xrtnt@amarna.gsfc.nasa.gov (Nigel Tzeng) (01/30/91)
In article <21242@yunexus.YorkU.CA>, philip@yunexus.yorku.ca (Phil McDunnough) writes... >In article <1203@xroads.UUCP> cc@xroads.UUCP (Dan McGuirk) writes: >>Limited Edition Apple IIgs for sale >>Includes: > >[fully loaded GS described] > >I will give you $10.00 for this system. This is after deducting the >cost of my having to read your selfish posting to what is supposed >to be a research network. I assume there must be someone to complain >to about these for sale signs. This is not your local BBS. > >Philip McDunnough >University of Toronto >philip@utstat.toronto.edu >[my opinions, and possibly those of my employer who will "pull the >plug on this group if these for sale ads don't stop"...] A few suggestions: A) Don't threaten people. B) Learn how to use your newsreader so you don't start flamewars you'll never see in someone else's news group...in this case misc.forsale.computers. Check the follow up line in the article header...you'll note the the followups for this article don't go anywhere. Keep it that way and don't reply. C) Learn to use your newsreader so you can K)ill unwanted messages...such as forsale articles. This will save you time and keep every one else from having to listen to you whine because you don't know how to use your software. D) There isn't anyone to complain to. Just arrange to politely inform people that misc.forsale.computers exist and FOR SALE articles belong there. A monthly posting for new readers should include that sort of info. After all, this isn't your local BBS. There isn't a SYSOP to pull your account. E) There is no conspiracy to keep you from posting...the reason you never saw your post (I'm willing to bet you're wondering where it went) is because you posted to another group. The WRONG group I might add. If you are the paranoid sort there exists alt.conspiracy ;-). F) Don't threaten people. It annoys them...prompting messages such as this one and wastes even more bandwidth. For everyone else...my apologies for wasting your time. NT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Nigel Tzeng - STX Inc - NASA/GSFC COBE/SMEX Project \X/ | xrtnt@amarna.gsfc.nasa.gov or xrtnt@vx730.gsfc.nasa.gov | Amiga | Standard Disclaimer Applies: The opinions expressed are my own.