[comp.sys.apple2] TechNotes

jb10320@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Desdinova) (07/21/90)

I just got to thinking the other day, something has been missing from my life.
Then I realized-  there haven't been any TechNote updates since January! (at
Apple.Com, that is). Is this service not supported anymore?  Or are the DTS
guys too busy?  

I'm interested mainly in a TechNote alluded to by Dave Lyons involving 
a better way to access the GS Serial firmware than by going thru FWEntry to 
the $C200 address space.

Please send me mail if anyone knows... (I call long distance to get to my
Unix Box, so PLEASE mail me).

Jawaid Bazyar               | This message was posted to thousands of machines
Junior/Computer Engineering | throughout the entire civilized world. It cost
jb10320@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu    | the net hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars,
                            | to send everywhere.

penguin@gnh-igloo.cts.com (Mark Steiger) (10/01/90)

How can I subscribe to Apple Tech Notes?  And for how much?


Mark steiger

     [ Mark Steiger, Sysop, The Igloo  218/262-3142     300/1200/2400 baud]

ProLine.:penguin@gnh-igloo                          America Online: Goalie5
UUCP....:crash!gnh-igloo!penguin                    MCI Mail......: MSteiger



To (whoever-it-was-from-New-Zeeland-that-wanted-recent-Technotes):
    Did you try to FTP Apple.com?  I just got a bunch from there about a
week or two ago.
                                                         - Andrew.

Internet: aabenson@balance.cs.mtu.edu  (Email here with responses, please.)

alfter@uns-helios.nevada.edu (SCOTT ALFTER) (12/13/90)

In article <90345.163315AABENSON@MTUS5.BITNET> AABENSON@MTUS5.BITNET writes:
>To (whoever-it-was-from-New-Zeeland-that-wanted-recent-Technotes):
>    Did you try to FTP Apple.com?  I just got a bunch from there about a
>week or two ago.

Note that he wants _recent_ technotes.  Apple hasn't updated its FTP
site since January.  (I just checked.)  I think there's someone at
Michigan who has more recent technotes available.  (As a former U. of
Illinois student, I would say "Muck Fichigan," but Apple II users need
to stick together, right? :-) )

Scott Alfter-----------------------------_/_----------------------------
                                        / v \ Apple II:
Internet: alfter@uns-helios.nevada.edu (    ( the power to be your best!
   GEnie: S.ALFTER                      \_^_/

Sean@nacjack.gen.nz (Sean Fausett) (12/14/90)

Thanks for the missing technotes Todd Whitesel.

Sean@nacjack.gen.nz (Sean Fausett)