taob@pnet91.cts.com (Brian Tao) (02/11/91)
I e-mailed this, but it bounced, so here it is: To: utah-cs!esunix!kpopple@utzoo.UUCP > I have been considering developing a VGA resolution display card for > the Apple. But now I need to know what the requirements would be for > QuickDraw compatability? What are the requirements for QuickDraw? I know that QuickDraw II can support resolutions of up to 32k-by-32k pixels, but you might need a RAM patch to let it take advantage of larger screen real estate. I doubt any current application would work in anything other than the SHR modes we have now. > I have not determined the exact resolution, but what would be needed > and at what price. VRAMs would make the design easy and small, but > raise the cost alot! So what would YOU pay for a 768x640x8 video > card, or a 1024x768x8 or how about x16 or x24 bit color? What would > frame capture capability add to its function? Right now, I can't justify buying a 1024x768x8-bit video card (even though I have the money) simply because I wouldn't be able to put it to any good use (other than maybe to view x-rated GIF's... ;) ) Of course, if more applications took advantage of the better graphics, then I would say I'd be willing to fork out $300 for the card. It's not the video card that's expensive (the 1 meg of VRAM is probably the most expensive component), but the new monitor I have to get. Any ultra-res GS video card had better be compatible with VGA monitors, which can be had for relatively cheap these days in the IBM world. I would pay $800 for the video card/monitor combo. Brian T. Tao {taob@pnet91.cts.com} || Computer guru? Someone who got University of Metro Toronto || their computer a couple of weeks Scarberia, ON, MIC 3A8 *B-) || before you did. (Alvin Toffler)
baaugfes@hotcity.COM (Kent Keltner) (02/21/91)
Hello, I must address such silly posts with one of use. You guys OBVIOUSLY don't know what's been going on. a Person named Pete Snowberg is working on a VGA Card. What we're looking for is a good programmer for a BLITTER (To convert Psygnosis products to the IIgs). If someone is willing to handle the Blitter and/or "The Killing Game Show GS", please, E-mail me at prisoner@darkside.com. You will get a better deal than Larry O'Conner (LRO Computer Sales/New Concepts) could give/screw you with. What's a GS VGA Card for? Not the stupid "GIF Viewer ONLY" project. If someone wants to work on one, please mail me. Since we're throwing this fest, I want some feedback! What VGA Would do for the GS: VGA wouldn't be that stupid since one of the GS's biggest shortfalls (at least for me) is it's lack of square pixles. VGA gives you a bunch of modes that don't have 'em as well as a couple that do. I just happen to have to list of VGA modes here so I'll list'em out.... TEXT MODES: Col*Row Colors CharBox Pages 40*25 16 8*8 8 80*25 16 8*8 8 40*25 16 8*14 8 80*25 16 8*14 8 40*25 16 9*16 8 80*25 16 9*16 8 80*25 2 9*14 8 80*25 2 9*16 8 132*25 16 8*14 8 132*43 16 8*8 5 And now for GRAPHICS MODES: Col*Row Colors (out of) Pages 320*200 2 ? 1 320*200 16 ?64? 4 320*200 256 262,144 1 640*200 2 ? 1 640*200 16 ?64? 4 640*350 2 ? 2 640*350 16 ?64? 2 640*480 2 ? 1 640*480 16 ?64? 1 800*600 16 ? 1 I would assume that he is using a standard VLSI VGA chip to do this so with 256K you should be able to get all these modes if you have a monitor that can support them. Does anybody know if he'll incluse the ability to expand to 512K? (Arn't rumors sooo much fun?) Now about monitors.... You can get a Multi-Sync monitor that will handle all the above rezes (new word) as well as the additional ones supported by 512K VGA boards (like 1024*768!) for like $350 these days from a normal store (JDR), I wonder what they would cost at a swap meet!? I don't think that any board would be able to easily change the GS screen data to VGA on a hardware basis, but QuickDraw ][ (which is not) could be modified to an extent to support larger screens. I have also heard a couple of rumors about the card, (1) One way or another, the Quickie hand scanner will support it, (2) The new Visionary software (Allison) will support the extended colors, (3) Emerald Vision the 3200 color paint program will support the card, and maybe neatest of all.... (4) there may be a DTP program written to show off the card as well as to let you do REAL DTP on the GS (Appleworks GS is LAME!)! I got all the above rumors from the floor of Applefest and the GEnie party afterward form REALLY good sources that I think are trustable. Has anybody else heard about this thing? -- (This stuff is true, only problem being that Larry attempted to screw Pete too, but he got out fast enough (He was involved in the Burger Bill/Virtual Realities mess>... We want to give people a fair shake, as long as they don't think it's a free ride for them to screw us. If anyone out there actually cares what happens to their computer and want to see it do a 180 turn from it's destination to the grave, I think you should take a look and see just how serious the BAAUGFest is.) Be Seeing You. -the Prisoner "Apple II...For at least another 5 years if I can help it." (5 years of strong support, too!)
