[comp.sys.apple2] All Tato Software Bought By BIG RED COMPUTER CLUB read on

delaneyg@wnre.aecl.ca ("H. Grant Delaney") (12/21/90)

Will I just received a copy of Print Shop Gs Companion from BIG RED COMPUTER 
Club and inside was packed a message stating that they had bought up all of
Tatao's remaining software

Qiz //e  $5
Renegade $5

Rastan (GS) $24
Arkanoiad II: Revenge of Doh  $15
Qix GS $5

Super GS COMBO Rastan,Arkanoid II and Qix  $35

That included shipping.  Now there's a Christmas suggestion for any of us

contact them at
402 379 4680
423 Norfolk Ave
Norfold, NE 68701

You can all buy the rest now my orders shipping tomorrow.