(Scott Eberline) (12/15/90)
I need some tips on a Christmas gift for someone who has problems with the communications software included with Appleworks GS. Could anybody suggest a package that is intuitive to the point that it doesn't really require the user to read the documentation, even a user who has never used a modem before? If not, what's the next best package? Thanks for any suggestions you may have. -- Scott D. Eberline or uunet!lcc!scotte
unknown@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (The Unknown User) (12/16/90)
In article <> (Scott Eberline) writes: >I need some tips on a Christmas gift for someone who has problems with the >communications software included with Appleworks GS. > >Could anybody suggest a package that is intuitive to the point that it >doesn't really require the user to read the documentation, even a user who >has never used a modem before? If not, what's the next best package? I would say ProTERM 2.2 by Insync Software. This program is the EASIEST and most powerful terminal program ever... An old program called Ascii Express beat ProTERM in the power department, but it was relatively hard to use for some people. Anyways, Ascii Express doesn't matter... About ProTERM... It'll be easy to use at first, then your friend can get into the more advan- ced features like macros and global macros (or whatever they're called) when they get more advanced. -- /Apple II(GS) Forever! MAIL ME FOR INFO ABOUT CHEAP CDs\ |WRITE TO ORIGIN ABOUT ULTIMA VI //e and IIGS! Mail me for addresses, & info. | \ "Dammit Bev, is it you inside or is it the clown?" -IT by Stephen King /
ProTERM. I never read the manual.