[comp.sys.apple2] UDC/Laser Drive

sb@pnet91.cts.com (Stephen Brown) (12/17/90)

I have been asked to inquire about using a Universal Disk Controller and a
Laser Drive using GS/OS. It doesn't work. Any ideas on how to make it work?
Anyone have a driver for the UDC?

I remember a year ago, maybe more, there was discussion on this very topic,
but I don't remember the outcome.

Apple II Forever.
Stephen Brown

UUCP: lsuc!graham!pnet91!sb
INET: sb@pnet91.cts.com

unknown@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (The Unknown User) (12/21/90)

In article <290@generic.UUCP> sb@pnet91.cts.com (Stephen Brown) writes:
>I have been asked to inquire about using a Universal Disk Controller and a
>Laser Drive using GS/OS. It doesn't work. Any ideas on how to make it work?
>Anyone have a driver for the UDC?
>I remember a year ago, maybe more, there was discussion on this very topic,
>but I don't remember the outcome.

	A great suggestion... DON'T!  I think everyone else will tell
you the same thing!

	You need the UDC to make it work on the GS (as you obviously already
know), so with the UDCs cost included, I don't believe it's too much cheaper.

	But it's more trouble than it's worth from everything I've heard about
it.  It doesn't work worth crap with copy protected software, you can't
use nibble editors with it...

	In GS/OS the drive doesn't know when you put in or take out
disks, I believe..

	They're SLOW, and you can't change the interleave... (The interleave
part I'm not absolutely certain about but it seems a reasonable guess).

	If you want to get a 3.5" drive, either get Apple's or AE's or
AMR's... All three of those plug directly into the Smartport....

	From what I've heard, it's definitely worth spending a little more
money to avoid a lot of hassles!
/Apple II(GS) Forever! unknown@ucscb.ucsc.edu MAIL ME FOR INFO ABOUT CHEAP CDs\
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