[comp.sys.apple2] GS/OS 5.0.3

SAB121@psuvm.psu.edu (11/13/90)

Well, finally got a copy of system 5.0.3, and I must say I LOVE IT!!!
The new printer routines are FAST and BEAUTIFUL! Amazing! Made me dust off
one of my old programs (MultiScribe GS) just to try it out and ended up
doing my English paper on it. This may actually make it worthwhile to by
AppleWorks GS, but until then I will DEFINITELY be using MSGS again...

Liked the Volumes box, and learned that the TAB key still functions like the
old DISK button, ie: polling the next drive on the chain... Nice feature,
sometimes I just don't feel like using the mouse, and this works perfectly.

Oh, one last thing, wanna know a funny? You know how everyone tells us to go to
the local Apple dealer for the latest system disk. Well this time, we beat the
dealer and gave the staff at the store an "unofficial" copy of 5.03! For once
we had the upper hand! I love it...

| Salvatore A. Buttice | Bitnet: SAB121@PSUVM           \_ Preferred    |
| RD#1 Box 488         | InterNet: sab121@psuvm.psu.edu /  (It's Free!) |
| Espyville, PA 16424  | Cleveland FreeNet: aj670 \_ If the above does  |
|   Apple II ForEver!! | America Online: Sal15    /  not work for you!  |