, The v4.6 (Roger Wagner)
Quests of Cimarron vB (SJS Software) Shareware
Sadistic Statistics v1.3 (Kenneth Cypra) Shareware
Scrabble (Leisure Genius)
Serpentine (Broderbund)
Star Blazer (Star Craft)
Super Disk Copy v3.8 (Sensible Software)
Taipan (Avalanche Productions)
Tass Times in Tonetown (Activision)
Tubeway (Datamost)
Ultracheckers (Most, Inc.)
Yo Yo Duck Diagnostics v2.2 (Michael A. Coffey) Shareware


(Yes, I know some of these are out of print or the publishers have
gone out of business, etc.)

     In addition I'd like to mention some programs from _Nibble_ and
the defunct _Compute's Apple Applications_ magazines that DO NOT
work on ROM 4.2:

File Encryptor       Nibble 12-88 Vol. 9 No. 12 p.88
Hi-Res FX            Compute's Apple Appl. 12-88 Vol. 6 No. 6 p.42
Instant Calculator   Compute's Apple Appl. 02-88 Vol. 6 No. 1 p.79
Mousetrap            Nibble 06-88 Vol. 9 No. 6 p.36
Powerball            Compute's Apple Appl. 02-89 Vol. 7 No. 1 p.17



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