[comp.sys.apple2] ***KIDS-91***

noahm@pro-freedom.cts.com (Noah Magram) (12/07/90)

Here is a message talking about the KIDS-91 project. Read on!
>From pro-harvest!pro-apa!janec Fri Dec  7 02:35:54 1990 
Received: by pro-harvest.cts.com (sendmail 1.6)
	id l709353; Fri,  7 Dec 90 02:35:54 CST
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 90 20:15:29 PDT
Ppath: pro-freedom!noahm
From: janec@pro-apa.cts.com (Jane Craford)
To: noahm@pro-freedom
Subject: KIDS-91

Date: Thu, 30 Aug 1990 10:52:38 +0200
From: opresno@coma.uio.NO
Subject: KIDS-91 newsletter #1
               The "KIDS-91" project newsletter
           A global dialog for children 10-15 years
                 Issue number 1, June 17 1990.
1. About the project
2. The KIDS-91 Newsletter
3. Progress report
4. The first responses
5. How to get more information about KIDS-91.
The KIDS-91 project is a grassroot movement aiming at getting as
many children as possible involved in a GLOBAL dialog starting NOW
and going on until May 12th 1991.
We want children's responses to the following questions: 1) Who am
I?, 2) What do I want to be when I grow up?, 3) How do I want the
world t be better when I grow up? 4) What can I do now to make
this happen?
We also want them to visualize their vision in some way, for
example by making a drawing, using computer graphics, video tape,
or whatever.
The main means of collecting the responses will be through global
electronic computer conferencing. Other means of communication will
be used where access to computer conferencing is difficult for
technical, economic, or other reasons.
On May 12th, 1991, the children will be invited to "chat" with each
other in a huge, global electronic dialog. Exhibitions of selected
parts of the responses will be shipped back to the children of the
world for them to see and enjoy.
One of the challenges of a project as distributed as this, is to
keep participants, sponsors, mediators, promoters, and other folks
informed. This is the simple purpose of this newsletter.
Please distribute it to all on- and offline communities which have
received our initial invitation to participate.
The editor of this issue is: Odd de Presno, Saltrod, Norway.
His online addresses:
CompuServe=75755,1327, TWICS (Tokyo)=ODDPRESNO, MCI Mail=OPRESNO,
MicroLink (United Kingdom)=MAG220. BBS at +47 41 31378 (300-9600
bps CCITT. V.22bis, V.32 up to MNP-5)
Internet: opresno@coma.uio.no
Saltrod, June 17 1990.
The "KIDS-91" project started on May 25th 1990 following a wildly
successful online dialog between kids in North America and Norway
between April 30 and May 13th.
The "MAY 13TH"-project started with a hope for a simple cross-
Atlantic online chat, but grew into a 260-kid conferencing project,
a BIG chat on the 13th, a set of exhibitions currently touring the
participating countries, and an open letter to the Environmental
Protection conference in Bergen.
We want "KIDS-91" to be "bigger" and "wilder" in many respects. One
objective is to involve children on all continents. We want them
online, directly or indirectly via a third person.
The invitation chain letter has already made it to BBS-systems and
online services in Norway, the United States, Canada, Japan,
Australia, the United Kingdom, and it has been sent by mail to
Many of these online services have an international membership,
among these notably CompuServe, the en.announcement conference on
EcoNet, TWICS in Tokyo, the global TELETEACHING-90 project (through
university networks), and FIDO-net. The letter is therefore rumoured
to have reached Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Denmark, Sweden,
Finland, the Soviet Union, and Turkey.
If you have seen it posted in places not mentioned here, please
tell. We want to know where it has not arrived yet. And if you can
help it get to those places, then we thank you.
We want as many online communities as possible involved. "KIDS-91"
should be a truly distributed online project - with a link 'back' to
the project's project coordinators.
Our 'Mission Control Center' has been set up as a conference called
"KIDS91" on SciNet in Toronto, Canada. A high level of planning
activity has taken place there during the start-up of the project.
The conference room has already been set up for the receipt of
responses from participating kids. The first were entered on June
7th. Here they are:
Item 11    31-MAY-90    18:32    Nancy Stefanik
Question #1:     Who Am I?
     Say a little about yourself.  What is your name?  How old are
     you?  What are some of your interests, your hobbies, your
     concerns?  What else do you want others to know about yourself?
11:1) Krystal Belchior                     07-JUN-90  20:11
 Hello, I'm 14 and I like N.K.O.T.B and teddies. I live in Fenwick
 Ontario. With a horse, hammie (hamster) Tons of cats (do you want
 one?   :)   ), chickens, dogs, and a budgie. I hope some one
 else will get on here so I'm not the only one (kid) here!! :)
Item 12    31-MAY-90    18:34    Nancy Stefanik
Question #2:     What Do I Want To Be When I Grow Up?
   Share your vision of what you want to be when you grow up in
   terms of work, education, and in general.
12:1) Krystal Belchior                     07-JUN-90  20:13
 Talk about a tough question!! If you want to know the honest truth
 I have absolutly no idea what I want to be but I just take tons
 of differn't courses and wait and see!! :)
Item 13    31-MAY-90    18:36    Nancy Stefanik
Question #3:     How Do You Want The World To Be Better When You Grow Up?
   How would you like to improve the way we treat each other and
   the environment we share?
13:1) Krystal Belchior                     07-JUN-90  20:15
 I want the world to be better by: More tress and land, less building,
 more people recycleing, no, no more wars, no more drugs, a cure
 for aids and no more pollution!
Item 14    31-MAY-90    18:39    Nancy Stefanik
Question #4:     What Can I Do Now To Make This Happen?
    What steps can you take now to realize your personal goals and
    your vision of the world?
14:1) Krystal Belchior                     07-JUN-90  20:17
 I can recycle paper,pop cans and plastic. Pick up garbage
 instead of throwing it on the ground and try not to waste
or if you want to help out or participate, please contact one of
the people given in the chain letter for more information, or write
   339 Wellesley Street East
   Toronto, Ontario, M4X 1H2
                        ---- end -----
ProLine: Noahm@pro-freedom               | "I only try to make the same
Internet: Noahm@pro-freedom.cts.com      | mistake a dozen times,"
UUCP: clark!pro-freedom!noahm            | --Skeeve, Mything Persons,
ARPA: clark!pro-freedom!noahm@nosc.mil   |    /\Robert Asprin/\