[comp.sys.apple2] Hot RUMORS in Apple II Land

bsherman@MTHVAX.CS.MIAMI.EDU (Bob Sherman) (03/30/91)

The following consists of information I have gathered in recent talks
with people who claim to be in the know (read are Apple employees)..

I make no representation on my part as to how factual they are or are not.

Well, from some very good sources, I put together the following
observations from deep throat Apple... There is currently much stiring
in the Apple II BUSINESS division.. In past couple of weeks they hired a 
guy that used to work for Turner Broadcasting in Atlanta to become the
Apple II Business division software developer evangelist.. Supposed to
stir up interest in developing Apple II software.. Jane Lee just recently 
was in meetings with the Skullman presenting her latest business plans.. 

While it has been announced that there are no current plans for a new
stand alone II cpu, they do not consider an "upgraded" cpu to be a new
cpu, and there may well be an upgrade "reasonably priced" in the II
future.. There will be a LARGE speed increase for the GS when 6.0
is released later this year, Just as it looked that it was almost finished,
it appears that they have ripped it open to do more to it.. With it will
come the proper tools (read mac and messydos FST's) to properly use the 
Apple HDFD superdrives which will be made available for the GS and perhaps
for the IIe..

Increased distributions of the II line (no,no, not Sears) through
users groups and maybe even mail order.... Did Apple say mail order??

Now get this part, if per chance you wander into an Apple Dealer, and alas
there are no Apple GS or other Apple II machines on display, you are
supposed to ask the dealer if they are Apple II authorized dealers, (some
places such as BusinessLand ane not authorized Apple II).. If the guy says
yes they are, and he does not have any II cpu's to show, you are to ask
to use his phone to make an 800 call, dial the Apple 800 customer help
line, and loud enough for the dealer to overhear report them right then and
there.. Seems they are REQUIRED to have the product :-) It is claimed
that Apple will respond to the complaint through proper channels to either
get II's into the showroom or deauthorize the dealer.. 

It seems the IIe once again had a banner year, however it looks as though
the mac classic will this year outsell the best year that the Apple II
ever had........  But the LC???? that's a whole different matter..

There's lots more, but this is the best of the story...


   bsherman@mthvax.cs.miami.edu |                         | MCI MAIL:BSHERMAN 

whitewolf@gnh-starport.cts.com (Tae Song) (04/05/91)

|The following consists of information I have gathered in recent talks
|with people who claim to be in the know (read are Apple employees)..
|I make no representation on my part as to how factual they are or are not.
|Well, from some very good sources, I put together the following
|observations from deep throat Apple... There is currently much stiring
|in the Apple II BUSINESS division.. In past couple of weeks they hired a
|guy that used to work for Turner Broadcasting in Atlanta to become the
|Apple II Business division software developer evangelist.. Supposed to
|stir up interest in developing Apple II software.. Jane Lee just recently
|was in meetings with the Skullman presenting her latest business plans..
|While it has been announced that there are no current plans for a new
|stand alone II cpu, they do not consider an "upgraded" cpu to be a new
|cpu, and there may well be an upgrade "reasonably priced" in the II
|future.. There will be a LARGE speed increase for the GS when 6.0
|is released later this year, Just as it looked that it was almost finished,
|it appears that they have ripped it open to do more to it.. With it will
|come the proper tools (read mac and messydos FST's) to properly use the
|Apple HDFD superdrives which will be made available for the GS and perhaps
|for the IIe..
|Increased distributions of the II line (no,no, not Sears) through
|users groups and maybe even mail order.... Did Apple say mail order??
|Now get this part, if per chance you wander into an Apple Dealer, and alas
|there are no Apple GS or other Apple II machines on display, you are
|supposed to ask the dealer if they are Apple II authorized dealers, (some
|places such as BusinessLand ane not authorized Apple II).. If the guy says
|yes they are, and he does not have any II cpu's to show, you are to ask
|to use his phone to make an 800 call, dial the Apple 800 customer help
|line, and loud enough for the dealer to overhear report them right then and
|there.. Seems they are REQUIRED to have the product :-) It is claimed
|that Apple will respond to the complaint through proper channels to either
|get II's into the showroom or deauthorize the dealer..
|It seems the IIe once again had a banner year, however it looks as though
|the mac classic will this year outsell the best year that the Apple II
|ever had........  But the LC???? that's a whole different matter..
|There's lots more, but this is the best of the story...

Yes, CHEERS!!!  I only hope this isn't someones idea of an April Fool's Joke!
I've had my GS for little over 2 years and since added RamFAST, 80MB HD, and
GSX, 4MB, etc.  I blew out my sound chip and planned on getting a ROM 03 in a
couple of months.  I hope it's all true... cause several stores have stopped
caring GSes where I live (MD).