(Todd P. Whitesel) (11/16/90)
Part of the Columbia Appletalk Package (CAP) is AUFS -- AppleShare Unix File Server. AUFS in the latest release of CAP (5.0) _claims_ to be AFP 2.0 compatible (i.e. your GS will let you connect to it) but in fact it's NOT; the prodos filetype info doesn't get saved by the server and you run into all sorts of problems doing anything other than looking at directories and writing files to the server (and even then...) Well, I tarred and compress'd our copy of CAP and put it up on tybalt [] in pub/apple2/transfer/"cap.tar.Z" so any of you unix hackers with GS's can grab it and check it out. Get the file cap.readme in the same directory -- I'll keep it up to date with the latest ideas and work on the source, so if you get anywhere or have problems mail to me (or post here -- I have just enough time to read this group through after I kill all the damn flames over copy protection and shrinkwrap licenses and net censors and other WORTHLESS topics). To whet your appetites, the server looks like it does everything already, it just doesn't properly initialize or allow modification of the prodos info. The patches we need to make should be fairly trivial, it is a matter of figuring out _where_ the relevant code is. Todd Whitesel toddpw @