[comp.sys.apple2] Frequently Asked Questions

dave@mystie.rtp.dg.com (David Kopper) (11/29/90)

[Last edited on November 28, 1990]

I would like to thank Larry W. Virden for his help with this document.


Hi!  Welcome to the comp.sys.apple2 newsgroup!

This article contains the answers to some Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ) often seen in comp.sys.apple2.  I am posting
this article to help reduce volume in this newsgroup and to
provide hard-to-find information of general interest.

I hope it answers some of your questions.

Table of Contents:

       + What is comp.sys.apple2?  What is INFO-APPLE?
       + What are the comp.binaries.apple2 and comp.sources.apple2?
       + What is BinScii? 
       + What is Shrinkit?
       + What is Kermit?
       + What is the current system disk?
       + What Apple II magazines are there?
       + What are technotes?
       + What is FTP?
       + What is BITFTP?
       + What are the Apple II FTP sites?
       + What is APPLE2-L?
       + What is APDA?
       + Future questions for the FAQ
       + Editors Notes

      + indicates questions new to this article
      * indicates questions/answers with changes of content since the
        last issue

Subject: What is comp.sys.apple2?  What is INFO-APPLE?

    Comp.sys.apple2 is a Usenet newsgroup that was created for the
    discussion of the Apple II series of computers. This forum provides
    a way for interested people to compare notes, ask questions, and
    share insights about Apple IIs.  It works by users posting a message
    via specialized software to a local file on their system, and that
    message being passed along to all of the 30,000+ other systems around
    the world that share Usenet files.

    INFO-APPLE is a mailing list that is maintained on some networks
    other than Usenet.  Comp.sys.apple2 messages are sent to INFO-APPLE
    and INFO-APPLE messages are sent to comp.sys.apple2.
    The central location of INFO-APPLE is at apple.com (thank you Apple

    I believe that the same kind of thing is being done for ProLine.
    Could someone please fill me in on some details?

    Does anyone know of other folks doing the same thing for other

    On BITNET, LISTSERVers are available to distribute the mail messages.
    It works by maintaining a list of users who wish to see the messages
    in their mailbox.

    To subscribe (or (sadly) unsubscribe): send your request to
    info-apple-request@apple.com . Please do not send subscription
    requests to info-apple@apple.com!!!!
    To post a message to the thousands of readers of INFO-APPLE
    (and comp.sys.apple2) subscribers send their messages to
    INFO-APPLE@apple.com .  There is no need for comp.sys.apple2
    users to do this - they can use the standard posting features of

    There is no need to subscribe to INFO-APPLE when you are getting
    comp.sys.apple2, since the messages are identical.

    Commercial messages and advertisements are discouraged in both

Subject: What are the comp.binaries.apple2 and comp.sources.apple2?

    Comp.binaries.apple2 is a newsgroup used to distribute public
    domain, freeware, and shareware Apple II software (executables,
    pictures, sounds, etc...).  Software distributed on
    comp.binaries.apple2 is expected to be BinScii text of Shrinkit

    Comp.sources.apple2 is a newsgroup used to distribute public
    domain, freeware, and shareware Apple II source code.  There
    are guidelines on the format in the comp.sources.apple2

    Distributing commercial software is a crime - just don't do it!

Subject:  What is BinScii?

    This is a program which takes an Apple file and converts it to a
    format suitable for transfer via email or 7 bit file transfer.
    The output is not self contained - one must use BinScii on the
    receiving end to convert the file back into usable format.

    Advantages of BinScii are that the files tend to be smaller (than
    the same file ran through executioner), and the conversion back
    into binary can be done without having to strip off mail headings,
    converting line feeds to carriage returns or executing a binary
    program that may not be a text decoding program.

    BinScii also will break up your file into smaller pieces and is
    able to put the pieces back together without the user having to
    be careful what order he does things.

    BinScii was written by Dave Whitney <dcw@hsing-hsing.lcs.mit.edu>,
    of Zlink fame.

Sub-Subject: Is there a Unix version to BinScii?

    SciiBin is a C implementation of BinScii.  It works well under
    most Unix or Unix-like operating systems.  I also believe that
    it can be made to work under MSDOS (but don't quote me on that!).

    SciiBin version 1.30 was written by Marcel J.E. Mol, Dave Whitney
    and Bruce Kahn.

Sub-Subject: What is Executioner?

    Executioner was the standard program that converted Apple II files
    into text to be mailed/posted.  It is no longer considered the
    standard on comp.binaries.apple2. 

    Executioner was like BinScii, in that it translated an Apple II
    file into text to be send via email or 7 bit wide transfer methods.
    Only the 4 bit mode was safe to use (other modes used characters
    that got translated incorrectly between machines on the network).

    To translate an Executioner text file to an Apple II file required
    that you delete the mail headers/trailers, translated the newlines
    into carriage returns, download the file to your Apple II and from
    Applesoft Basic, type the command 'EXEC <filename>' where <filename>
    is the name of the file you downloaded.

    Note: After the last line of the Executioner text, there needs to
    be a blank line.  This blank line indicates the end of the text
    that gets translated back into an Apple II file.

    Executioner was written by Glen Bredon, of ProCMD and ProSEL fame.

Subject:  What is Shrinkit?

    This is a program which takes one or more Apple II ProDOS
    files and 'archives' them into a NuFX archive.  The NuFX
    archives are shrunk with the LZW compression routines.
    Shrinkit has many options, such as whole disk compression,
    disk formatting, looking at text files, etc.  Shrinkit also
    has the ability to unBLU BLU files - more on BLU in a couple
    of questions.

    The current revision number of Shrinkit is 3.0.3.

    The IIgs version of Shrinkit is named GShk (the current
    version number is 1.0.3).  GShk can do all that Shrinkit
    can do and more.  Some of the additions are the ability
    to unarchive different archive types (Unix compress, PC
    Arc, Mac StuffIt) and the ability to create/extract Apple
    Single files - this is becoming more significant as resources
    are being used more frequently in IIgs software.

    Shrinkit+ and UnShrinkit+ are two programs for the Apple II+.

    Shrinkit, GShk, Shrinkit+ and UnShrinkit+ were written by
    Andy Nicholas <shrinkit@apple.com>.

Sub-Subject: What is nulib?

    Nulib is a C implementation of Shrinkit.  It also works very well
    under most Unix or Unix-like operating systems. 

    Nulib was written by Andy McFadden <fadden@cory.berkeley.edu>.

Sub-Subject: What is BLU?

    BLU is the 'father' of Shrinkit.  The goal of BLU was to take one
    or more Apple II ProDOS files and 'archive' them into a single
    Apple II file. It could perform a Huffman compression on the
    individual pieces if the user so desired.

    The resulting files were named Bunny files (.BNY).  BLU files
    that were compressed were .BQY files.

    The current use of BLU is in telecommunications, where the
    filetype information is preserved.  This is why you can find
    archives that are Shrinkit (or NuFX) archives wrapped in a
    BLU header.

    BLU was written by Floyd Zink, Jr., of Tex fame.

Subject:  What is Kermit?

    BLU was written by Floyd Zink, Jr., of Tex fame.

    Kermit itself is a file transfer protocol invented by Frank
    DeCruz of Columbia University.  Typically in this group when
    one talks about kermit, they are talking about a program which
    supports the kermit protocol.  There is at least one commercial
    program which supports kermit - proterm.  But many folks are
    using Ted Medin's Kermit 3 (currently 3.86), a freely distributable
    version of a telecommunication program which supports kermit,
    xmodem, vt100 emulation, and many Apple II configurations.

    Kermit was written by Ted Medin <medin-t@shark.nosc.mil>

Subject:  What is the current system disk?

    Disk name                 Number 
    ------------------------ --------
    DOS System Master ...... 3.3        All Apple IIs

    ProDOS 8 system disk ... 3.2        All Apple IIs with 64k or more
    IIgs System Disk ....... 5.0.3      Apple IIgs with 768k or more

    ProDOS 8 ............... 1.9
    Basic.System ........... 1.4.1

    The system disks should be available from your local Apple Computer
    dealer, a local Apple Users Group or from a commercial information
    system (GEnie, America On Line, or CompuServe).

Subject:  What Apple II magazines are there? 

[Note: This question needs to be completed (descriptions,
       addresses, phone numbers and subscription costs).
       It will be ready next time (I hope).  But for now,
       it at least lists the available Apple II magazines
       that I know about.]

     HyperStudio Network (small newsletter)
     II at Work - from Barney Stone of Stone Software
     ??? - There is a HyperStudio stack magazine
     ??? - is the Basic (or was that Z-Basic) programmer's magazine
       (sorry about being vague... I just don't have the information
        with me... and never subscribed to a couple of these magazines)

     A2-Central publishes several Apple II magazines:
       A2-Central - newsletter (disk optional)
       8/16-Central - Apple II programmers magazine (disk optional)
       Stack Central - HyperStudio Stack-based disk

       Address: P.O. Box 11250              Voice: (913) 469-6502
                Overland Park, KS  66207      FAX: (913) 469-6507

       Electronic mail on GEnie: A2-CENTRAL, UNCLE-DOS, or DENNIS.DOMS

     Computist - a publication devoted to gathering and distributing
                 information on removing copy protection from Apple II
       Address: P.O. Box 110846
                Tacoma, WA  98411

Subject:  What are technotes?

[Note: I want to expand this answer, but haven't had enough time]

     Technotes are the developer technical notes from Developer
     Technical Support of Apple Computer.  Technotes are divided
     into various catagories including (but not limited to):
     Apple IIc, Apple IIe, Imagewriter, Memory Expansion, ProDOS 8,
     GS/OS and IIgs.

     The idea of technotes is to distribute information about
     Apple computers that isn't readily available from any other
     source. The hundreds of pages are well worth the effort to get.
     DTS really does a great job with technotes! (Thanks DTS!!!)

     You can find Apple II technotes on the FTP sites, or a commercial
     information system.  Another source of technotes is APDA.

Subject:  What is FTP?

     FTP is a program available to many schools and certain businesses
     which are connected to Internet.  This program permits file
     transfers over a high speed international network.

     Note: FTP with remote hosts is a privilege!  The remote sites can
     stop their FTP service if so they desire.  Please try to restrict
     your FTP usage to off-peak hours.

     Some basic directions to get you started with FTP follow:

     Enter the FTP program (type FTP, if you get an FTP command prompt
     then you're in the FTP program).

     Type: open <site>                  ; This command will establish
                                        ; a connection to a remote site.

     Where <site> is the remote FTP site that you are trying to
     retrieve files from.

     You will be prompted for a username. 

     Type: anonymous                    ; The username anonymous is
                                        ; recognized by many FTP sites
                                        ; as a guest account.

     You will be prompted for a password. 

     Type: your username or anonymous   ; The password is usually your
                                        ; Internet return mail address.
                                        ; In my case it is
                                        ;  dave@mystie.webo.dg.com

     Now you are logged onto the remote host. Some commands you might
     want to use after you log on follow:

       cd <directory>                   ; Change the current directory
                                        ; to <direcory>

       type binary                      ; Change the way a file is sent
                                        ; from the default of ascii
                                        ; (7 bits) to binary (8 bits).
                                        ; There are sometimes other
                                        ; modes, such as tenex.

       get <filename> [<local filename>]; Retrieve a file (named
                                        ; <filename>) from the
                                        ; remote host to your local
                                        ; host.  If you supply a second
                                        ; argument, then the remote
                                        ; file is stored as that local
                                        ; filename.

       put <filename>                   ; Send a file to the remote
                                        ; host.

       mget <template>                  ; Retrieve multiple files
                                        ; according to the template.
                                        ; The README files of each host
                                        ; should explain templates.

       close                            ; Close the connection to the
                                        ; remote host.

       csh                              ; Start a local C shell
                                        ; (sometimes this is renamed
                                        ; to whatever the local command
                                        ; shell is named - here it is
                                        ; named CLI).

       bye                              ; Close any outstanding
                                        ; connection and exit the FTP
                                        ; program.

Subject:  What is BITFTP?

     Contrary to popular belief, FTP is available from BITNET, in a
     way.  There is a server at bitftp@pucc.BITNET (or
     bitftp@pucc.princeton.edu) which will process your requests.
     Mail a message there with the proper commands in it and it will
     FTP and then send the results back to you in a mail file.  The
     files you actually get are sent as BITNET NETDATA files, which
     will not work to non-BITNET addresses (such as ProLine people).'
     Anyways, a sample file would be:

       ftp tybalt.caltech.edu
       user anonymous password {which can be anything, but is
                                normally your address}
       cd pub
       ls -l
       cd apple2/uploads
       ls -l
       get cosmocade.a.bsq
       get cosmocade.b.bsq

     This will list the directories that you change into, and then
     get the files. To get the files from the queue, simply use
     the 'receive' command.  Binary files are a little special.
     They will require you to 'receive/binary', but there is still
     a problem because you will find a carriage return after every
     255 characters (or so). Use 'EDT/FDL binftp.fdl' to edit an FDL
     (file definition language) file that has an option to turn off
     'carriage control'. Finally, type 'convert/fdl=binftp.fdl
     inputfile.ext outputfile.ext'.  This isn't as bad as it sounds,
     but it's more hassle than it should be.

