[comp.sys.apple2] Need America On line phone number

delaneyg@wnre.aecl.ca ("H. Grant Delaney") (11/08/90)

I've been trying to gind out how to contact America On line to get an account
can anyone provide me with a phone number and/or address


bh@eng.auburn.edu (Brian Hartsfield) (11/09/90)

I don't have ti right here, but if you will mail me your name, address, and
phone # I can call AOL tonight and have them send you a membership package.

bh1e+@andrew.cmu.edu (Brendan Gallagher Hoar) (11/09/90)

Here's a good bet...

call 1-800-555-1212 and ask for the toll free number for America
Online or Quantum Computer.

Brendan G. Hoar
Carnegie Mellon, Inc. 

marks@pro-shop.cts.com (Mark Scango, Sysop) (11/12/90)

In-Reply-To: message from delaneyg@wnre.aecl.ca

H. Grant Delaney asks how to obtain info on joining America Online.

The toll free number of Quamtum Computer Services is (800)227-6345 ext.5290 or
5291. They will take your name and address and send you a starter kit. This
will begin your journey to the "Poor House". ;-)

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     AOL: marks146               |  (717) 945-5448   |  use only. This context
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