Les_Ferch@MTSG.UBC.CA (12/08/90)
Some time ago, I posted a message requesting help in recovery data from a 5.25" disk with a trashed directory and/or block pointers. I received several good suggestions and thought I should summarize for everyone else. Thanks to: jemorti@relay.nswc.n Greg T. gt0t+%andrew.cmu.edu@po9.andrew.cmu.edu ART100@PSUVM.PSU.EDU cyliao@wam.umd.edu Todd Whitesel toddpw@tybalt.caltech.edu Summary: - Try the Volume Repair program in the newer versions of ProSel. - Use Bag of Tricks II to recover disks with only a trashed directory. I was also sent a "homebrew" program that does something similar to the above commercial programs, and it worked at least as well as ProSel for the disk I had. Thanks to cyliao@wam.umd.edu for this program. Since the disk I was trying to recover had more problems than just a bad directory, the above tools still didn't recover enough data. The solution was a program that entirely fulfilled my request. This was another little homebrew gem that reads every sector on a disk and puts this data into a text file on another volume. All formatting was lost, but at least all the text was there, which AppleWorks 3.0 read just fine. Many thanks to Todd Whitesel for this program.