     This should work on most BITNET sites running VMS.

     Obviously, you need to know what the directories are before you
     get in them, which means that each time you need to send a new
     message.  This isn't terribly exciting, but that's how it is.
     Internet is much easier, but the capability is still there for

[I'd like to Thank Henry Throop <THROOP@GRIN1.BITNET,
 throoph@jacobs.cs.orst.edu> for this set of answers.]

Subject:  What are the Apple II FTP sites?

     Here is a list of the sites that have Apple II software available
     by anonymous FTP.  It is current as of 11/5/90.
     Site Name              Site Number      Directory
     --------------------   --------------   --------------------------
     ummts.cc.umich.edu        pc5:
     shark.nosc.mil      ker*mit.
     watsun.cc.columbia.edu      kermit/a
     husc6.harvard.edu     apple2
     brownvm.brown.edu   listserv.193
     f.ms.uky.edu     pub/appleII
     wuarchive.wustl.edu    usenet/comp.binaries.apple2
     apple.com           pub/DTS/aii
     tybalt.caltech.edu  pub/apple2
     plains.nodak.edu   pub/appleII

[I'd like to thank Todd A. Bakal <Internet: Tabakal@ub.cc.umich.edu,
  Tab@terminator.cc.umich.edu,  UUCP: ...!uunet!ub.cc.umich.edu!tabakal,
  BITNET: Tabakal@UMICHUB for this table of FTP sites]

Subject: What is APPLE2-L?

[Note: This answer needs expanding too...]

     APPLE2-L is archive of Apple II programs provided by a BITNET mail
     server (LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BITNET).  Send the following message to
     get help information:

        index apple2-l

Subject: What is APDA?

[Note: This is another answer in need of more work...
       It should mention some software/manuals/APDAlog that would
       be good reasons to join... and a decent explanation of
       Developer Express...  next time it'll be better]

     The Apple Programmers and Developers Association (APDA) provides
     a way for developers to get development tools that are sometimes
     very difficult to find.  For a year's membership ($20), you are
     sent a quarterly catalog of all the available software, manuals,
     etc. available through APDA.
     Developer Express is a way for non-APDA members to be able to
     order items from APDA.

     APDA is run by Apple Computer.

Subject: Future questions for the FAQ

This is the section where you get to peek into the future of the
FAQ list.  Here is where some questions that may take me a while
to incorporate correctly. Since I have the questions I thought
that I'd present them here.  

Where can I find Apple II software?
Where can I get commercial hardware and/or software?
    Mention where to find listings (is there anyone doing
    decent reviews any longer?)
Where can I find out how to do XYZ? (fill in the XYZ)
Common Apple II general questions:
    Are there any free programming languages for the Apple II line?
         Mad Forth (other Forths?)
         Hyper-C - a shareware package with no one at
                   the address to receive the money?
         Applesoft and various freeware and shareware
                   extensions (mention some that are
                   available on Apple2-l and comp.*.apple2)
         Scheme (for the IIgs).
    What versions of BASIC are available for the Apple II line?
         TML Basic, Micol Basic, Z-Basic, Beagle Compiler
    What versions of C language are available for the Apple II line?
         Orca C, APW C, Manx Aztec C
    What versions of other languages (Pascal, Forth, Scheme, etc)
         TML Pascal, Orca Pascal, GS Forth, there was a Lisp
         at one time, Pecan Power Systems Pascal, FORTRAN, and
    What versions of assemblers are available?
         Orca/M, Orca/M GS, APW, Merlin 8/16+, Lisa, EDASM, others?
    Common Apple IIe specific questions:
    Common Apple IIc specific questions:
    Common IIgs specific questions:
         What does it mean when my IIgs crashes with a $0911
         unclaimed interrupt?

Subject: Editors Notes

     This is the first revision of the FAQ for comp.sys.apple2.
     I apologize in advance for any of the errors (typographical,
     logical, or otherwise).  With you patience (and help!) this
     frequently asked questions (with answers) article will improve.

     I would appreciate hearing from you if you have an addition,
     correction, or to complain to me about what I did wrong.

     Please send me electronic mail at one of the following

          Internet: dave@mystie.webo.dg.com
                or: dave%dgc.mceo.dg.com@relay.cs.net
             GEnie: D.Kopper

     Apple II Forever!!!!!  David Kopper

dave@mystie.webo.dg.com (David Kopper) (01/25/91)

[Last edited on January 25, 1991]

I would like to thank Larry W. Virden for his help with this document.


Hi!  Welcome to the comp.sys.apple2 newsgroup!

This article contains the answers to some Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ) often seen in comp.sys.apple2.  I am posting
this article (once every three weeks or so) to help reduce the
volume in this newsgroup and to provide hard-to-find information
of general interest.

I hope it answers some of your questions.

* Table of Contents: (contents were reordered)

         What is comp.sys.apple2?  What is INFO-APPLE?
         What are the comp.binaries.apple2 and comp.sources.apple2
       * What is BinSCII?
         What is Executioner?
         What is Shrinkit?
       * What is a .Z, .bsq or .shk file? (some common filename
         What are the Apple II FTP sites?
         What is APPLE2-L?
         What is FTP?
         What is BITFTP?
         What is Kermit?
       * What is the current system disk?
       * What are technotes?
         What is APDA?
         What Apple II magazines are there?
         Recent Apple Computer Announcements and Changes
         Future questions for the FAQ
       * Editors Notes

      + indicates questions new to this article
      * indicates questions/answers with changes of content since the
        last issue

Note: This is the first half of the frequently asked questions (with
      answers), the other half should be the next article/posting.

      I broke the FAQ in half and posted now because there are a
      fair number of sites that did not receive the three previous
      attempts to post it (its size was probably the problem).

Subject: What is comp.sys.apple2?  What is INFO-APPLE?

    Comp.sys.apple2 is a Usenet newsgroup that was created for the
    discussion of the Apple II series of computers. This forum provides
    a way for interested people to compare notes, ask questions, and
    share insights about Apple IIs.  It works by users posting a message
    via specialized software to a local file on their system, and that
    message being passed along to all of the 30,000+ other systems
    around the world that share Usenet files.

    INFO-APPLE is a mailing list that is maintained on some networks
    other than Usenet.  Comp.sys.apple2 messages are sent to INFO-APPLE
    and INFO-APPLE messages are sent to comp.sys.apple2.
    The central location of INFO-APPLE is at apple.com Thank you, Apple

    I believe that the same kind of thing is being done for ProLine.
    Could someone please fill me in on some details?

    Does anyone know of other folks doing the same thing for other

    On BITNET, LISTSERVers are available to distribute the mail
    messages.  It works by maintaining a list of users who wish to
    see the messages in their mailbox.

    To subscribe (or (sadly) unsubscribe): send your request to
    info-apple-request@apple.com . Please do not send subscription
    requests to info-apple@apple.com!!!!

    To post a message to the thousands of readers of INFO-APPLE
    (and comp.sys.apple2) subscribers send their messages to
    INFO-APPLE@apple.com .  There is no need for comp.sys.apple2
    users to do this - they can use the standard posting features of

    There is no need to subscribe to INFO-APPLE when you are getting
    comp.sys.apple2, since the messages are identical.

    Posting commercial/advertising is not only discouraged, it is not
    allowed under the rules of the Internet portion of the group.
    Since comp.sys.apple2 and info-apple are linked, commercial
    messages should not be sent on either of them.  Instead, Usenet
    users can post their needs to misc.forsale.compute misc.forsale,
    or misc.wanted.

    Does anyone know what the Internet and BITNET folks are supposed
    to do?

Subject: What are the comp.binaries.apple2 and comp.sources.apple2

    Comp.binaries.apple2 is a newsgroup used to distribute public
    domain, freeware, and shareware Apple II software (executables,
    pictures, sounds, etc...).  Software distributed on
    comp.binaries.apple2 is expected to be a BinSCII text file of
    Shrinkit archives.

    Comp.sources.apple2 is a newsgroup used to distribute public
    domain, freeware, and shareware Apple II source code.  There
    are guidelines on the format in the comp.sources.apple2
    newsgroup.  Contact jac@paul.rutgers.edu for details.

    Discussions concerning the software posted in these groups, or
    the methods of accessing this software, or the archiving of this
    software, or any OTHER discussions that you could possibly dream
    of (and in fact many discussions that you would NEVER dream of
    seeing!) are to be held in comp.sys.apple2 .  NO DISCUSSIONS,

    Distributing commercial software is a crime - just don't do it!

Subject:  What is BinSCII?

    This is a program which takes an Apple file and converts it to a
    format suitable for transfer via email or 7 bit file transfer.
    The output is not self contained - one must use BinSCII on the
    receiving end to convert the file back into usable format.

    Advantages of BinSCII are that the files tend to be smaller (than
    the same file ran through Executioner, a similar program), and the
    conversion back into binary can be done without having to strip off
    mail headings, converting line feeds to carriage returns or
    executing a binary program that may not be a text decoding program.

    BinSCII also will break up your file into smaller pieces and is
    able to put the pieces back together without the user having to
    be careful what order he does things.

    Note 1: BinSCII does not keep track of what parts of what files
    you have and have not already decoded. This is a future enhancement.
    In the meantime, either watch that every segment is decoded, or use
    sciibin -v (show info only) to examine the text file before
    downloading and decoding.

    Note 2: Programs such as ShrinkIt do not currently know how to
    decode BinSCII.  Use an un-BinSCII-ing program before attempting
    to extract the pieces.

    The current version of BinSCII is 1.0.3.  The user interface isn't
    very pretty, but it's being worked on.  Version 1.1 will be revamped
    and will support future enhancements pending in 2.0.  Version 2.0
    will change the encoding format drastically, making BinSCII portable
    to other systems.  Encoded files will be interchangeable between any
    two implementations of BinSCII (for example: encode a file under
    Unix and decode the file on a Macintosh).  When version 2.0 is
    available, its sources will be distributed (written in C).

    BinSCII was written by Dave Whitney <dcw@goldilocks.lcs.mit.edu,
    dcw@lcs.mit.edu or dcw@athena.mit.edu> of Zlink fame.

Sub-Subject: Where can I get a copy of BinSCII?

    BinSCII is available via ftp from tybalt.caltech.edu (or any of the
    ftp sites listed later).

    BinSCII is occasionally posted to comp.binaries.apple2.

    One more place to find BinSCII is on the APPLE2-L listserver
    (file Apple2-L 89-01123).

    Todd Whitesel has re-encoded version 1.0.3 in a self-saving method
    similar to Executioner but more reliable.
    Grab that version (on tybalt) first and then you can easily decode
    future updates (which will be posted in both Executioner and
    BinSCII 1.0 formats).

Sub-Subject: "Shrinkit won't do anything with the file I just spent
    X hours downloading.  Why not?"

    If you have a text file in your hands that has some lines


    then you've got something encoded by BinSCII. You must decode *all*
    the parts using BinSCII before attempting to extract using Shrinkit.

    On the other hand, if you have a file which resembles:

begin 666 nonsense.bny
M4W5N3U,@4F5L96%S92 T+C$@*%-$4U0V,"D@(S@Z(%1U92!/8W0@.2 Q,CHS
M...3HT.2!%1%0@,3DY, HT

and more lines like that, followed by an:


    then you have a uuencoded file.  This is going to be tougher to
    decode.  See the Apple II archives for at least one Apple IIgs
    uudecoder program.

    On the third hand, if you have a file which resembles:

(This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0)

    then you have a BinHex file.  This is going to be much tougher
    to decode.  The GSCII+ NDA by Derek Taubert decodes BinHex files
    on an Apple IIGS.

    You can also use a macintosh program to do the decoding (StuffIt,
    possibly BinHex).  There is also a Unix implementation of BinHex
    called mcvert.

Sub-Subject: Is there a Unix version of BinSCII?

    SciiBin is a C implementation of a BinSCII decoder.  It works well
    under most Unix or Unix-like operating systems, AOS/VS and MSDOS.

    Note: SciiBin can only decode a BinSCII file!  It cannot encode a
    binary file into BinSCII format.

    SciiBin version 1.10 was written by Marcel J.E. Mol.  Version 1.20
    had several corrections by Dave Whitney.

    The current version is 1.30 by Bruce Kahn.  This version corrected a
    fair number of bugs and was a port to AOS/VS (where byte pointers are
    different than word pointers) and MSDOS (under Microsoft C v5.1).

Subject: What is Executioner?

    Executioner was the standard program that converted Apple II files
    into text to be mailed/posted.  It is no longer considered the
    standard on comp.binaries.apple2.

