[comp.sys.apple2] HD Boot Problm and CtlPannel.NDA - Sometimes


Last night my HD would not boot - the HD being a 40M Inner Drive partioned
to a 20M apple drive and two msdos drives (for the PCT). I was using
GSOS 5.0.4. and UtilityWorks. I subsequently resolved the problem by
deleting all my desk accessories and the problem was resolved.

Tonight, I though I would see if I could find which NDA caused the problem.
I installed (copied) filetools, calculator, calendar and CtlPanel.NDA into
the Desk Accessories folder and rebooted; no boot - the GS would not boot
the HD.  I deleted all four desk accessories and rebooted (cold); no problem;
the HD booted.  I added back filetools, calculator and calendar and did a
cold boot; no problem; the HD booted. I addedl CtlPanel.NDA and did a cold
boot; failure; the GS HD would not boot.  I deleted all desk accessories and
did a cold boot; success, the HD booted.  I added all desk accessories (about
10 or so except CtlPanel.NDA); no problem, the HD booted. I then added
CtlPanel.NDA, which obviously (?!?) was the problem, expecting the HD not
to boot.  The DAMN thing booted! Does the sequence of the desk accessories
having anything to do with the problem?

When the HD failed to boot I got the error message I received last night -
"Control Manager not initialized error $ 1002".

Right now, with exactly the same setup that failed last night, the HD
boots. Can anyone tell me what is going on? It is all very confusing!

Ray Waxmonksy (waxmonrw@snybufva)