[net.space] NASA Tech Briefs

phr (02/17/83)

My annual "time to renew your free subscription" card says:

	Budgetary restraints and a high demand for NASA Tech
	Briefs have made it necessary to consider a subscription
	fee to be implemented in 1983.  You will be informed about
	all pertinent details if and when a decision has been made.

One more for the crying shame department.  Tech Briefs is among the
finest bathroom reading you can find; all sorts of neat ideas won't
happen if it becomes too expensive to subscribe to.  There are other
casualties: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, which has probably
saved many lives because of all the health professionals who sent in
for free subscriptions, is now $75/yr (unless the format and page count
have changed drastically, each issue probably costs around $0.25 to
print and mail).  This is mentioned to soften the shock at what Tech
Briefs is likely to cost.  <Sob!>