    Executioner was like BinSCII, in that it translated an Apple II
    file into text to be send via email or 7 bit wide transfer methods.
    Only the 4 bit mode was safe to use (other modes used characters
    that got translated incorrectly between machines on the network).

    Currently, Executioner is typically only used to distribute BinSCII.
    Some older files in the various archives may also be encoded with
    this program.

    To translate an Executioner text file to an Apple II file required
    that you delete the mail headers/trailers, translated the newlines
    into carriage returns, download the file to your Apple II and from
    Applesoft Basic, type the command 'EXEC <filename>' where <filename>
    is the name of the file you downloaded.

    Note: After the last line of the Executioner text, there needs to
    be a blank line.  This blank line indicates the end of the text
    that gets translated back into an Apple II file.

    Executioner was written by Glen Bredon, of ProCMD and ProSEL fame.

Sub-Subject: Long directions to extract a file in Executioner format.

    (I'm assuming that you can edit a file before you download it.
     If this isn't the case, do all the editing after you download
     it and translate the new lines to carriage returns - kermit
     can do this translation for you).

    First lets determine if you have an executioner file.  The first
    line after all the headers (mail addresses, text, etc...) will

       CALL -151

    If you have found a CALL -151 then you probably have an executioner
    format file.  Delete all the lines above the CALL -151 so that it
    is the first line of the file.

    Now edit the other end of the file.  You should find something like
    a line string of numbers (and letters) followed by a blank line which
    is followed by a BSAVE command and then a E00G command.

    Make sure that the blank line contains no characters (other than the
    newline to get the blank line).

    Delete any lines that may follow the E00G command.  These are
    typically signature lines.

    Make sure that there are no spaces before the text of each line
    (1,$<< in vi).

    Save the file to be downloaded.  Note: If you edited the file on
    your apple, then you must make sure that you write a text file back
    to the disk (A save command from AppleWorks isn't good enough,
    you'll have to print the file to disk from AppleWorks).

    Now translate the new lines to carriage returns.  On Unix systems
    the command is:

        tr '\012' '\015' < inputfile > outputfile

    Other possible methods to do the translation is to download using
    the kermit program (it can translate new lines to carriage returns
    for you) or a program on your apple.  I believe that the davex shell
    has a TR command that can do the translation for you.  I also
    believe that there are several other programs that can do the
    translation for you.  List is a file browser that can print to
    disk.  TextDragon works on the IIGS.

    Use whatever method you can, just get the new lines translated into
    carriage returns.

    Download the edited/translated file - I'm not going into any detail
    here.  Just get the file downloaded.  You may have already completed
    this step, if you had to edit/translate the file on your apple.

    Just get the edited/translated file onto a disk for your Apple.

    Boot ProDOS and get into Basic, then set the prefix so the
    edited/translated file is available. 

    Now type 'exec filename', where filename is the edited/translated
    text file.

    You should see a ']' prompt followed by lots of '*' prompts.  A while
    later, you will see couple more ']' prompts then everything should
    stop with a ']' prompt.

    You should see a new file in your directory.  If the filetype is
    wrong (it may have to be a particular type, for BinSCII it must
    be type SYS), then you can try the EXEC command again - which will
    probably work the second time.

    An alternative (if EXEC doesn't do the trick) is to change the file
    type with file type changer.

    An example will probably help, so lets try to walk through one.
    The following is a 'edited' file that I just got from the APPLE2-L
    listserver (actually file APPLE2-L.87-00031) - my editing was simply
    to make its size manageable for this example.

    Note: The '****'s are to mark the start/end of the file and are
    not actually contained in the file itself.

    Here is the file:

Date:         Sat, 15 Aug 87  23:14 EST
Reply-To:     Apple II List <APPLE2-L@BROWNVM>
Sender:       Apple II List <APPLE2-L@BROWNVM>
From:         SEWALL@UCONNVM
Subject:      Chameleon 2 of 2 files

cham.exe (EXEC under ProDOS)-----------Cut Here--------------------
E00:38 A5 FF D0 32 D8 20 8E FD AD 30 BF 8D 6A 0E 20 00 BF C7 6D 0E 0D 80 02
E18:D0 1D 20 00 BF C5 69 0E B0 15 AD 81 02 29 0F AA E8 8E 80 02 A9 2F 8D 81
E30:02 20 00 BF C6 6D 0E A2 08 B0 0E 20 00 BF C3 70 0E B0 06 A2 26 20 53 0E
E48:AA 20 53 0E 4C D0 03 20 ED FD E8 BD 59 0E D0 F7 60 A0 F3 E1 F6 E5 E4 8D
E60:00 C5 F2 F2 EF F2 87 8D 00 02 00 81 02 01 80 02 07 7E 0E 01 FF 00 20 00
E78:00 00 78 AE 00 00 0B C3 C8 C1 CD AE D3 D9 D3 D4 C5 CD 00
F00:D8 A0 00 84 FF 88 84 E0 A9 0F 85 E1 20 67 FD A0 00 A2 FF 20 2F 0F E6 E0
F18:D0 02 E6 E1 0A 0A 0A 0A 91 E0 20 2F 0F 11 E0 91 E0 45 FF 85 FF 90 E4 E8
F30:BD 00 02 09 80 C9 A0 F0 F6 49 B0 C9 0A 90 17 69 88 09 20 C9 FA B0 0C 68
F48:68 E0 04 B0 BF 98 91 E0 4C 69 FF 18 29 0F 60
 . . .



    Since I found the CALL -151 command, I know its an executioner
    format file.  Now I do all my editing on it and the result looks
    like the following:

E00:38 A5 FF D0 32 D8 20 8E FD AD 30 BF 8D 6A 0E 20 00 BF C7 6D 0E 0D 80 02
E18:D0 1D 20 00 BF C5 69 0E B0 15 AD 81 02 29 0F AA E8 8E 80 02 A9 2F 8D 81
E30:02 20 00 BF C6 6D 0E A2 08 B0 0E 20 00 BF C3 70 0E B0 06 A2 26 20 53 0E
E48:AA 20 53 0E 4C D0 03 20 ED FD E8 BD 59 0E D0 F7 60 A0 F3 E1 F6 E5 E4 8D
E60:00 C5 F2 F2 EF F2 87 8D 00 02 00 81 02 01 80 02 07 7E 0E 01 FF 00 20 00
E78:00 00 78 AE 00 00 0B C3 C8 C1 CD AE D3 D9 D3 D4 C5 CD 00
F00:D8 A0 00 84 FF 88 84 E0 A9 0F 85 E1 20 67 FD A0 00 A2 FF 20 2F 0F E6 E0
F18:D0 02 E6 E1 0A 0A 0A 0A 91 E0 20 2F 0F 11 E0 91 E0 45 FF 85 FF 90 E4 E8
F30:BD 00 02 09 80 C9 A0 F0 F6 49 B0 C9 0A 90 17 69 88 09 20 C9 FA B0 0C 68
F48:68 E0 04 B0 BF 98 91 E0 4C 69 FF 18 29 0F 60
 . . .


    I execute the 'tr' command on my Unix system and download the
    resulting file.  Once I get it to my IIGS, then (from Basic) I

       EXEC FILE

    Lots of '*'s later I find CHAM.SYSTEM on my disk.

    This concludes the test of the emergency executioner translation

Subject:  What is Shrinkit?

    This is a program which takes one or more Apple II ProDOS files
    and 'archives' them into a NuFX archive.  ShrinkIt typically
    shrinks the members of the NuFX archive with variations of the
    LZW (Lev-Zimpel-Welch) compression algorithm.

    Shrinkit has many options, such as whole disk compression,
    disk formatting, displaying text files, etc.  Shrinkit also
    has the ability to extract BLU files members - more on BLU
    in a couple of questions.

    The current revision number of Shrinkit is 3.0.3.

    The IIgs version of Shrinkit is named GShk (the current
    version number is 1.0.4).  GShk can do all that Shrinkit
    can do and more.  Some of the additions are the ability
    to unarchive different archive types (Unix compress, PC
    Arc, Mac StuffIt) and the ability to create/extract Apple
    Single files - this is becoming more significant as resources
    are being used more frequently in IIgs software.  GShk
    requires System Disk 5.0 .  For specialized extractions,
    more than 1 meg of memory may be required.

    Shrinkit+ and UnShrinkit+ are two programs for the Apple II+.

    Shrinkit, GShk, Shrinkit+ and UnShrinkit+ were written by
    Andy Nicholas <shrinkit@apple.com>.

Sub-Subject: What is nulib?

    Nulib is a C implementation of Shrinkit 1.0.2.  It also works very
    well under most Unix or Unix-like operating systems.

    Nulib was written by Andy McFadden <fadden@cory.berkeley.edu>.

Sub-Subject: What is BLU?

    BLU is the predecessor of Shrinkit.  The goal of BLU was to take
    one or more Apple II ProDOS files and 'archive' them into a single
    Apple II file, maintaining the ProDOS file type information.
    It could perform a Huffman compression on the individual pieces
    if the user so desired.

    The resulting files were named Bunny files (.BNY).  BLU files
    that were compressed were .QQ files, with a Binary II header
    they were .BQY files.

    The current use of BLU is in telecommunications, where the
    filetype information is preserved.  This is why you can find
    archives that are Shrinkit (or NuFX) archives wrapped in a
    BLU header.

    BLU was written by Floyd Zink, Jr., of Tex fame (Tex is a text
    file browser).
    Also, the Binary II format is by Gary Little.

Subject:  What is a .Z, .bsq or .shk file? (some common filename

    Filename extensions are simply the addition of more characters
    to the end of a filename (thus the extension).  An example could
    be FRED.SHK.  'FRED' is the base filename.  '.SHK' is a filename
    extension that happens to indicate that the file is probably a
    NuFX archive and you will need to run ShrinkIt to determine/extract
    its contents.

    Sometimes you will find multiple filename extensions, simply take
    the filename extensions apart one at a time and you should be able
    to reconstruct the original file.

    The following is a table of some of the filename extensions that
    you may encounter during your trips to Apple II ftp sites:

    Extension   What does it usually mean
    ---------  ----------------------------------------------------
       .SHK     The file is usually a NuFX archive created by
                ShrinkIt.  Use ShrinkIt to extract the files.

       .QQ      The file is usually a huffman encoded file created
		by BLU or possibly SQZ (If I remember correctly).

       .BSQ     This is usually a BinSCII'ized ShrinkIt file.
        or      Use BinSCII to extract a NuFX archive, then use
       .BSC     ShrinkIt to extract the files.

       .BXY     This is usually a NuFX file wrapped in a Binary II

       .BNY     This is usually a BLU archive file.  ShrinkIt
                can be used to extract its contents.  These were
                previously referred to as Bunny files.

       .BNY     This is a BLU wrapped ShrinkIt archive.  Use
        or      ShrinkIt to extract the files (it will automatically
       .BNX     go past the BLU header to extract the NuFX archived
                Note: This filename extension is found on GEnie.

       .EXE     The file is usually the output of Executioner.  To
                extract the file, simply 'EXEC' it from Basic

                Note: You may need to use DOS 3.3... it depends on
                the file you are extracting (sometimes they will
                contain a note which will tell you).

       .Z       The file was compressed with the Unix compress
                command (LZW compression).  Use the uncompress
                command to get the file.  Alternatives include
                using GSHK (GS ShrinkIt) to uncompress or the
                APW/ORCA UNCOMPRESS utility (available at ftp

       .tar     The file is a Tape ARchive created under Unix.
                Use tar to extract the files (tar xvf filename) or
                if you don't have to extract the files, simply run
                them through another program.

       .tar.Z   The file is a combination of the previous two items.
                You would need to uncompress the file, then use tar
                to extract the members.

    I have found ShrinkIt archives as BinSCII files in a tar archive
    that was compressed.  Seems strange, but you may find a
    XXX.BSQ.tar.Z file somewhere.

    Good luck in your file decoding!

Subject:  What are the Apple II FTP sites?

     Here is a list of the sites that have Apple II software available
     by anonymous FTP.  It is current as of 11/5/90.

     Site Name              Site Number      Directory
     --------------------   --------------   --------------------------
     apple.com           pub/DTS/aii
     ummts.cc.umich.edu        pc5:
     shark.nosc.mil      ker*mit.
     watsun.cc.columbia.edu      kermit/a
     brownvm.brown.edu   listserv.193
     f.ms.uky.edu     pub/appleII
     wuarchive.wustl.edu    usenet/comp.binaries.apple2
     tybalt.caltech.edu  pub/apple2
     plains.nodak.edu   pub/appleII
     avalanche.berkeley.edu    pub/Apple2
     isca            unix/apple2

[I'd like to thank Todd A. Bakal <Internet: Tabakal@ub.cc.umich.edu,
  Tab@terminator.cc.umich.edu,  UUCP: ...!uunet!ub.cc.umich.edu!tabakal,
  BITNET: Tabakal@UMICHUB for this table of FTP sites]

Subject: What is APPLE2-L?

