Time: 10:24 AM Date: 12/21/90 Subject: Re: ProTERM vs. Sys 5.0.3 I recently had a problem with proterm and prosel-16's (v8.63) Appointments CDA. I was losing characters, and when I would download files, I'd get time-out errors. Deactivating the CDA fixed the problem. If you are using Prosel-16, place a '-' after the filename and that will deactivate the CDA when you launch Proterm. Interupts... Interupts... I'm using Proterm V2.2 and System 5.0.4, by the way. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Joe M. Luzzi Internet: Joe@CSU.FULLERTON.EDU BITNET: LJMLUZZ@CALSTATE.EDU GENIE : JM.LUZZI AOL : JMLUZZI =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=