[comp.sys.apple2] Pooh hunt

dgs@dvncnms.Devoncnms.Unisys.COM (Dave G. Sokolowsky) (04/02/91)

I believe I recall seeing a Winnie The Pooh program a few years ago before my
daughter was born.  Now that she is entering the computer age and is a complete
Pooh fanatic, I would like to get this program, or at least find out what it
is.  How do I find it?  I don't know who published it. 

Dave S.

Dave Sokolowsky     | UUCP: uunet!cbmvax!gvlv2!tredysvr!dvnspc1!dvncnms!dgs
Unisys Corp.        |
Wayne PA 19087      | Internet: dgs@dvncnms.devoncnms.Unisys.COM
USA (215) 341-1323  |

2hnemarrow@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu (04/03/91)

In article <675@dvncnms.Devoncnms.Unisys.COM>, dgs@dvncnms.Devoncnms.Unisys.COM (Dave G. Sokolowsky) writes:
> I believe I recall seeing a Winnie The Pooh program a few years ago before my
> daughter was born.  Now that she is entering the computer age and is a complete
> Pooh fanatic, I would like to get this program, or at least find out what it
> is.  How do I find it?  I don't know who published it. 

Oh bother.  I have never seen that program.  If you ever do find it, let me
know and I'll do the same.  Or maybe I'll just write one.  Yes, I think that
would be best, but I don't suppose I'm right.