[Note: This answer needs expanding too...]

     APPLE2-L is an archive of Apple II programs provided by a BITNET
     mail server (LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BITNET).  Interactive BITNET
     messages are also supported. 

     Send the following message to get help information:

        index apple2-l

     Chris Chung <CHRIS@BROWNVM> administers APPLE2-L (Thanks Chris!)

Subject:  Are there other electronic mail file servers?

     Yes!  Much like Apple2-L works in bitnet, there are electronic
     mail servers on internet.  I only know of the one at the
     following address:


     The idea is that you send simple commands in the mail message.
     Start with the following message:

	index appleII

     Note: The filenames are case sensitive on this particular file

     You must be aware, however, that if you request the 'send' of
     files, you must first be sending the files to a computer that
     has access to uudecode and (if you request multiple files) tar
     (the unix tape archive utility).

[I'd like to thank Joe Toth <toth@tellabs.com or uunet!tellab5!toth>
for his pointer to this mail file server]

[The frequently asked questions (with answers) is continued in
 the next posting.]

[Last edited on January 25, 1991]

  Dave Kopper        Internet: dave@mystie.webo.dg.com
                           or: dave%dgc.mceo.dg.com@relay.cs.net
Apple II Forever!       GEnie: D.Kopper

dave@mystie.webo.dg.com (David Kopper) (01/25/91)

[Last edited on January 25, 1991]

This is the second half of the frequently asked questions (and answers)

Subject:  What is FTP?

     FTP is a program available to many schools and certain businesses
     which are connected to Internet.  This program permits file
     transfers over a high speed international network.

     Note: FTP with remote hosts is a privilege!  The remote sites can
     stop their FTP service if so they desire.  Please try to restrict
     your FTP usage to off-peak hours.

     Some basic directions to get you started with FTP follow:

     Enter the FTP program (type FTP, if you get an FTP command prompt
     then you're in the FTP program).

     Type: open <site>                  ; This command will establish
                                        ; a connection to a remote site.

     Where <site> is the name or address of the remote FTP site from
     which you are trying to retrieve files.

     You will be prompted for a username.

     Type: anonymous                    ; The username anonymous is
                                        ; recognized by many FTP sites
                                        ; as a guest account.

     You will be prompted for a password.

     Type: your electronic mail address ; The password is usually your
                                        ; Internet return mail address.
                                        ; In my case it is
                                        ;  dave@mystie.webo.dg.com

     Now you are logged onto the remote host. Some commands you might
     want to use after you log on follow:

       dir                              ; Show me a listing of the files
                                        ; in the current directory

       dir <directory> [<local filename>]; Put a copy of a listing of the
                                        ; files that are in directory
                                        ; into a file on my machine for
                                        ; later perusal.

       cd <directory>                   ; Change the current directory
                                        ; to <direcory>.  pub is typically
                                        ; where the public's files are
                                        ; stored.

       type binary                      ; Change the way a file is sent
                                        ; from the default of ASCII
                                        ; (7 bits) to binary (8 bits).
                                        ; There are sometimes other
                                        ; modes, such as tenex.

       get <filename> [<local filename>]; Retrieve a file (named
                                        ; <filename>) from the
                                        ; remote host to your local
                                        ; host.  If you supply a second
                                        ; argument, then the remote
                                        ; file is stored as that local
                                        ; filename.

       put <filename>                   ; Send a file to the remote
                                        ; host.

       mget <template>                  ; Retrieve multiple files
                                        ; according to the template.
                                        ; The README files of each host
                                        ; should explain templates.

       close                            ; Close the connection to the
                                        ; remote host.

       csh                              ; Start a local C shell
                                        ; (sometimes this is renamed
                                        ; to whatever the local command
                                        ; shell is named - here it is
                                        ; named CLI).

       bye                              ; Close any outstanding
                                        ; connection and exit the FTP
                                        ; program.

Subject:  What is BITFTP?

     Contrary to popular belief, FTP is available from BITNET, in a
     way.  There is a server at bitftp@pucc.BITNET (or
     bitftp@pucc.princeton.edu) which will process your requests.
     Mail a message there with the proper commands in it and it will
     attempt to FTP and send the results back to you in a mail file. 
     The files you actually get are sent as BITNET NETDATA files to
     BITNET sites, or uuencoded for non-BITNET sites.

     Anyways, a sample file would be:

       ftp tybalt.caltech.edu
       user anonymous password {which can be anything, but is
                                normally your address}
       cd pub
       cd apple2/uploads
       get cosmocade.a.bsq
       get cosmocade.b.bsq

     This will list the directories that you change into, and then
     get the files.  What you receive back will be several pieces.
     First, everyone would receive back a mail message showing BITFTP
     attempting your transaction.  Look at this closely, as any errors
     in the file names, as well as the results from the dir commands
     will be in this message.

     If you are on a BITNET site, your get commands will return the get
     files into your NETDATA queue.  Each BITNET site implementation
     varies, so the description here will be specific to the VMS
     operating system.

     To get the files from the queue, simply use the 'receive' command.
     Binary files are a little special.  They will require you to
     'receive/binary', but there is still a problem because you will
     find a carriage return after every 255 characters (or so). Use
     'EDT/FDL binftp.fdl' to edit an FDL (file definition language)
     file that has an option to turn off 'carriage control'. Finally,
     type 'convert/fdl=binftp.fdl inputfile.ext outputfile.ext'.  This
     isn't as bad as it sounds, but it's more hassle than it should be.

     For non-VMS systems, you should contact your local BITNET
     administrator for assistance.

     Obviously, you need to know what the directories are before you
     get in them, which means that each time you need to send a new
     message.  This isn't terribly exciting, but that's how it is.
     Internet's ftp is much easier, but the capability is still there
     for BITNET.

     Note: I have some reports that there are some BITNET sites that
     do support FTP.  Try the FTP command to see if you BITNET site
     has it.

[I'd like to Thank Henry Throop <THROOP@GRIN1.BITNET,
 throoph@jacobs.cs.orst.edu> for most of these answers
 and Evan R Aussenberg <erast1@unix.cis.pitt.edu> for
 the pointer that some bitnet sites do have ftp]

Subject:  What is Kermit?

    Kermit itself is a file transfer protocol invented by Frank
    DeCruz of Columbia University.  Typically in this group when
    one talks about kermit, they are talking about a program which
    supports the kermit protocol.  There is at least one commercial
    program which supports kermit - ProTerm.  But many folks are
    using Ted Medin's Kermit 3 (currently 3.87), a freely distributable
    version of a telecommunication program which supports kermit,
    xmodem, vt100 emulation, and many Apple II configurations.

    Kermit was written by Ted Medin <medin-t@shark.nosc.mil>

    The latest official version of kermit is available from Columbia
    University via electronic mail or ftp.  Send electronic mail to
    KERMSERV@CUVMA.BITNET, a one line message of HELP will get you
    started.  For FTP users, the site is watsun.cc.columbia.edu
    ( and the Apple II files reside in the kermit/a

    The latest version of Kermit-65 is 3.87 available at ummts as
    CO.KER387 (with the accompanying DO.KER387 doc file) and all
    other FTP sites.

Subject:  What is the current system disk?

    Disk name                 Number
    ------------------------ --------
    DOS System Master ...... 3.3        All Apple IIs

    ProDOS 8 system disk ... 3.2        All Apple IIs with 64k or more
    IIgs System Disk ....... 5.0.4      Apple IIgs with 1Meg or more
                                        (smaller memory configurations
                                         may work, although they are
                                         not supported/tested).

    ProDOS 8 ............... 1.9        Available on the ProDOS 8 and
    Basic.System ........... 1.4.1      IIgs System Disks.

    The system disks should be available from your local Apple Computer
    dealer, a local Apple Users Group or from a commercial information
    system (GEnie, America On Line, or CompuServe).

    Also, IIgs System Sofware 5.0.4 is available from apple.com via

Subject:  What are technotes?

[Note: I want to expand this answer, but haven't had enough time]

     Technotes are short topics addressing questions that Apple's
     Apple II Developer Technical Support staff members get from
     outside developers.  Technotes are divided into various
     categories including (but not limited to):  Apple IIc hardware,
     Apple II hardwaree, Imagewriter, Memory Expansion, ProDOS 8,
     GS/OS and IIgs hardware.

     The idea of technotes is to distribute information about
     Apple computers that isn't readily available from any other
     source. The hundreds of pages are well worth the effort to get.
     DTS really does a great job with technotes! (Thanks DTS!!!)

     You can find Apple II technotes on the FTP sites, or the commercial
     information systems.  Another source of technotes is APDA, where
     one can order printed or diskette subscriptions to the technotes.

     Ftp note: Apple has not upgraded its tech notes on its FTP site
     since January 1990.  Ummts has a copy of the current tech notes,
     Tech Notes are stored as TN.xxxx.yyy where xxxx is the 4 char type
     and yyy is the number.  File Type notes are FT.xx.yyyy where xx is
     the primary type, and yyyy is the aux. type.  Indicies are stored
     as TN.!Index and FT.!Index [Thank You Todd A. Bakal!].

Subject: What is APDA?

[Note: This is another answer in need of more work...
       a decent explanation of Developer Express...
       next time it'll be better]

     The Apple Programmers and Developers Association (APDA) provides
     a way for developers to get development tools that are sometimes
     very difficult to find.  For a year's membership ($20), you are
     sent a quarterly catalog of all the available software, manuals,
     etc. available through APDA.

     Developer Express is a way for non-APDA members to be able to
     order items from APDA.  I don't have the details of Developer
     Express here... I believe that anyone can order Class 1 items
     (IE: XXX) from APDA through Developer Express.

     Software available through APDA include the following:

       MIDI Synth/synthLAB - MIDI Synth/synthLAB is a second
         generation note synthesizer for the Apple IIGS.  By
         integrating a completely new sequencer, MIDI interface
         and synthesizer into one programming tool, MIDI Synth
         offers developers a powerful but simple solution to
         many of their sound needs.  Because of this integration,
         most of the work required by an application is handled
         by the tool.

         synthLAB is a demo application that shows the power of
         the new MIDI Synth toolset for the Apple IIGS. synthLAB
         can be used to create the intruments needed for
         applications, either by modifying existing ones or by
         creating totally new and original ones. synthLAB's
         recorder can be used to record custom sequences used in
         applications. synthLAB is built around MIDI Synth and
         makes a great learning tool in understanding how
         MIDI Synth works.

         This package includes one 3.5" disk containing the
         MIDI Synth Tool set (tool 35) and synthLAB (a demo
         application that highlights the sheer power of the 
         MIDI Synth Tool set).  Also included is documentation
         on each of the tool calls within that Tool set, and a
         user manual for synthLAB.  The APDA part number is
         'A0250LL/A" (better known as "MIDI Synth/synthLAB
         Version 1.0B3").  The price is $25.

         [The above was stolen without permission from
         8/16-Central, they took the information from A2Pro
         on GEnie.]

       Apple II Video Overlay Card Development Kit v1.1 - This
         kit provides basic design information about the Apple II
         Video Overlay Card.  The notes include information on
         how the Apple II Video Overlay Card works with
         application programs, descriptions of the Vidio I/O
         Interface Tool Set routines for controlling the
         operation of the Apple II Video Overlay Card, and
         overview of the Apple II Video Expansion Bus (AVEB)
         architecture, and a description of the relevant new
         features incorporated into the Apple IIGS VideoMix
         desk accessory and the Apple IIe Video Setup program.

         The disk includes interfaces for the APW and MPW IIGS
         development systems and an object file for Apple IIe
         programmers. The disk also includes Tool 33 (ther Video
         Overlay Card tool), the VideoMix desk accessory (for
         the Apple IIGS), and the Apple IIe Video Setup program.

         APDA part number is 'A0221LL/B', price is $35.

         [The above is stolen from the Summer 1990 APDALog without

       GSBug and Debugging Tools v. 4.0B1 - This beta version of
         Apple Computer's machine-language debugger works on any
         Apple IIGS with System Software v. 4.0 or later.

         With GSBug, you can step through your code; save a trace
         history to a file on disk; define breakpoints and insert
         them into your code; define and use memory protection
         windows; and view the debugger's master display, which
         shows the contents of the 65816 registers, breakpoints,
         and memory-protection ranges that you have set, portions
         of the stack and memory, and a disassembly of your
         program's code.

         Also included with GSBug are the Loader Dumper, Memory
         Mandler, and Scrambler classic desk accessories (CDAs).
         Loader Dumper lets you see where in memory the System
         Loader has loaded each segment of your program and gives
         you information about the various tables and variables 
         that the loader uses. Memory Mangler lets you execute
         a variety of Memory Manager routines and provides lists
         of the memory blocks that are in use, purged, and disposed
         of by the Memory Manager. Scrambler helps you find out
         whether your application has incorrectly dereferenced a
         memory handle by not having first locked the handle.

