[comp.sys.apple2] PC Curses on tybalt

fadden@cory.Berkeley.EDU (Andy McFadden) (03/07/91)

About 2.5 years ago I thought about porting curses to the //gs.  I grabbed
a copy of "pccurses" from a Usenet posting, and (since I didn't have a C
compiler at the time) I stuck it in a archive.

And completely forgot about it...

I ran across it while digging through my storage disks, so I uploaded it
and put it in the "uploads" section on tybalt.caltech.edu.  Those of you
who hunger for a curses port should take a look at what's there (that's

fadden@cory.berkeley.edu (Andy McFadden)
fadden@hermes.berkeley.edu (when cory throws up)