[comp.sys.apple2] Stripping LF's from files

v060q267@ubvmsb.cc.buffalo.edu (David B Bandish) (11/27/90)

I download text file from the VAX at UB.  However, the Vax uses LF's to
separate lines from each other and automatically inserts the CR when reading.

When a file is downloaded, it has LF's where the CR's should be.  Does anybody
know of a program that is either free or cheap that will replace the LF's with
CR's?  Currently I am using a program called SOFTTERM to do this, but SOFTTERM
barely deals with Prodos, and it is a messy proceedure at best.  I would like
something in Prodos that I can put on my HD.

Thank you for your assistance



On Mon, 26 Nov 90 23:11:21 GMT <info-apple-request@APPLE.COM> said:
>I download text file from the VAX at UB.  However, the Vax uses LF's to
>separate lines from each other and automatically inserts the CR when reading.
>When a file is downloaded, it has LF's where the CR's should be.  Does anybody
>know of a program that is either free or cheap that will replace the LF's with
>CR's?  Currently I am using a program called SOFTTERM to do this, but SOFTTERM
>barely deals with Prodos, and it is a messy proceedure at best.  I would like
>something in Prodos that I can put on my HD.
>Thank you for your assistance

I -THINK- that the linefeeds are ASCII code 10 (decimal).  If this is the
case, here's a short program that'll do it:

10 D$=CHR$(4)
40 ?D$;"OPEN ";SR$
50 ?D$;"OPEN ";DT$
60 ?D$;"READ ";SR$
70 GET A$
80 IF ASC(A$)= 10 THEN A$=CHR$(13)
90 ?D$;"WRITE ";DT$
100 ?A$;
110 GOTO 60
120 ?D$;"CLOSE ";SR$
130 ?D$;"CLOSE ";DT$

This -SHOULD- strip the LF's and replace them with CR's.  I have to do
this with several files I download from my CMS account, but they're a little
different; they have BOTH LF's and CR's, so I just strip the linefeeds off
like this:

Using previous program, delete lines 70 and 80 and insert a new line 70:


And leave the rest the same.

Hope this helps.

  Michael J. Quinn
  University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
  BITNET--   mquinn@utcvm
  pro-line-- mquinn@pro-gsplus.cts.com

bchurch@oucsace.cs.OHIOU.EDU (Bob Church) (11/28/90)

In article <47643@eerie.acsu.Buffalo.EDU>, v060q267@ubvmsb.cc.buffalo.edu (David B Bandish) writes:
> When a file is downloaded, it has LF's where the CR's should be.  

Why not use tr or sed to replace the Line Feeds with Carriage Returns before

bob church

reeder@reed.bitnet (Doug Reeder,,,2343817) (12/09/90)

Under unix, define the following:

alias lf2cr "cat \!^ | tr '\012' '\015' > \!^.X ; rm -f \!^; mv \!^.X \!^"
alias cr2lf "cat \!^ | tr '\015' '\012' > \!^.X ; rm -f \!^; mv \!^.X \!^"

You can put these lines in your .cshrc file on your unix account, so they'll
always be there.


lf2cr unixfile

afterwards, unixfile will contain an apple format text file.

gammal@CAM.ORG (Michael Gammal) (12/11/90)


>On Mon, 26 Nov 90 23:11:21 GMT <info-apple-request@APPLE.COM> said:
>>I download text file from the VAX at UB.  However, the Vax uses LF's to
>>separate lines from each other and automatically inserts the CR when reading.
>>When a file is downloaded, it has LF's where the CR's should be.  Does anybody
>>know of a program that is either free or cheap that will replace the LF's with
>>CR's?  Currently I am using a program called SOFTTERM to do this, but SOFTTERM
>>barely deals with Prodos, and it is a messy proceedure at best.  I would like
>>something in Prodos that I can put on my HD.
>>Thank you for your assistance
>  University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
>  BITNET--   mquinn@utcvm
>  pro-line-- mquinn@pro-gsplus.cts.com

There is a program called Change File, shareware I believe, that will do just
what you want and has some appleworks features as well.

More Power To You!

Michael Gammal		Concordia University		M.Gammal@CAM.ORG


Michael was asking about a line-feed stripper... I have one that I wrote, but
it's not on my Apple.  I use it on the Unix side BEFORE I transfer it to my
computer.  It's actually quite a short Pascal program.  If anybody would
like it, then email me at my Internet address.

                                              - Andrew.
Internet: aabenson@balance.cs.mtu.edu

P.S.  I suppose you could use it on the Apple if you happen to have a
Pascal compiler sitting around.  Everything it does is very standard --
it doesn't break any rules (that I know of).