[comp.sys.apple2] How do you quit to Prodos8 from basic

quigley@convex.com (Jeff Quigley) (03/07/91)

What else can I say? I want to get back to the prodos8 selector from 
the ']' prompt in Prodos Basic (or an applesoft program for that matter).
What do I do?
Jeff Quigley
Convex Computer Corporation				quigley@convex.com
3000 Waterview Parkway
Richardson, TX 75080					    (214) 497-4439
Jeff Quigley
Convex Computer Corporation				quigley@convex.com
3000 Waterview Parkway
Richardson, TX 75080					    (214) 497-4439

jdeitch@umiami.ir.miami.edu (Jonathan Deitch) (03/07/91)

quigley@convex.com (Jeff Quigley) writes:

> What else can I say? I want to get back to the prodos8 selector from 
> the ']' prompt in Prodos Basic (or an applesoft program for that matter).
> What do I do?
> -- 
> Jeff Quigley
> Convex Computer Corporation				quigley@convex.com
> 3000 Waterview Parkway
> Richardson, TX 75080					    (214) 497-443

Enter the command "BYE" and the ] prompt.

- Jonathan 
Internet : jdeitch@umiami.miami.edu       "Good musicians execute
                                           their music but bad ones
Voice : (305) - 284 - 6482                 murder it !!! "

johnc@pro-sherwood.cts.com (John Cloninger) (03/09/91)

In-Reply-To: message from quigley@convex.com

Simply type 'BYE' from prodos BASIC, and you're into the selector.

ProLine : johnc@pro-sherwood             
Internet: johnc@pro-sherwood.cts.com
    UUCP: crash!pro-sherwood!johnc
    ARPA: crash!pro-sherwood!johnc@nosc.mil

aford@pro-mansion.cts.com (Adam Ford) (03/09/91)

In-Reply-To: message from quigley@convex.com

>From the ']' prompt, just type BYE.

ProLine:  aford@pro-mansion                            
Internet: aford@pro-mansion                                            
UUCP:     crash!pro-mansion!aford         
ARPA:     crash!pro-mansion!aford@nosc.mil
BitNet:   aford%pro-mansion.cts.com@nosc.mil