al460@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Shane Zatezalo) (01/02/91)
I've been having REAL trouble with my new Transwarp GS, especially when in Proterm and Appleworks 3.0 I have a rom 01 GS, gsos 5.04, AE GS Ram + (3 meg) Ramfast (slot 7) Transwarp GS (slot 3) AE Sonic blaster (slot 1) I also have a U.S. Robotics HST on the modem port, and a 100 meg rodime on the ramfast. I called the ramfast techs, and from what we checked, the transwarp is the right rom version and is dma compatible. I've got many gsos errors lately, and just today got a Transwarp GS Failuire Code 0001 (for the first time) I powered up again, and it booted.... then I ran the transwarp system check and it turned out ok. I do NOT have any cda's nor nda's, and I am not using Twilight or anything of the sort.... just the bare gsos 5.04 and the ramfast driver for the hard drive. Any ideas what to do?