         The GS/OS Exerciser, also included with this package,
         lets you "exercise" GS/OS by practicing its calls from
         the keyboard.  This utility is supplied as both an
         application and as a CDA.

         APDA part number is 'A0037LL/A', price is $30.

         [The above is stolen from the Fall 1990 APDALog without

       d e v e l o p - The Apple Technical Journal, contains articles
         and samples about creating hardware and software for Apple

         The articles and code in   d e v e l o p   are intended to
         lead you into Insidr Macintosh.  Each issue contains source
         code (provided on the CD-ROM disc) that you can use in your
         application. Each journal also includes questions and answers
         from the Macintosh and Apple II Developer Technical Support

         All of the journal articles and source code are included on
         the compact disc that comes with  d e v e l o p.  The disc
         also includes essential tools for developers: international
         versions of system software, international HyperCard,
         Developer Technical Support Notes stacks, and electronic
         versions of selected Apple developer documentation, such as
         SpInside Machintosh. If you don't have a CD-ROM drive, you
         will be able to find the contents of the disc on AppleLine,
         the Apple FTP site on the internet, and other on-line services
         in the near future.

         If you're a certified developer, Partner, or Associate, you'll
         receive one copy of  d e v e l o p  every quarter as part of 
         your developer package.

         A subscription to  d e v e l o p  is $27 for U.S. subscribers
         and $47 for international subscribers.

         The following back issues of  d e v e l o p  are available
         at a price of $10 per issue:

           M0901LL/A    d e v e l o p  issue 1      January 1990
           M0902LL/A    d e v e l o p  issue 2      April 1990
           M0903LL/A    d e v e l o p  issue 3      July 1990
           M0904LL/A    d e v e l o p  issue 4      October 1990

         [The above is stolen from the Fall 1990 APDALog without

     APDA is run by Apple Computer.

     Address:  APDA
               Apple Computer, Inc.
               20525 Mariani Avenue, Mail Stop 33G
               Cupertino, California 95014-6299

     Phone: 1-800-282-2732 (U.S.)
            1-800-637-0029 (Canada)
            1-408-562-3910 (International)
            1-408-562-3971 (Fax)
            171-576 (Telex)

     Electronic Mail: APDA (AppleLink)
                      A.DEVELOPER3 (GEnie)
                      76666,2405 (CompuServe)
                      POSTROM (MCI)
                      APDA (MacNet)

Subject:  What Apple II magazines are there?

[Note: This question needs to be completed...]

     GS+ is a bi-monthly magazine for the Apple IIGS published on an
       Apple IIGS.  This magazine is not as polished as some magazines,
       but they are honest and put together very good reviews and
       software.  If they see something that is junk, they call it junk
       (just the way it should be!).  Their idea is to show what an
       Apple IIGS can do and they succeed very well at doing exactly

       Some of their software is just downright great - their EGOed
       NDA editor is great, I also like their Shuffle Init (shuffles
       the active window between all open windows).  I'm not being paid
       for this favorable point of view - I'm simply a very happy

       Address: GS+ Subscription Services
                c/o EGO Systems
                P.O. Box 15366
                Chattanooga, Tennessee  37415-0366

       Voice: (615) 870-4960  (Mon-Fri 9am-6pm EST)
       FAX: (913) 469-6507
       gs-plus BBS: (615) 875-4607 (2400 baud, 8 data bits, no parity,
                                    1 stop bit)

       Electronic mail: Internet: diz@pro-gsplus.cts.com (editor)

       Subscription Price: magazine $15/year,  disk+magazine $36/year
                           magazine $3/issue,  disk+magazine $8/issue
                     First class mail service for $1.50/issue, $9/year
                     Tennessee Residents add 5.5% sales tax.
                     Chattanooga Residents add 7.25% sales tax.
                     Canadian/Mexican orders add $1 extra postage.
                     All other foreign orders add $6 surface, $30 air.


     d e v e l o p - see the section about APDA for information on
                     d e v e l o p.

     inCider/A+ is a monthly Apple II/Macintosh magazine.

       Address: inCider/A+
                P.O. Box 56818
                Boulder, CO 80322-8618

       Subscription: $27.97/year  $43/2 years

     HyperStudio Network is a quarterly newsletter about HyperStudio.
       Membership in HSN will get you the newsletter (HyperStudio Forum),
       an annual 'Best of HyperStudio' disk of stacks and availability
       of discounts on HyperStudio accessories (including HyperStudio).
       This network seems to be a great place for teachers to get

       HyperPostCards is their current big success.  The idea is to
       get students to include information about themselves and to
       distribute the HyperStudio stacks from one school to another.
       It works much like postcards would.  I don't have more details,
       so I'm stopping.

       Address: HyperStudio Network
                Box 103
                Blawenburg, NJ 08504

       Phone: (609) 466-3196

       Subscription/Membership: $29 for 1 year, $55 for 2 years.
       Institutional Membership: $99 for 1 year, $189 for 2 years.
                                 Includes 20 copies of both HyperStudio
                                 Forum and the annual "Best of
                                 HyperStudio" disk.

     ??? - is the Basic (or was that Z-Basic) programmer's magazine
       (sorry about being vague... I just don't have the information
        with me... and never subscribed to a couple of these magazines)

     A2-Central publishes several Apple II magazines:

       A2-Central - The Apple II newsletter, there is an optional
                    disk version.  This is a monthly publication.

       All of their other publications are 3.5" disk based only.

       For the IIGS, the program to use is HyperStudio (they include
       the runtime version, in case you don't have HyperStudio).

       For other IIs, they include a text browser.  Although any text
       browser will do the job.  I don't know if this applies to all
       of the magazines or not (guess I should call again...).

       8/16-Central - Monthly Apple II programmers disk magazine.
                      8/16-Central will include programs, sources
                      and articles.

       Stack Central - HyperStudio-based disk.  Each issue is a
                      collection of HyperStudio additions.  My guess
                      is that it includes things like Clip Art/Sounds,
                      XCMDs, PD Stacks and so on.  There were some
                      articles in the demo that I saw - I can't say
                      any more than this.  Except that there are
                      two disks per issue - every other month.

       TimeOut Central - every other month - all about TimeOut
                      additions and AppleWorks.  Includes UltraMacros
                      Macros, Templates and so forth.  There is one
                      disk per issue.

       Hyperbole - Will begin in January.  This disk based publication
                      is not about computers.  It is HyperStudio based
                      stories and poetry and so on.

       Address: A2-Central (or is it Resource Central now?)
                P.O. Box 11250
                Overland Park, KS  66207

       Voice: (913) 469-6502
       FAX: (913) 469-6507

       Electronic mail on GEnie: A2-CENTRAL, UNCLE-DOS, or DENNIS.DOMS

     The Road Apple - An Apple // "End Users" Underground Newsletter

       Published six times a year.

       Address: 1121 NE 177th, Suite B
                Portland, OR 97230

       Telephone:  (503) 254-3874.

       Subscription price: $9.95 per year (6 issues)

     Computist - a publication devoted to gathering and distributing
                 information on removing copy protection from Apple II

       Address: P.O. Box 110846
                Tacoma, WA  98411

     Softdisk and Softdisk GS - monthly disk magazines containing a
        variety of software.  Softdisk is available on 5.25" or 3.5"
        disks.  Softdisk GS is available only on 3.5" disks.

        Address: Softdisk Publishing
                 P.O. Box 30008
                 Shreveport, LA 71130-0008

        Phone: 1-800-831-2694

        Subscription: Softdisk: $19.95/3 months
                      Softdisk GS: $29.95/3 months
                      Both: $39.95/3 months

Subject: Recent Apple Computer Announcements and Changes

     The Apple IIc+ was dropped from price lists (I really liked the
     //c+, I even bought my parents one).

     ProDOS 8 1.9 was announced in September 1990.

     GS/OS 5.0.3 was announced in November 1990.

     HyperCard IIGS was announced in December at AppleFest.  It will
     become available from Apple Computer Dealers in February 1991
     for $99.  HCGS will require 1.5meg (although 2meg is recommended).

Subject: Future questions for the FAQ

This is the section where you get to peek into the future of the
FAQ list.  Here is where some questions that may take me a while
to incorporate correctly. Since I have the questions I thought
that I'd present them here.

Where can I find Apple II software?
Where can I get commercial hardware and/or software?
    Mention where to find listings (is there anyone doing
    decent reviews any longer?)
Where can I find out how to do XYZ? (fill in the XYZ)
Common Apple II general questions:
    Are there any free programming languages for the Apple II line?
         Mad Forth (other Forths?)
         Hyper-C - a shareware package with no one at
                   the address to receive the money?
         Applesoft and various freeware and shareware
                   extensions (mention some that are
                   available on Apple2-l and comp.*.apple2)

                   How do I get out of AppleSoft?  Type 'bye'.
         Scheme (for the IIgs).
    What versions of BASIC are available for the Apple II line?
         TML Basic, Micol Basic, Z-Basic, Beagle Compiler
    What versions of C language are available for the Apple II line?
         Orca C, APW C, Manx Aztec C
    What versions of other languages (Pascal, Forth, Scheme, etc)
         TML Pascal, Orca Pascal, GS Forth, there was a Lisp
         at one time, Pecan Power Systems Pascal, FORTRAN, and
    What versions of assemblers are available?
         Orca/M, Orca/M GS, APW, Merlin 8/16+, Lisa, EDASM, others?

    ByteWorks : 1-505-898-8183
                4700 Irving Blvd NW
                Suite 207
                Albuquerque, NM 87114

    Common Apple IIe specific questions:
    Common Apple IIc specific questions:
    Common IIgs specific questions:
         What does it mean when my IIgs crashes with a $0911
         unclaimed interrupt?

         Redmond Cable has an ADB Y-connector cable for separating
         your mouse from the side of your keyboard (also can be used
         to work around a failing ADB port on the keyboard).  Their
         address is: Redmond Cable Corporation, 17371-A1 NE 67th Ct,
         Redmond, WA 98052, (206) 882-2009.

         When your battery dies get a the 'Slide-On Battery Replacement
         Kit' from Night Owl Productions:
          Address: Nite Owl Productions
                   Slide-On Battery Dept.
                   5734 Lamar Street
                   Mission, KS 66202
          Phone: (913) 362-9898
          Price: 14:95 plus $2 for shipping

Subject: Editors Notes

     This is the fourth revision of the FAQ for comp.sys.apple2.
     I am posting it at this time because there are sites that
     have not received it at all.  This is because of its size
     which also explains why I broke it into two pieces.

     I apologize in advance for any of the errors (typographical,
     logical, or otherwise).  With your patience (and help!) this
     frequently asked questions (with answers) article will improve.

     I would appreciate hearing from you if you have an addition,
     correction, or to complain to me about what I did wrong.

     Please send me electronic mail at one of the following

          Internet: dave@mystie.webo.dg.com
                or: dave%dgc.mceo.dg.com@relay.cs.net
             GEnie: D.Kopper

     Apple II Forever!!!!!  David Kopper

[Last edited on January 25, 1991]

dave@mystie.webo.dg.com (David Kopper) (02/20/91)

[Last edited on Feburary 19, 1991]

This is the second half of the frequently asked questions (and answers)

Subject:  What is FTP?

     FTP is a program available to many schools and certain businesses
     which are connected to Internet.  This program permits file
     transfers over a high speed international network.

     Note: FTP with remote hosts is a privilege!  The remote sites can
     stop their FTP service if so they desire.  Please try to restrict
     your FTP usage to off-peak hours.

     Some basic directions to get you started with FTP follow:

     Enter the FTP program (type FTP, if you get an FTP command prompt
     then you're in the FTP program).

     Type: open <site>                  ; This command will establish
                                        ; a connection to a remote site.

     Where <site> is the name or address of the remote FTP site from
     which you are trying to retrieve files.

     You will be prompted for a username.

     Type: anonymous                    ; The username anonymous is
                                        ; recognized by many FTP sites
                                        ; as a guest account.

     You will be prompted for a password.

     Type: your electronic mail address ; The password is usually your
                                        ; Internet return mail address.
                                        ; In my case it is
                                        ;  dave@mystie.webo.dg.com

     Now you are logged onto the remote host. Some commands you might
     want to use after you log on follow:

       dir                              ; Show me a listing of the files
                                        ; in the current directory

       dir <directory> [<local filename>]; Put a copy of a listing of the
                                        ; files that are in directory
                                        ; into a file on my machine for
                                        ; later perusal.

       cd <directory>                   ; Change the current directory
                                        ; to <directory>.  pub is typically
                                        ; where the public's files are
                                        ; stored.

       type binary                      ; Change the way a file is sent
                                        ; from the default of ASCII
                                        ; (7 bits) to binary (8 bits).
                                        ; There are sometimes other
                                        ; modes, such as tenex.

       get <filename> [<local filename>]; Retrieve a file (named
                                        ; <filename>) from the
                                        ; remote host to your local
                                        ; host.  If you supply a second
                                        ; argument, then the remote
                                        ; file is stored as that local
                                        ; filename.

       put <filename>                   ; Send a file to the remote
                                        ; host.

       mget <template>                  ; Retrieve multiple files
                                        ; according to the template.
                                        ; The README files of each host
                                        ; should explain templates.

       close                            ; Close the connection to the
                                        ; remote host.

       csh                              ; Start a local C shell
                                        ; (sometimes this is renamed
                                        ; to whatever the local command
                                        ; shell is named - here it is
                                        ; named CLI).

       bye                              ; Close any outstanding
                                        ; connection and exit the FTP
                                        ; program.

Subject:  What is BITFTP?

     Contrary to popular belief, FTP is available from BITNET, in a
     way.  There is a server at bitftp@pucc.BITNET (or
     bitftp@pucc.princeton.edu) which will process your requests.
     Mail a message there with the proper commands in it and it will
     attempt to FTP and send the results back to you in a mail file. 
     The files you actually get are sent as BITNET NETDATA files to
     BITNET sites, or uuencoded for non-BITNET sites.

     Anyway, a sample file would be:

       ftp tybalt.caltech.edu
       user anonymous password {which can be anything, but is
                                normally your address}
       cd pub
       cd apple2/uploads
       get cosmocade.a.bsq
       get cosmocade.b.bsq

     This will list the directories that you change into, and then
     get the files.  What you receive back will be several pieces.
     First, everyone would receive back a mail message showing BITFTP
     attempting your transaction.  Look at this closely, as any errors
     in the file names, as well as the results from the dir commands
     will be in this message.

     If you are on a BITNET site, your get commands will return the get
     files into your NETDATA queue.  Each BITNET site implementation
     varies, so the description here will be specific to the VMS
     operating system.

     To get the files from the queue, simply use the 'receive' command.
     Binary files are a little special.  They will require you to
     'receive/binary', but there is still a problem because you will
     find a carriage return after every 255 characters (or so). Use
     'EDT/FDL binftp.fdl' to edit an FDL (file definition language)
     file that has an option to turn off 'carriage control'. Finally,
     type 'convert/fdl=binftp.fdl inputfile.ext outputfile.ext'.  This
     isn't as bad as it sounds, but it's more hassle than it should be.

     For non-VMS systems, you should contact your local BITNET
     administrator for assistance.

     Obviously, you need to know what the directories are before you
     get in them, which means that each time you need to send a new
     message.  This isn't terribly exciting, but that's how it is.
     Internet's ftp is much easier, but the capability is still there
     for BITNET.

     Note: I have some reports that there are some BITNET sites that
     do support FTP.  Try the FTP command to see if you BITNET site
     has it.

[I'd like to thank Henry Throop <THROOP@GRIN1.BITNET,
 throoph@jacobs.cs.orst.edu> for most of these answers
 and Evan R Aussenberg <erast1@unix.cis.pitt.edu> for
 the pointer that some bitnet sites do have ftp]

Subject:  What is Kermit?

    Kermit itself is a file transfer protocol invented by Frank
    DeCruz of Columbia University.  Typically in this group when
    one talks about kermit, they are talking about a program which
    supports the kermit protocol.  There is at least one commercial
    program which supports kermit - ProTerm.  But many folks are
    using Ted Medin's Kermit 3 (currently 3.87), a freely distributable
    version of a telecommunication program which supports kermit,
    xmodem, vt100 emulation, and many Apple II configurations.

    Kermit was written by Ted Medin <medin-t@shark.nosc.mil>

    The latest official version of kermit is available from Columbia
    University via electronic mail or ftp.  Send electronic mail to
    KERMSERV@CUVMA.BITNET, a one line message of HELP will get you
    started.  For FTP users, the site is watsun.cc.columbia.edu
    ( and the Apple II files reside in the kermit/a

    The latest version of Kermit-65 is 3.87, and it is available at
    ummts as CO.KER387 (with the accompanying DO.KER387 doc file) .

Subject:  What is the current system disk?

    Disk name                 Number
    ------------------------ --------
    DOS System Master ...... 3.3        All Apple IIs

    ProDOS 8 system disk ... 3.2        All Apple IIs with 64k or more
    IIgs System Disk ....... 5.0.4      Apple IIgs with 1Meg or more
                                        (smaller memory configurations
                                         may work, although they are
                                         not supported/tested).

    ProDOS 8 ............... 1.9        Available on the ProDOS 8 and
    Basic.System ........... 1.4.1      IIgs System Disks.

    The system disks should be available from your local Apple Computer
    dealer, a local Apple Users Group or from a commercial information
    system (GEnie, America On Line, or CompuServe).

    Also, IIgs System Software 5.0.4 is available from apple.com via
    ftp (in the pub/dts/aii/sys-soft directory).

Subject:  What are technotes?

[Note: I want to expand this answer, but haven't had enough time]

     Technotes are short topics addressing questions that Apple's
     Apple II Developer Technical Support staff members get from
     outside developers.  Technotes are divided into various
     categories including (but not limited to):  Apple IIc hardware,
     Apple II hardware, Imagewriter, Memory Expansion, ProDOS 8,
     GS/OS and IIgs hardware.

     The idea of technotes is to distribute information about
     Apple computers that isn't readily available from any other
     source. The hundreds of pages are well worth the effort to get.
     DTS really does a great job with technotes! (Thanks DTS!!!)

     You can find Apple II technotes on the FTP sites, or the commercial
     information systems.  Another source of technotes is APDA, where
     one can order printed or diskette subscriptions to the technotes.

     Ftp note: Apple has not upgraded its tech notes on its FTP site
     since January 1990.  Ummts has a copy of the current tech notes.
     Tech Notes are stored as TN.xxxx.yyy where xxxx is the 4 char type
     and yyy is the number.  File Type notes are FT.xx.yyyy where xx is
     the primary type, and yyyy is the aux. type.  Indices are stored
     as TN.!Index and FT.!Index [Thank You Todd A. Bakal!].

Subject: What is APDA?

[Note: This is another answer in need of more work...
       a decent explanation of Developer Express...
       next time it'll be better]

     The Apple Programmers and Developers Association (APDA) provides
     a way for developers to get development tools that are sometimes
     very difficult to find.  For a year's membership ($20), you are
     sent a quarterly catalog of all the available software, manuals,
     etc. available through APDA.

     Developer Express is a way for non-APDA members to be able to
     order items from APDA.  I don't have the details of Developer
     Express here... I believe that anyone can order Class 1 items
     (i.e.: XXX) from APDA through Developer Express.

     Software available through APDA include the following:

       MIDI Synth/synthLAB - MIDI Synth/synthLAB is a second
         generation note synthesizer for the Apple IIGS.  By
         integrating a completely new sequencer, MIDI interface
         and synthesizer into one programming tool, MIDI Synth
         offers developers a powerful but simple solution to
         many of their sound needs.  Because of this integration,
         most of the work required by an application is handled
         by the tool.

         synthLAB is a demo application that shows the power of
         the new MIDI Synth toolset for the Apple IIGS. synthLAB
         can be used to create the instruments needed for
         applications, either by modifying existing ones or by
         creating totally new and original ones. synthLAB's
         recorder can be used to record custom sequences used in
         applications. synthLAB is built around MIDI Synth and
         makes a great learning tool in understanding how
         MIDI Synth works.

         This package includes one 3.5" disk containing the
         MIDI Synth Tool set (tool 35) and synthLAB (a demo
         application that highlights the sheer power of the 
         MIDI Synth Tool set).  Also included is documentation
         on each of the tool calls within that Tool set, and a
         user manual for synthLAB.  The APDA part number is
         'A0250LL/A" (better known as "MIDI Synth/synthLAB
         Version 1.0B3").  The price is $25.

         [The above was stolen without permission from
         8/16-Central, they took the information from A2Pro
         on GEnie.]

       Apple II Video Overlay Card Development Kit v1.1 - This
         kit provides basic design information about the Apple II
         Video Overlay Card.  The notes include information on
         how the Apple II Video Overlay Card works with
         application programs, descriptions of the Video I/O
         Interface Tool Set routines for controlling the
         operation of the Apple II Video Overlay Card, and
         overview of the Apple II Video Expansion Bus (AVEB)
         architecture, and a description of the relevant new
         features incorporated into the Apple IIGS VideoMix
         desk accessory and the Apple IIe Video Setup program.

         The disk includes interfaces for the APW and MPW IIGS
         development systems and an object file for Apple IIe
         programmers. The disk also includes Tool 33 (the Video
         Overlay Card tool), the VideoMix desk accessory (for
         the Apple IIGS), and the Apple IIe Video Setup program.

         APDA part number is 'A0221LL/B', price is $35.

         [The above is stolen from the Summer 1990 APDALog without

       GSBug and Debugging Tools v. 4.0B1 - This beta version of
         Apple Computer's machine-language debugger works on any
         Apple IIGS with System Software v. 4.0 or later.

         With GSBug, you can step through your code; save a trace
         history to a file on disk; define breakpoints and insert
         them into your code; define and use memory protection
         windows; and view the debugger's master display, which
         shows the contents of the 65816 registers, breakpoints,
         and memory-protection ranges that you have set, portions
         of the stack and memory, and a disassembly of your
         program's code.

         Also included with GSBug are the Loader Dumper, Memory
         Mangler, and Scrambler classic desk accessories (CDAs).
         Loader Dumper lets you see where in memory the System
         Loader has loaded each segment of your program and gives
         you information about the various tables and variables 
         that the loader uses. Memory Mangler lets you execute
         a variety of Memory Manager routines and provides lists
         of the memory blocks that are in use, purged, and disposed
         of by the Memory Manager. Scrambler helps you find out
         whether your application has incorrectly dereferenced a
         memory handle by not having first locked the handle.

         The GS/OS Exerciser, also included with this package,
         lets you "exercise" GS/OS by practicing its calls from
         the keyboard.  This utility is supplied as both an
         application and as a CDA.

         APDA part number is 'A0037LL/A', price is $30.

         [The above is stolen from the Fall 1990 APDALog without

       d e v e l o p - The Apple Technical Journal, contains articles
         and samples about creating hardware and software for Apple

         The articles and code in   d e v e l o p   are intended to
         lead you into Inside Macintosh.  Each issue contains source
         code (provided on the CD-ROM disc) that you can use in your
         application. Each journal also includes questions and answers
         from the Macintosh and Apple II Developer Technical Support

         All of the journal articles and source code are included on
         the compact disc that comes with  d e v e l o p.  The disc
         also includes essential tools for developers: international
         versions of system software, international HyperCard,
         Developer Technical Support Notes stacks, and electronic
         versions of selected Apple developer documentation, such as
         Inside Machintosh. If you don't have a CD-ROM drive, you
         will be able to find the contents of the disc on AppleLine,
         the Apple FTP site on the Internet, and other on-line services
         in the near future.

         If you're a certified developer, Partner, or Associate, you'll
         receive one copy of  d e v e l o p  every quarter as part of 
         your developer package.

         A subscription to  d e v e l o p  is $27 for U.S. subscribers
         and $47 for international subscribers.

         The following back issues of  d e v e l o p  are available
         at a price of $10 per issue:

           M0901LL/A    d e v e l o p  issue 1      January 1990
           M0902LL/A    d e v e l o p  issue 2      April 1990
           M0903LL/A    d e v e l o p  issue 3      July 1990
           M0904LL/A    d e v e l o p  issue 4      October 1990

         [The above is stolen from the Fall 1990 APDALog without

     APDA is run by Apple Computer.

     Address:  APDA
               Apple Computer, Inc.
               20525 Mariani Avenue, Mail Stop 33G
               Cupertino, California 95014-6299

     Phone: 1-800-282-2732 (U.S.)
            1-800-637-0029 (Canada)
            1-408-562-3910 (International)
            1-408-562-3971 (Fax)
            171-576 (Telex)

     Electronic Mail: APDA (AppleLink)
                      A.DEVELOPER3 (GEnie)
                      76666,2405 (CompuServe)
                      POSTROM (MCI)
                      APDA (MacNet)

Subject:  What Apple II magazines are there?

[Note: This question needs to be completed...]

     GS+ is a bi-monthly magazine for the Apple IIGS published on an
       Apple IIGS.  This magazine is not as polished as some magazines,
       but they are honest and put together very good reviews and
       software.  If they see something that is junk, they call it junk
       (just the way it should be!).  Their idea is to show what an
       Apple IIGS can do and they succeed very well at doing exactly

       Some of their software is just downright great - their EGOed
       NDA editor is great, I also like their Shuffle Init (shuffles
       the active window between all open windows).  I'm not being paid
       for this favorable point of view - I'm simply a very happy

       Address: GS+ Subscription Services
                c/o EGO Systems
                P.O. Box 15366
                Chattanooga, Tennessee  37415-0366

       Voice: (615) 870-4960  (Mon-Fri 9am-6pm EST)
       FAX: (913) 469-6507
       gs-plus BBS: (615) 875-4607 (2400 baud, 8 data bits, no parity,
                                    1 stop bit)

       Electronic mail: Internet: diz@pro-gsplus.cts.com (editor)

       Subscription Price: magazine $15/year,  disk+magazine $36/year
                           magazine $3/issue,  disk+magazine $8/issue
                     First class mail service for $1.50/issue, $9/year
                     Tennessee Residents add 5.5% sales tax.
                     Chattanooga Residents add 7.25% sales tax.
                     Canadian/Mexican orders add $1 extra postage.
                     All other foreign orders add $6 surface, $30 air.




     d e v e l o p - see the section about APDA for information on
                     d e v e l o p.


     inCider/A+ is a monthly Apple II/Macintosh magazine.

       Address: inCider/A+
                P.O. Box 56818
                Boulder, CO 80322-8618

       Subscription: $27.97/year  $43/2 years


     HyperStudio Network is a quarterly newsletter about HyperStudio.
       Membership in HSN will get you the newsletter (HyperStudio Forum),
       an annual 'Best of HyperStudio' disk of stacks and availability
       of discounts on HyperStudio accessories (including HyperStudio).
       This network seems to be a great place for teachers to get

       HyperPostCards is their current big success.  The idea is to
       get students to include information about themselves and to
       distribute the HyperStudio stacks from one school to another.
       It works much like postcards would.  I don't have more details,
       so I'm stopping.

       Address: HyperStudio Network
                Box 103
                Blawenburg, NJ 08504

       Phone: (609) 466-3196

       Subscription/Membership: $29 for 1 year, $55 for 2 years.
       Institutional Membership: $99 for 1 year, $189 for 2 years.
                                 Includes 20 copies of both HyperStudio
                                 Forum and the annual "Best of
                                 HyperStudio" disk.


     ??? - is the Basic (or was that Z-Basic) programmer's magazine
       (sorry about being vague... I just don't have the information
        with me... and never subscribed to a couple of these magazines)


     A2-Central publishes several Apple II magazines:

       A2-Central - The Apple II newsletter, there is an optional
                    disk version.  This is a monthly publication.

       All of their other publications are 3.5" disk based only.

       For the IIGS, the program to use is HyperStudio (they include
       the runtime version, in case you don't have HyperStudio).

       For other IIs, they include a text browser.  Although any text
       browser will do the job.  I don't know if this applies to all
       of the magazines or not (guess I should call again...).

       8/16-Central - Monthly Apple II programmers disk magazine.
                      8/16-Central will include programs, sources
                      and articles.

       Stack Central - HyperStudio-based disk.  Each issue is a
                      collection of HyperStudio additions.  My guess
                      is that it includes things like Clip Art/Sounds,
                      XCMDs, PD Stacks and so on.  There were some
                      articles in the demo that I saw - I can't say
                      any more than this.  Except that there are
                      two disks per issue - every other month.

       TimeOut Central - every other month - all about TimeOut
                      additions and AppleWorks.  Includes UltraMacros
                      Macros, Templates and so forth.  There is one
                      disk per issue.

       Hyperbole - Will begin in January.  This disk based publication
                      is not about computers.  It is HyperStudio based
                      stories and poetry and so on.

       Address: A2-Central (or is it Resource Central now?)
                P.O. Box 11250
                Overland Park, KS  66207

       Voice: (913) 469-6502
       FAX: (913) 469-6507

       Electronic mail on GEnie: A2-CENTRAL, UNCLE-DOS, or DENNIS.DOMS


     The Road Apple - An Apple // "End Users" Underground Newsletter

       Published six times a year.

       Address: 1121 NE 177th, Suite B
                Portland, OR 97230

       Telephone:  (503) 254-3874.

       Subscription price: $9.95 per year (6 issues)


     Computist - a publication devoted to gathering and distributing
                 information on removing copy protection from Apple II

       Address: P.O. Box 110846
                Tacoma, WA  98411


     Softdisk and Softdisk GS - monthly disk magazines containing a
        variety of software.  Softdisk is available on 5.25" or 3.5"
        disks.  Softdisk GS is available only on 3.5" disks.

        Address: Softdisk Publishing
                 P.O. Box 30008
                 Shreveport, LA 71130-0008

        Phone: 1-800-831-2694

        Subscription: Softdisk: $19.95/3 months
                      Softdisk GS: $29.95/3 months
                      Both: $39.95/3 months

Subject: Recent Apple Computer Announcements and Changes

     The Apple IIc+ was dropped from price lists (I really liked the
     //c+, I even bought my parents one).

     ProDOS 8 1.9 was announced in September 1990.

     GS/OS 5.0.4 was announced in December 1990.

     HyperCard IIGS was announced in December 1990 at AppleFest.
     It will become available from Apple Computer Dealers in February 1991
     for $99.  HCGS will require 1.5meg (although 2meg is recommended).

     Apple has a toll-free customer assistance line for handling
     sales questions and user concerns.  This toll-free line is not
     designed to be a technical support hotline, but instead is an
     extension to the comprehensive Apple customer relations effort.
     The Customer Assistance Center is open Monday through Friday
     from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific time by dialing 1-800-776-2333.

Subject: Apple II Resources

     This section is pointers to Apple II resources - places to get
     more information about Apple IIs.


     To find the closest Apple II (or Macintosh) User Group near
     you, contact:

       The Apple User Group Connection
       Apple Computer, Inc.
       20525 Mariani Avenue, MS:36-AA
       Cupertino, CA 95014

       (800) 538-9696, extension 500


     The Apple II Guide is a resource guide for Apple II owners.
     Apple has given this guide away at Applefest and it should be
     available from your local dealer, your user group or directly
     from Apple.

     From the comments I've heard about this book, Apple has done
     a very good job on it.  Thank you Apple!


     If you are having problems with a dealer in your area then call
     the Apple Dealer Relations toll free number: 1-800-538-9696.


[I would like to thank David A. Lyons <dlyons@apple.com> for the pointer
to the AUGC.]

Subject: Future questions for the FAQ

This is the section where you get to peek into the future of the
FAQ list.  Here is where some questions that may take me a while
to incorporate correctly. Since I have the questions I thought
that I'd present them here.

Where can I find Apple II software?
Where can I get commercial hardware and/or software?
    Mention where to find listings (is there anyone doing
    decent reviews any longer?)
Where can I find out how to do XYZ? (fill in the XYZ)
Common Apple II general questions:
    Are there any free programming languages for the Apple II line?
         Mad Forth (other Forths?)
         Hyper-C - a shareware package with no one at
                   the address to receive the money?
         Applesoft and various freeware and shareware
                   extensions (mention some that are
                   available on Apple2-l and comp.*.apple2)

                   How do I get out of AppleSoft?  Type 'bye'.
         Scheme (for the IIgs).
    What versions of BASIC are available for the Apple II line?
         TML Basic, Micol Basic, Z-Basic, Beagle Compiler
    What versions of C language are available for the Apple II line?
         Orca C, APW C, Manx Aztec C
    What versions of other languages (Pascal, Forth, Scheme, etc)
         TML Pascal, Orca Pascal, GS Forth, there was a Lisp
         at one time, Pecan Power Systems Pascal, FORTRAN, and
    What versions of assemblers are available?
         Orca/M, Orca/M GS, APW, Merlin 8/16+, Lisa, EDASM, others?

    ByteWorks : 1-505-898-8183
                4700 Irving Blvd NW
                Suite 207
                Albuquerque, NM 87114

    Common Apple IIe specific questions:
    Common Apple IIc specific questions:
    Common IIgs specific questions:
         What does it mean when my IIgs crashes with a $0911
         unclaimed interrupt?

         Redmond Cable has an ADB Y-connector cable for separating
         your mouse from the side of your keyboard (also can be used
         to work around a failing ADB port on the keyboard).  Their
         address is: Redmond Cable Corporation, 17371-A1 NE 67th Ct,
         Redmond, WA 98052, (206) 882-2009.

         When your battery dies get a the 'Slide-On Battery Replacement
         Kit' from Night Owl Productions:
          Address: Nite Owl Productions
                   Slide-On Battery Dept.
                   5734 Lamar Street
                   Mission, KS 66202
          Phone: (913) 362-9898
          Price: 14:95 plus $2 for shipping

         Alltech Electronics carries all the //c chips for $9 to
         $39 each (depending on the chip). Pick up the latest A+
         and look for their ad. Can them at (619) 721-7733.

Subject: Editors Notes

     This is the fourth revision of the FAQ for comp.sys.apple2.
     I am posting it at this time because there are sites that
     have not received it at all.  This is because of its size
     which also explains why I broke it into two pieces.

     I apologize in advance for any of the errors (typographical,
     logical, or otherwise).  With your patience (and help!) this
     frequently asked questions (with answers) article will improve.

     I would appreciate hearing from you if you have an addition,
     correction, or to complain to me about what I did wrong.

     Please send me electronic mail at one of the following

          Internet: dave@mystie.webo.dg.com
                or: dave%dgc.mceo.dg.com@relay.cs.net
             GEnie: D.Kopper

     Apple II Forever!!!!!  David Kopper

[Last edited on Feburary 19, 1991]

dave@mystie.dg.com (David Kopper) (02/20/91)

This article contains a diff of the just posted answers to
some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and the one posted about
three weeks ago.

