[comp.sys.apple2] Arkanoid II, etc.

lwv27@CAS.BITNET (12/29/90)

Well, I treated myself to the Big Red Apple's Taito GS software sale.
I really have enjoyed the software today (I ordered last Thur and got
it today).   Now I have some questions.  If anyone out there has
a description of how I can make a copy of Arkanoid II, Qix and
Rastan GS onto a hard disk I would like to hear.  Maybe it is just
a case of copying, but typically there is some trick needed.

Also, I understand there are some cheat CDAs for at least Qix and
Arkanoid II.  Are these available online?

Finally, There used to be a set of Arkanoid II screens which duplicated
the original Arkanoid screens.  Are these available via ftp anywhere?
Larry W. Virden                 UUCP: osu-cis!chemabs!lwv27
Same Mbox: BITNET: lwv27@cas    INET: lwv27%cas.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.Edu
Personal: 674 Falls Place,   Reynoldsburg,OH 43068-1614
America Online: lvirden

bill@pro-gateway.cts.com (Bill Long, SysOp) (12/31/90)

In-Reply-To: message from lwv27@CAS.BITNET

>it today).   Now I have some questions.  If anyone out there has
>a description of how I can make a copy of Arkanoid II, Qix and
>Rastan GS onto a hard disk I would like to hear.  Maybe it is just

Well, I know you can put Arkanoid II on your hard drive as long as you insert
the original disk so it can check to make sure you have the master disk. Not
very convenient, but at least it boots faster.

  Internet/ProLine: bill@pro-gateway.cts.com
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