cmcurtin@bluemoon.uucp (Matthew Curtin) (02/22/91)
baaugfes@hotcity.COM (Kent Keltner) writes: > (Arn't rumors sooo much fun?) Now about monitors.... You can get a Multi-Sync > monitor that will handle all the above rezes (new word) as well as the > additional ones supported by 512K VGA boards (like 1024*768!) for like $350 > these days from a normal store (JDR), I wonder what they would cost at a swap > meet!? I don't think that any board would be able to easily change the GS > screen data to VGA on a hardware basis, but QuickDraw ][ (which is not) could > be modified to an extent to support larger screens. I have also heard a coupl > of rumors about the card, (1) One way or another, the Quickie hand scanner > will > support it, (2) The new Visionary software (Allison) will support the extende > colors, (3) Emerald Vision the 3200 color paint program will support the card > and maybe neatest of all.... (4) there may be a DTP program written to show > off > the card as well as to let you do REAL DTP on the GS (Appleworks GS is LAME!) Wow! I hadn't heard anything about this. I would be very interested in a product like this, as I use my IIgs for DTP (isn't GraphicWriter III neat?), and was rather upset by the lack of monitors. (hmm... do I want Apple's ONLY IIgs monitor, or Magnivox's ONLY IIgs monitor?) With the capability of VGA, this would open up a whole new world of video for all us IIgs users, including 2-page screens and res of 1024x768, as opposed to 640x200 (weenie by comparison). Does anyone know when we can expect this? ______________________________________________________________________________ | C. Matthew Curtin ! "This is a strange game. The only way to | | P.O. Box 27081 ! win is not to play." -Joshua | | Columbus, OH 43227-0081 !---------------------------------------------| | cmcurtin@bluemoon.uucp _______!______________Apple_II_Forever!______________|
stc7@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Steven T Chiang) (02/24/91)
Kent Keltner and Harry K. Zink....please leave me an email address, that I can reach you at...because my mailer doesn't recognize your current addresses... thanks _______________________________________________ _______________ | Steve Chiang Apple //gs Forever! | Coming Soon: | |-----------------------------------------------|---------------| | Columbia University in the Harlem area :P | DreamGrafix: | | Internet : stc7@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu | 3200 color | | America_Online : DWS Steve | power | |_______________________________________________|_______________|
hzink@alchemy.UUCP (Harry K. Zink) (02/26/91)
baaugfes@hotcity.COM (Kent Keltner) writes: > I'd like to start this post with an apology to a few people. To Harry > Zink, to Pete Snowberg, to Ron Mercer, and to DreamWorld Software. Apology Accepted > prisoner@darkside.com. You will get a better deal than Larry O'Conner (LRO > Computer Sales/New Concepts) could give/screw you with. ...stuff deleted... > (This stuff is true, only problem being that Larry attempted to screw Pete > too, but he got out fast enough (He was involved in the Burger Bill/Virtual > Realities mess>... > I think you should take a look and see just how serious the BAAUGFest is.) Another way to convince us of the serious nature of BAAUGFEST would be to refrain from slanderous and personal remarks in the future. Larry/LRO has never tried to screw Pete to the best of my knowledge (as well as PeteUs knowledge, to whom this is news...). Larry, at this time, is the only Apple II person out there at this time who is actively supporting the Apple II by spending large amounts of money on developing new products for that platform. Though he has ads in A+/Incider, that does not mean that he is some rich and slick Wall Street type who is raking in the bucks. He is not. Computer Sales is allowing him to support New Concepts which is currently developing