thlayli@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (lord thlayli merriadoc valentine of kalakiryande) (02/26/91)
I am now in possession of one (1) 3.5" disk drive, made for the Apple //e. I suspect that it's 400k, and I know that it doesn't run on a IIGS (maybe on a Mac, but I don't have one to try it). It has no brand name, a manual pushbutton eject, and says "Made in Japan" (but what isn't). It apparently works fine, just not with my GS, so I don't want it. Definitely works with //e, but won't read GS disks. It has a Duo-Disk-like connector (looks like a GS Smartport), and I'll throw in an adaptor that makes it pluggable with Disk ][ cards. $100 (including postage) or best offer. ---- there is no zuul. there is only .sig.