Time: 10:24 AM Date: 12/21/90 Subject: Re: Stylewriter =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >>I saw an ad for the new StyleWriter in the Daily Nebraskan, a campus >>publication, and went to take a look at it. Its a page feed printer, >>very small footprint, and costs just a little more than an ImageWriter II. >>I am tempted to get it, but I am wondering about compatibility with an >>Apple IIgs. How would it handle an ASCII printout? Does it need anything >>special to function? Yes, the Stylewriter requires a Mac to function properly. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Joe M. Luzzi Internet: Joe@CSU.FULLERTON.EDU BITNET: LJMLUZZ@CALSTATE.EDU GENIE : JM.LUZZI AOL : JMLUZZI =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=