[net.space] whom to send to space, SFiction and SFact

REM%MIT-MC@sri-unix.UUCP (06/20/83)

From:  Robert Elton Maas <REM @ MIT-MC>

I propose we submit the question "what science-fiction writer most
derserves to get a ride on the shuttle" to SF-Lovers and let them
decide. Meanwhile we can concentrate on non-fiction science people
like Sagan. That way the debate over which sf writers have produced
the best work lately won't intrude on our non-fiction discussins of
space. Ok with others?
Then we'll have two candidates, one fiction and one non-fiction, and
we can either pick between them or suggest both be sent (I prefer the
latter, after all the STS has a lot of extra unused crew space, only 5
now, room for how many I don't remember, and the balance of viewpoint
should be good, the charm and wild fantasies and ideas of a fiction
author combined with the realism of a non-fiction person).