[comp.sys.apple2] uuencode for the apple //

ART100@psuvm.psu.edu (Andy Tefft) (12/18/90)

No, this is not another query for it.

I went and wrote uuencode and uudecode in assembly for the //.
Started out as a small project with the guts translated from the
c source (take a group of 3 characters and encode them into 4;
take 4 encoded characters and decode them into 3, and of course
there's really no other way to do it), but once I got
all the file stuff and a menu in there and some other options,
it got to be relatively long (around 1300 line source).

A2-central has shown some interest in it but if I sell it to
them I will have to keep a lid on it for a couple of months.
But I think the net would benefit from it more if I uploaded
it right now.

Is there immediate interest out there? I would certainly not
require payment for it (for the same reasons as binscii and
shrinkit are free), but of course donations would be accepted.
If I sold it to a2-central of course I would make some money up-front
but the problem still remains that it would be a while before I
could distribute it for free.

So, I guess, take this as an informal survey.

Would you like to see uuencode/uudecode for the // that runs
   as a sys file, standalone?
Would it pain you greatly to wait about 3 months for it?

I am starting to write up docs for it, and I will send them to
anyone who wants more information. They will detail current and
planned features.

reply by e-mail to art100@psuvm.psu.edu.

christob@neabbs.UUCP (TEKSTOTAAL) (12/19/90)

Dear friend, I'm quite interested, being IIGS user (with PCT) and
being an co-sysop on a BBS for translators which is UUCP-compatible.
Christoph Bouthillier
Postbus 9264
3506 GG  Utrecht
The Netherlands
phone +31-30-627487, fax ...627185