[net.space] Comet IRAS...

stoner (05/13/83)

Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock (1983d) UPDATE:

The comet is fading fast as it heads away from the earth...it may be visible
only for the next three nights. Your next chance to see a comet this bright
(naked eye) won't probably come until Comet Halley in 1986 (we hope it'll be
bright, but strange things can happen...).

For Friday night, 13 May 1983, look for the comet straight east of Sirius
about 12 degrees and a little south. It still should be fairly bright,
but will be setting around 23:00 or midnight.

On Saturday night, 14 May 1983, the comet will have moved south and a little
west, sitting near the triangle of stars at the south end of Canis Major
("near": read as 5 degrees).

Sunday night, 15 May 1983, the comet will be fading and will have moved only
slightly further south--delta and eta Canis Majoris (top and eastern stars of
above mentioned triangle) will lie on the line that points southeasterly
towards the comet. For the northern parts of the U.S., it will probably
be too low on the southern horizon to be seen.

For those with telescopes and hungry for positions to play with...

(all positions for 0 hours, Universal Time)

	Date				R.A. (1950)	Dec. (1950)

	May 14				07h 59.6m	-19 deg. 53'
	May 15				07h 50.6m	-26 deg. 26'
	May 16				07h 44.8m	-30 deg. 20'

(from latest IAU telegram)

I'm also interested in hearing more about what people have observed...two or
three descriptions have trickled in over the net. Send me mail, if you can.
Our computer is accessible via seismo or hao.

Thanks. More later, if info becomes available!

				Jeff S.
				Public Information Office