[comp.sys.apple2] APPLE II DISK DRIVES -- a *plea*

thlayli@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (Lord Thlayli Merriadoc Valentine of Kalakiryande) (02/17/91)

Hello... I'm the SysOp of Milliways IIN in Los Angeles (213) 559-8723, to
those who have heard of us, and I'm in desperate need of a disk drive that
can run on an Apple IIGS. Old Apple Disk ]['s, DuoDiskDrives, 5.25 Drives,
3.5 Drives... anything that a GS can run is perfect. If you have anything
like this that you are willing to sell or give away, please email me
at thlayli@ucscb.ucsc.edu. The fate of Milliways depends on you! thanks

There is no .sig. There is only zuul. This is a recording.