[comp.sys.apple2] Prosel Updates

ccw@nvuxr.UUCP (christopher wood) (02/06/91)

In article <m0j3OaB-00008cC@jartel.info.com> daveharv@pro-novapple.cts.com (Dave Harvey (SysAdmin)) writes:
>  In-Reply-To: message from kreme@isis.cs.du.edu
> One way to get the Prosel update is to send your original disk back to Glen
> along with $5 for the update plus $5 for shipping.  He now has a printed
> manual (or soon will have) that you can get also for a total of $20 plus $5
> shipping.

What is the latest version of ProSel 8?  The version I got last summer
through one of the mail order houses seems kinda buggy, and I was
wondering whether there was a newer version?

Chris Wood     Bellcore     ...!bellcore!nvuxr!ccw
                         or ccw@nvuxr.cc.bellcore.com