[comp.sys.apple2] Apple Modem 1200

JRE103@psuvm.psu.edu (James R. Evans Jr.) (01/24/91)

   Well, it seems that after six years of faithfull service, my good old Apple
modem 1200 has finally decided to not work for me. Sometimes when it was in my
IIe and even my GS, when it was on for a while, it would start to push a bunch
of garbage onto the screen. I used to think it was the Super Serial Card, but
when I had got my GS, I used the modem port, and it would still do it. Now, I
can only use the modem for about 2 minutes before it starts pushing odd
characters from the cursor. I was wondering if anyone knew what it could be. If
 not, I was wondering about modem suggestions. I am currently looking at the
Viva 2400 with MNP5 which I can get for $139, and the Cardinal 2400 with MNP5
for about the same price. I hear good things about the Viva, but I've never
heard about any cardinal modems. I would really appreciate any help about the
problem, of suggestions about a new modem.

|   Jim (of course) Evans         JRE103@psuvm.psu.edu     \
 \                                                          \
  \   "Darn right I like my Apple IIGS!"                D-chi\

mcgu5464@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Ronald J Mcguire) (01/25/91)

In article <91023.204901JRE103@psuvm.psu.edu> JRE103@psuvm.psu.edu (James R. Evans Jr.) writes:
>Viva 2400 with MNP5 which I can get for $139, and the Cardinal 2400 with MNP5
>for about the same price. I hear good things about the Viva, but I've never
>heard about any cardinal modems. I would really appreciate any help about the
>problem, of suggestions about a new modem.

Well I got a Cardinal 2400 from CT back a ways, and its always worked great
for me on my GS... (Im using it now :-) I paid a little more, but it was
the difference between that and the Hayes that the Mac err, Apple dealer
was trying to sell me at 2x the price... He said it was "Clunky" and
"Clumsy." I have yet to figgure out what he means, as my CT2400 blows
away some other 2400s I've seen. You should look at a 9600, as they have
dropped quite a bit, and 2400 may soon head the way of the 1200s and
300s (GASP!)! It was only 5 years ago I was using a 300, and it seemed
like *everyone* had 300s. Only the lucky ones got 1200s... :-)