[comp.sys.apple2] A public note of appreciation to Dave Lyons

toddpw@globie.caltech.edu (Todd P. Whitesel) (12/23/90)

I want to publicly give a warm 'thank you' to Dave Lyons for actually reading
this newsgroup after the swamp of counterproductive posts finally dried up.

And remember folks, he's doing this on his own time.

Todd Whitesel
toddpw @ tybalt.caltech.edu

bsherman@mthvax.cs.miami.edu (Bob Sherman) (12/24/90)

In <1990Dec22.201014.7711@nntp-server.caltech.edu> toddpw@globie.caltech.edu (Todd P. Whitesel) writes:

>I want to publicly give a warm 'thank you' to Dave Lyons for actually reading
>this newsgroup after the swamp of counterproductive posts finally dried up.

>And remember folks, he's doing this on his own time.

>Todd Whitesel
>toddpw @ tybalt.caltech.edu

I would like to echo Todds remarks. Welcome back Dave. We missed you and
your many words of wisdom. Lets hope that with the dawning of 1991, this
will once again be a place you WANT to visit, and that your visits will
be enjoyable..

   bsherman@mthvax.cs.miami.edu | bsherman@pro-exchange | MCI MAIL:BSHERMAN 

wogg0743@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (William Shakespeare) (12/25/90)

I just want to second the note of appreciation for Dave Lyons.  He is a true
treasure in the Apple community.

Bill Gulstad

William ("Shakespeare") Gulstad     /   So where are the C.S. babes?
wogg0743@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu           /   Anyone have Soundsmith files for
I vote, so I can complain!          /   Joni Mitchell tunes?
Did you vote?  Then don't complain! /   Tune in, drop out, log on.

scott@hpuslma.STLOUIS.HP.COM (Jim Scott) (12/26/90)

My thanks to Dave Lyons, too; I still use Davex a lot even with the Finder
and ProSel-16 at my disposal.  It is faster to use and look at text files
as well as printing them to the Imagewriter II.  Thanks Dave.
