[net.space] Comet 1983e ephemeris update

fred@inuxc.UUCP (06/06/83)

Comet 1983e ephemeris update. Information supplied from the 
W.R. Brooks observatory. The comet's max magnitude is estimated
to be 5.3 the morning of June 12th. This is about as bright as
comet Austin was last summer and a lot dimmer than comet IRAS et.
al. It should be possible to see this comet with field glasses
if you are in a non light polluted area( a good test is if you 
can see all of the stars that make up the little dipper then
you have execellent transparency). With the moon approaching new
and the comet reaching max magnitude this weekend looks like the
best chance to view this visitor to our skies.
  DATE    TIME   R.A.                 DEC.
          EST    hour   min.   sec.   deg.   min.   sec.

  6 61983 1900     23.    35.    36.    37.    53.      .
  6 71983 1900     23.     7.    26.    35.    25.    33.
  6 81983 1900     22.    42.    22.    33.      .    53.
  6 91983 1900     22.    20.    24.    30.    38.    59.
  6101983 1900     21.    32.    59.    23.    50.      .
  6111983 1900     20.    28.     6.    11.    37.    59.
  6121983 1900     19.     9.    29.    -5.   -41.      .
  6131983 1900     17.    52.    59.   -21.    -7.      .
  6141983 1900     16.    51.    47.   -30.   -21.      .
  6151983 1900     16.    23.    31.   -33.   -18.   -59.
  6161983 1900     15.    40.    53.   -36.   -57.      .
  6171983 1900     15.    15.    11.   -39.    -4.   -59.
  6181983 1900     14.    56.      .   -40.   -26.   -19.
  6191983 1900     14.    47.    37.   -40.   -22.    -6.
  6201983 1900     14.    37.     5.   -40.   -48.   -59.
  6211983 1900     14.    28.    43.   -41.    -8.    -6.
  6221983 1900     14.    23.    47.   -41.   -14.      .
  6231983 1900     14.    18.    30.   -41.   -23.      .
  6241983 1900     14.    14.     7.   -41.   -29.   -40.
  6251983 1900     14.    11.     6.   -41.   -32.   -13.
  6261983 1900     14.     8.     6.   -41.   -35.   -59.
  6271983 1900     14.     5.    34.   -41.   -39.   -13.
  6281983 1900     14.     3.    30.   -41.   -41.   -53.
  6291983 1900     14.     1.    54.   -41.   -44.      .

					Fred (ABI for now)