[comp.sys.apple2] TeX on the GS

acmfiu@serss0.fiu.edu (ACMFIU) (03/19/91)

I have finally passed the trip test for TeX on the Sun 4's here at school
and now have a fully functional TeX system. I am currently working on the
other plethora of TeX-related material (PLtoTF, Tangle, Weave, PoolType,
etc.). For those of you eagerly awaiting this to appear on your GS systems,
you'll have to wait 'til years end at most. I'm just too swamped right now
to do what I want to TeX before I release *any* version to the public. I
would also like to get every TeX-related piece of software running on the

To the best of my knowledge, Orca/C 1.2 should compile this without any
problems (Mike fixed a bug in the 1.1 version that caused a problem). Like
I said, though, I have no intention of compiling this on Orca until many
months from now.

So why the post, well, I'd like to have a complete TeX system (and MF,
previewer, DVI drivers) based on the GS-Desktop. This will require a great
deal of work but I like TeX enough to do it (and who doesn't like TeX :)
My questions is, what things should I be concentrating on. While I have
not really set anything down in stone yet, I am open to suggestions as
to where I should be headed (with the desktop version, that is). What
do you want in it? Should TeX give more "user-friendly" error messages?
Should TeX sessions be interactive (i.e. compile a TeX file and exit *only*
when TeX finishes parsing the file) or do you want to have everything open
on the desktop and do whatever you please?

Please, tell me anything.

albert chin