[comp.sys.apple2] Help with an editLine in a dialog box

daveh@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (David H. Huang) (01/29/91)

How do I get the handle (or is it a pointer?) to the editline text? According
to the Toolbox ref's Dialog manager chapter, the item descriptor of an editline
is the pointer to the default string (this is a pascal string, right?) and
the item value is the maximum length of the text. No where does it mention
how to get at this text. Also, when I type into the editLine, the cursor
moves, but nothing shows up...


David Huang                                 |
Internet: daveh@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu          |     "My ganglion is stuck in
UUCP: ...!ut-emx!ccwf.cc.utexas.edu!daveh   |      a piece of chewing gum!"
America Online: DrWho29                     |

dlyons@Apple.COM (David A. Lyons) (02/05/91)

In article <43356@ut-emx.uucp> daveh@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (David H. Huang) writes:
>How do I get the handle (or is it a pointer?) to the editline text? According
>to the Toolbox ref's Dialog manager chapter, the item descriptor of an editline
>is the pointer to the default string (this is a pascal string, right?) and
>the item value is the maximum length of the text. No where does it mention
>how to get at this text. Also, when I type into the editLine, the cursor
>moves, but nothing shows up...

You want GetIText, page 6-56 (Dialog Manager).

Most likely your text is now showing up because your item rectangle isn't
tall enough--I think 10(?) pixels tall is a good height (allow one pixel above
and below the hilited text before you hit the frame rectangle).
David A. Lyons, Apple Computer, Inc.      |   DAL Systems
Apple II System Software Engineer         |   P.O. Box 875
America Online: Dave Lyons                |   Cupertino, CA 95015-0875
GEnie: D.LYONS2 or DAVE.LYONS         CompuServe: 72177,3233
Internet/BITNET:  dlyons@apple.com    UUCP:  ...!ames!apple!dlyons
My opinions are my own, not Apple's.

daveh@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (David H. Huang) (02/05/91)

In article <48809@apple.Apple.COM> dlyons@Apple.COM (David A. Lyons) writes:
>In article <43356@ut-emx.uucp> daveh@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (David H. Huang) writes:
>>How do I get the handle (or is it a pointer?) to the editline text? According
>>to the Toolbox ref's Dialog manager chapter, the item descriptor of an editline
>>is the pointer to the default string (this is a pascal string, right?) and
>>the item value is the maximum length of the text. No where does it mention
>>how to get at this text. Also, when I type into the editLine, the cursor
>>moves, but nothing shows up...
>You want GetIText, page 6-56 (Dialog Manager).

Yeah, Steven Chiang of DreamWorld Software pointed that out to me (thanks
Steve :-)

>Most likely your text is now showing up because your item rectangle isn't
>tall enough--I think 10(?) pixels tall is a good height (allow one pixel above
>and below the hilited text before you hit the frame rectangle).

Yup, that was the problem... wouldn't it be easier to have the tools clip
the text to fit in the rectangle instead of not showing it at all?

>David A. Lyons, Apple Computer, Inc.      |   DAL Systems
>Apple II System Software Engineer         |   P.O. Box 875
>America Online: Dave Lyons                |   Cupertino, CA 95015-0875
>GEnie: D.LYONS2 or DAVE.LYONS         CompuServe: 72177,3233
>Internet/BITNET:  dlyons@apple.com    UUCP:  ...!ames!apple!dlyons
>My opinions are my own, not Apple's.

Well, glad to see you're reading comp.sys.apple2 again!{ Hope some of the
DTS people come back too.

David Huang                                 |
Internet: daveh@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu          |     "My ganglion is stuck in
UUCP: ...!ut-emx!ccwf.cc.utexas.edu!daveh   |      a piece of chewing gum!"
America Online: DrWho29                     |