[comp.sys.apple2] Sound


	I was just thinking about the continious sound player and the problem
of creating sound files above and beyond the RAM that the owner's IIGS has.
Here are a couple of approaches to solve this problem...

	1) The sound player will take a list of sound files and play one right 
after another. Or it could be given a directory to read from and play all the 
sounds from it. This way a person could use Sonic Blaster and record segements 
of the sound file and play them all back at once and see how well they did and 
can go back and modify them.


	2) Create an additional program to take sound files and append them 
together. This can be difficult as different sampling rates will be a problem 
to listen to, unless the program makes a special sound file where it will 
have a header in front of each segment concerning the sampling rate and other 
such relevent information. {I like this idea} But then this way you could make 
your own medleys and such to listen to... 

| Hal Bouma				| Send mail to: SHBOUM@MACALSTR.EDU
| Macalester College			| GEnie : H.Bouma