v097pba8@ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu (Ken F Morton) (01/25/91)
Well, it' me again... I've come up with more or less exactly what I need in terms of code... I think it's not that difficult but beyond my means. If anyone could help me out a tad that would be pretty neat (hehe). What I need is the ability to read and write to the serial ports in order to write a Editor/Librarian for Synths (and some other applications). So I need a input routine and an output routine. Anyway, since one can change the parameters of the serial ports through basic commands that's no problem. Input routine: Reads the serial port and places data in memory for storage. The memory are must be quite large in order to hold SysEx dumps. The rountine should probably scan the port for $F0 (hex value for SysEx data and start with that byte. A BASIC peek routine will then place the data into an array for editing. (my problem :) Output routine will take data from the memory locations of the BASIC data array and put the through the serial port. Simple. One bit of desirabilty - direct write to a disk file instead of to memory for input (will allow great capacity for storage of data). Perferably a text file for easy BASIC manipulation. So can anyone help me out? Show off your programming skills! Make the world a better place! Be the hero of the net! Be cool! Thanks... Ken Morton v097pba8@ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu