[net.space] Speed of Light Question 2

fred (05/03/83)

	I have gotten several interesting responses to my speed of 
light question however none have really addressed the hidden question
I was interested in, so let me explain it more clearly.
	What prompted my question in the
first place is that given the stellar populations in this part of the 
galaxy interstellar travel seems almost impossible. Sure we could send
a probe there, or even a group of people someday, but any real interstellar
commerce seems just beyond the realm possibility. Suppose now that the
speed of light was say 100 times slower, and the stellar population
remained unchanged, everyone would throw up their hands and say forget it,
the barrier would be too great even for most Science Fiction
writers. If it was a 100 times faster, then the problem is a technological
i.e. how do will build something to accelerate our craft long enough
to get there. ( not only that but the communication speed increase
would make interstellar colonization a more attractive venture)
However, as things really are it appears that interstellar travel is
almost impossible, and certainly offers little in return for interstellar
colonization. (While the colonist may enjoy the trip they are not 
very likely to contribute much to their parent world after they leave
	Now finally to the thrust of my question, if the speed of
light is altered, and from what we know about physics, would that
cause sufficient alteration in the evolution of the universe to
change the interstellar density? If so in what way, would interstellar
travel be easier, harder or the same in the altered universe?
					Thanks again,

					Fred ABI/INDY