several exciting new products for the Apple II line (for one of which, the Visionary Digitizing Card, I am proud to have been part of the development team). Naturally, those who have seen samples of the Allison software, are aware how exciting the softwares capabilities are. Without Larry, neither the Visionary nor Allison would be where they are today! In your apology, though, you persist: > LRO Computer Sales-I'm going by what I heard time and time over again. > I am not at Liberty to say exactly what I've heard, but it is a company > I plan NOT to purchase from. I'll leave it at that. So, you are telling us that you go solely by hearsay and that you refuse to discuss even what you heard. Yet, you accept that third party testimony as true, and you wonUt even make any attempt to verify the information. Your actions of slandering Larry and trying to hinder his business can only have one absolute intention: To turn people away from him and to get him out of business. Naturally, you realize that this is a strange thing to do for one who in the same breath stated his support for the Apple II world, donUt you think? In the future, I would appreciate it if you would either chose a less public medium for your mesages, or that you thouroughly verify your information before publication, or just have less to drink before accesing on-line services. > (Gosh, use one account and people jump all over you...) Not for the mere use, but *WHAT* you do with it. > Be Seeing You. > -the Prisoner > "Apple II...For at least another 5 years if I can help it." > (5 years of strong support, too!) uucp : ucrmath!alchemy!hzink | Financial Independence *CAN* be Yours! INET : hzink@alchemy.uucp | 24hr Taped Information Hotline (714) 276-2020 -----------------------------+------------------------------------------------ Wesley: "Captain, this doesn't look like the holodeck to me." Worf: "Ready to cycle airlock, Captain." Picard: "Make it so."
6600prao@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu (Parik Rao) (03/05/91)
Can you elaborate a bit on this "blitter chip" project? Your last post was a bit vague. How much is the projected cost? Who's making it? How do you plan on hooking into the system (ie, forcing users to unplug the vgc chip could make things difficult, esp considering that the rom 03 has the vgc chip soldered, not socketed!)? Who to contact for moral support / development inquiries? There are many people interested in such a thing, but after the TurboRez fiasco its better to get all the info first than create a lot of hype and have things crash around us. -- Parik Rao, University of California Santa Barbara 6600prao@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu
lhaider@pro-beagle.cts.com (Laer Haider) (03/08/91)
In-Reply-To: message from 6600prao@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu Has anyone looked at/considered the possibility in using CEG (continuous edge graphics) technology that is just becoming available for VGA display adapters? This sounds like something that can be incorporated into the IIGS display to give it a 4X enhanced virtual resolution and several times the color displaying capability. Seeing the reviews of this thing makes me want to go out and buy a '386! The chips are already available for about $30 a set, and you might be able to get licensing info from it's developers (Edsun Laboratories (I can't find info about where they are based) source: PC Magazine - Vol. 10 No. 3, February 12, 1991). / _______________________________________________ \ / / ProLine: pro-beagle!lhaider \\\' , / // INET: lhaider@pro-beagle.cts.com \\\//, _/ //, UUCP: crash!pro-beagle!lhaider \_-//' / //<, ARPA: crash!pro-beagle!lhaider@nosc.mil \ /// <//` / >> \\\`__/_ The opinions expressed here belong to nobody! /,)-^>>_\`, \\\ (Anybody see nobody lately?) (/ \\ /\\\ ----------------------------------------------- // _//\\\\ ((` ((