[comp.sys.apple2] Want: Appleworks 3.0

rc3h+@andrew.cmu.edu (Ross Ward Comer) (02/24/91)

I am looking for Appleworks 3.0 for my Apple IIc (w/3.5" drive).  Is
anyone interested in selling theirs (with *full* documentation, of
course :-)?  Otherwise, since I'm out of touch with the Apple II
mail-order market, what is the best place (in other words, least
expensive but still reputable) to order it from?


Ross Comer                |   ARPA:   rc3h@andrew.cmu.edu
PO Box 262, CMU           |   Bitnet: rc3h@andrew.cmu.edu
Pittsburgh, Pa.  15213    |   UUCP:   ...!harvard!andrew.cmu.edu!rc3h