unknown@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (The Unknown User) (12/16/90)
In article <m0ikfA2-00003uC@jartel.info.com> avarg@gnh-applesauce.cts.com (Abel Vargas) writes: > That aside, does anyone know if an Apple // version of Ultima VI is coming >out? I hope you have written to Origin requesting a //e and IIGS version of Ultima VI! If not it's kinda silly of you asking if it's coming out! We have to WORK to get this thing out! I have heard -rumors- that they've said they'll do both a //e and a IIGS version, but thenI hear rumors that they're doing neither... So people keep writing in! I'm gonna write to this person and send them the info that has addresses for Origin, etc, but if anyone else wants the info, please mail me about it! I've posted it here too many times to warrant it again so soon. EVERYONE PLEASE WRITE TO ORIGIN ABOUT ULTIMA VI FOR THE //e AND/OR the IIGS! -- /Apple II(GS) Forever! unknown@ucscb.ucsc.edu MAIL ME FOR INFO ABOUT CHEAP CDs\ |WRITE TO ORIGIN ABOUT ULTIMA VI //e and IIGS! Mail me for addresses, & info. | \ "Dammit Bev, is it you inside or is it the clown?" -IT by Stephen King /