< [Last edited on Feburary 19, 1991]
> [Last edited on January 25, 1991]
<        * What is ShrinkIt?
>          What is Shrinkit?
<        * What are the Apple II FTP sites?
>          What are the Apple II FTP sites?
<          What is the current system disk?
<          What are technotes?
>        * What is the current system disk?
>        * What are technotes?
<        + Apple II resources
<        * Future questions for the FAQ
<          Editors Notes
>          Future questions for the FAQ
>        * Editors Notes
>       I broke the FAQ in half and posted now because there are a
>       fair number of sites that did not receive the three previous
>       attempts to post it (its size was probably the problem).
<     (and comp.sys.apple2) subscribers send their messages to one
<     of the followind addresses:
<            comp.sys.apple2@apple.com
<            comp-sys-apple2@ucbvax.berkeley.edu
<            comp-binaries-apple2@ucbvax.berkeley.edu
<            comp-sources-apple2@ucbvax.berkeley.edu [Is this correct?]
<     There is no need for comp.sys.apple2 users to do this - they can
<     use the standard posting features of Usenet.
>     (and comp.sys.apple2) subscribers send their messages to
>     INFO-APPLE@apple.com .  There is no need for comp.sys.apple2
>     users to do this - they can use the standard posting features of
>     Usenet.
<     users can post their needs to misc.forsale.compute, misc.forsale,
>     users can post their needs to misc.forsale.compute misc.forsale,
<     ShrinkIt archives.
>     Shrinkit archives.
<     To get the specially-encoded BinSCII by ftp type the following
<     commands (assuming you have ftp access to Internet):
<            ftp []      (or ftp tybalt.caltech.edu)
<            anonymous
<            user@node.place.domain     (I would be dave@mystie.webo.dg.com)
<            cd pub/apple2
<            get binscii.exe
<            get binscii.txt
<     If the above doesn't work (try the ftp without the [] also) then
<     something is really wrong.  binscii.txt is a tutorial that Todd
<     wrote about BinSCII and the binscii.exe file itself.  The tutorial
<     sort of assumes that the .exe file is appended to it when it talks
<     about the .exe file -- this is because he usually mails them to people
<     with the tutorial and the .exe appended after it.
< Sub-Subject: "ShrinkIt won't do anything with the file I just spent
> Sub-Subject: "Shrinkit won't do anything with the file I just spent
<     the parts using BinSCII before attempting to extract using ShrinkIt.
>     the parts using BinSCII before attempting to extract using Shrinkit.
<     You can also use either of two macintosh programs to do the
<     decoding (StuffIt or BinHex - I believe that most Macintosh
<     owners use StuffIt to do the BinHex encoding/decoding).  There
<     is also a Unix implementation of BinHex called mcvert.
>     You can also use a macintosh program to do the decoding (StuffIt,
>     possibly BinHex).  There is also a Unix implementation of BinHex
>     called mcvert.
<      it and translate the new lines to carriage returns - Kermit
>      it and translate the new lines to carriage returns - kermit
<     First lets determine if you have an Executioner file.  The first
>     First lets determine if you have an executioner file.  The first
<     If you have found a CALL -151 then you probably have an Executioner
>     If you have found a CALL -151 then you probably have an executioner
<     the Kermit program (it can translate new lines to carriage returns
<     for you) or a program on your apple.  I believe that the DaveEx shell
>     the kermit program (it can translate new lines to carriage returns
>     for you) or a program on your apple.  I believe that the davex shell
<     Now type 'EXEC filename', where filename is the edited/translated
>     Now type 'exec filename', where filename is the edited/translated
<     LISTSERVer (actually file APPLE2-L.87-00031) - my editing was simply
>     listserver (actually file APPLE2-L.87-00031) - my editing was simply
<     Since I found the CALL -151 command, I know its an Executioner
>     Since I found the CALL -151 command, I know its an executioner
<     This concludes the test of the emergency Executioner translation
>     This concludes the test of the emergency executioner translation
< Subject:  What is ShrinkIt?
> Subject:  What is Shrinkit?
<     ShrinkIt has many options, such as whole disk compression,
<     disk formatting, displaying text files, etc.  ShrinkIt also
>     Shrinkit has many options, such as whole disk compression,
>     disk formatting, displaying text files, etc.  Shrinkit also
<     The current revision number of ShrinkIt is 3.0.3.
>     The current revision number of Shrinkit is 3.0.3.
<     The IIgs version of ShrinkIt is named GShk (the current
<     version number is 1.0.4).  GShk can do all that ShrinkIt
>     The IIgs version of Shrinkit is named GShk (the current
>     version number is 1.0.4).  GShk can do all that Shrinkit
<     ShrinkIt+ and UnShrinkIt+ are two programs for the Apple II+.
>     Shrinkit+ and UnShrinkit+ are two programs for the Apple II+.
<     ShrinkIt, GShk, ShrinkIt+ and UnShrinkIt+ were written by
>     Shrinkit, GShk, Shrinkit+ and UnShrinkit+ were written by
<     Nulib is a C implementation of ShrinkIt 1.0.2.  It also works very
>     Nulib is a C implementation of Shrinkit 1.0.2.  It also works very
<     BLU is the predecessor of ShrinkIt.  The goal of BLU was to take
>     BLU is the predecessor of Shrinkit.  The goal of BLU was to take
<     There is little current use of BLU.  The reader is most likely
<     to encounter files in its format on various archive sites.  Note
<     that since ShrinkIt can unbundle the members of these files, there
<     is seldom any need to use BLU itself, unless it is a requirement
<     of the archive in question.
>     The current use of BLU is in telecommunications, where the
>     filetype information is preserved.  This is why you can find
>     archives that are Shrinkit (or NuFX) archives wrapped in a
>     BLU header.
<        .SDK     The file is usually a NuFX disk archive create by
< 		ShrinkIt.  Use ShrinkIt to extract the disk image.
<        .QQ      The file is usually a Huffman encoded file created
>        .QQ      The file is usually a huffman encoded file created
<        .BQY     This is a BLU wrapped ShrinkIt archive.  Use
>        .BNY     This is a BLU wrapped ShrinkIt archive.  Use
<      avalanche.berkeley.edu    pub/Apple2
<      brownvm.brown.edu   listserv.193
<      f.ms.uky.edu     pub/appleII
<      isca            unix/apple2
<      plains.nodak.edu   pub/appleII
<      shark.nosc.mil      ker*mit.
<      tybalt.caltech.edu  pub/apple2
>      shark.nosc.mil      ker*mit.
>      brownvm.brown.edu   listserv.193
>      f.ms.uky.edu     pub/appleII
>      tybalt.caltech.edu  pub/apple2
>      plains.nodak.edu   pub/appleII
>      avalanche.berkeley.edu    pub/Apple2
>      isca            unix/apple2
<      APPLE2-L is an software archive of Apple II programs provided by
<      a BITNET mail server (LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BITNET).  Interactive BITNET
>      APPLE2-L is an archive of Apple II programs provided by a BITNET
>      mail server (LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BITNET).  Interactive BITNET
<      Send the following message to apple2-l@brownvm.bitnet to get help
<      information:
>      Send the following message to get help information:
<      mail servers on Internet.  I only know of the one at the
>      mail servers on internet.  I only know of the one at the
<      Note that use of these facilities are generally frowned upon if the
<      item being retrieved is larger than 10,000 bytes.  This is due to the
<      fact that you are asking a number of machines to carry quite a load
<      for you at no cost.  Please do not abuse these privileges.
<      A user abused the Atari mail server and because of this single
<      user, the mail server has been shutdown permanently.
<                                         ; to <directory>.  pub is typically
>                                         ; to <direcory>.  pub is typically
<      Anyway, a sample file would be:
>      Anyways, a sample file would be:
< [I'd like to thank Henry Throop <THROOP@GRIN1.BITNET,
> [I'd like to Thank Henry Throop <THROOP@GRIN1.BITNET,
<     The latest version of Kermit-65 is 3.87, and it is available at
<     ummts as CO.KER387 (with the accompanying DO.KER387 doc file) .
>     The latest version of Kermit-65 is 3.87 available at ummts as
>     CO.KER387 (with the accompanying DO.KER387 doc file) and all
>     other FTP sites.
<     Also, IIgs System Software 5.0.4 is available from apple.com via
<     ftp (in the pub/dts/aii/sys-soft directory).
>     Also, IIgs System Sofware 5.0.4 is available from apple.com via
>     ftp.
<      Apple II hardware, Imagewriter, Memory Expansion, ProDOS 8,
>      Apple II hardwaree, Imagewriter, Memory Expansion, ProDOS 8,
<      since January 1990.  Ummts has a copy of the current tech notes.
>      since January 1990.  Ummts has a copy of the current tech notes,
<      the primary type, and yyyy is the aux. type.  Indices are stored
>      the primary type, and yyyy is the aux. type.  Indicies are stored
<      (i.e.: XXX) from APDA through Developer Express.
>      (IE: XXX) from APDA through Developer Express.
<          can be used to create the instruments needed for
>          can be used to create the intruments needed for
<          application programs, descriptions of the Video I/O
>          application programs, descriptions of the Vidio I/O
<          programmers. The disk also includes Tool 33 (the Video
>          programmers. The disk also includes Tool 33 (ther Video
<          Mangler, and Scrambler classic desk accessories (CDAs).
>          Mandler, and Scrambler classic desk accessories (CDAs).
<          lead you into Inside Macintosh.  Each issue contains source
>          lead you into Insidr Macintosh.  Each issue contains source
<          Inside Machintosh. If you don't have a CD-ROM drive, you
>          SpInside Machintosh. If you don't have a CD-ROM drive, you
<          the Apple FTP site on the Internet, and other on-line services
>          the Apple FTP site on the internet, and other on-line services
<  --
<  --
<  --
<  --
<  --
<  --
<  --
<  --
<  --
<      GS/OS 5.0.4 was announced in December 1990.
>      GS/OS 5.0.3 was announced in November 1990.
<      HyperCard IIGS was announced in December 1990 at AppleFest.
<      It will become available from Apple Computer Dealers in February 1991
>      HyperCard IIGS was announced in December at AppleFest.  It will
>      become available from Apple Computer Dealers in February 1991
<      Apple has a toll-free customer assistance line for handling
<      sales questions and user concerns.  This toll-free line is not
<      designed to be a technical support hotline, but instead is an
<      extension to the comprehensive Apple customer relations effort.
<      The Customer Assistance Center is open Monday through Friday
<      from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific time by dialing 1-800-776-2333.
< Subject: Apple II Resources
<      This section is pointers to Apple II resources - places to get
<      more information about Apple IIs.
<  --
<      To find the closest Apple II (or Macintosh) User Group near
<      you, contact:
<        The Apple User Group Connection
<        Apple Computer, Inc.
<        20525 Mariani Avenue, MS:36-AA
<        Cupertino, CA 95014
<        (800) 538-9696, extension 500
<  --
<      The Apple II Guide is a resource guide for Apple II owners.
<      Apple has given this guide away at Applefest and it should be
<      available from your local dealer, your user group or directly
<      from Apple.
<      From the comments I've heard about this book, Apple has done
<      a very good job on it.  Thank you Apple!
<  --
<      If you are having problems with a dealer in your area then call
<      the Apple Dealer Relations toll free number: 1-800-538-9696.
<  --
< [I would like to thank David A. Lyons <dlyons@apple.com> for the pointer
< to the AUGC.]
< ========================================================================
<          Alltech Electronics carries all the //c chips for $9 to
< 	 $39 each (depending on the chip). Pick up the latest A+
< 	 and look for their ad. Can them at (619) 721-7733.
< [Last edited on Feburary 19, 1991]
> [Last edited on January 25, 1991]

  Dave Kopper        Internet: dave@mystie.webo.dg.com
                           or: dave%dgc.mceo.dg.com@relay.cs.net
Apple II Forever!       GEnie: D.Kopper

dave@mystie.webo.dg.com (David Kopper) (03/12/91)

[Last edited on March 12, 1991]

I would like to thank Larry W. Virden for his help with this document.


Hi!  Welcome to the comp.sys.apple2 newsgroup!

This article contains the answers to some Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ) often seen in comp.sys.apple2.  I am posting
this article (once every three weeks or so) to help reduce the
volume in this newsgroup and to provide hard-to-find information
of general interest.

I hope it answers some of your questions.

* Table of Contents: (contents were reordered)

         What is comp.sys.apple2?  What is INFO-APPLE?
         What are the comp.binaries.apple2 and comp.sources.apple2
         What is BinSCII?
         What is Executioner?
         What is ShrinkIt?
         What is a .Z, .bsq or .shk file? (some common filename
         What are the Apple II FTP sites?
         What is APPLE2-L?
         What is FTP?
         What is BITFTP?
         What is Kermit?
         What is the current system disk?
         What are technotes?
         What is APDA?
         What Apple II magazines are there?
         Recent Apple Computer Announcements and Changes
         Apple II resources
         Future questions for the FAQ
         Editors Notes

      + indicates questions new to this article
      * indicates questions/answers with changes of content since the
        last issue

Note: This is the first half of the frequently asked questions (with
      answers), the other half should be the next article/posting.

Subject: What is comp.sys.apple2?  What is INFO-APPLE?

    Comp.sys.apple2 is a Usenet newsgroup that was created for the
    discussion of the Apple II series of computers. This forum provides
    a way for interested people to compare notes, ask questions, and
    share insights about Apple IIs.  It works by users posting a message
    via specialized software to a local file on their system, and that
    message being passed along to all of the 30,000+ other systems
    around the world that share Usenet files.

    INFO-APPLE is a mailing list that is maintained on some networks
    other than Usenet.  Comp.sys.apple2 messages are sent to INFO-APPLE
    and INFO-APPLE messages are sent to comp.sys.apple2.
    The central location of INFO-APPLE is at apple.com Thank you, Apple

    I believe that the same kind of thing is being done for ProLine.
    Could someone please fill me in on some details?

    Does anyone know of other folks doing the same thing for other

    On BITNET, LISTSERVers are available to distribute the mail
    messages.  It works by maintaining a list of users who wish to
    see the messages in their mailbox.

    To subscribe (or (sadly) unsubscribe): send your request to
    info-apple-request@apple.com . Please do not send subscription
    requests to info-apple@apple.com!!!!

    To post a message to the thousands of readers of INFO-APPLE
    (and comp.sys.apple2) subscribers send their messages to one
    of the followind addresses:
           comp-sources-apple2@ucbvax.berkeley.edu [Is this correct?]
    There is no need for comp.sys.apple2 users to do this - they can
    use the standard posting features of Usenet.

    There is no need to subscribe to INFO-APPLE when you are getting
    comp.sys.apple2, since the messages are identical.

    Posting commercial/advertising is not only discouraged, it is not
    allowed under the rules of the Internet portion of the group.
    Since comp.sys.apple2 and info-apple are linked, commercial
    messages should not be sent on either of them.  Instead, Usenet
    users can post their needs to misc.forsale.compute, misc.forsale,
    or misc.wanted.

    Does anyone know what the Internet and BITNET folks are supposed
    to do?

Subject: What are the comp.binaries.apple2 and comp.sources.apple2

    Comp.binaries.apple2 is a newsgroup used to distribute public
    domain, freeware, and shareware Apple II software (executables,
    pictures, sounds, etc...).  Software distributed on
    comp.binaries.apple2 is expected to be a BinSCII text file of
    ShrinkIt archives.

    Comp.sources.apple2 is a newsgroup used to distribute public
    domain, freeware, and shareware Apple II source code.  There
    are guidelines on the format in the comp.sources.apple2
    newsgroup.  Contact jac@paul.rutgers.edu for details.

    Discussions concerning the software posted in these groups, or
    the methods of accessing this software, or the archiving of this
    software, or any OTHER discussions that you could possibly dream
    of (and in fact many discussions that you would NEVER dream of
    seeing!) are to be held in comp.sys.apple2 .  NO DISCUSSIONS,

    Distributing commercial software is a crime - just don't do it!

Subject:  What is BinSCII?

    This is a program which takes an Apple file and converts it to a
    format suitable for transfer via email or 7 bit file transfer.
    The output is not self contained - one must use BinSCII on the
    receiving end to convert the file back into usable format.

    Advantages of BinSCII are that the files tend to be smaller (than
    the same file ran through Executioner, a similar program), and the
    conversion back into binary can be done without having to strip off
    mail headings, converting line feeds to carriage returns or
    executing a binary program that may not be a text decoding program.

    BinSCII also will break up your file into smaller pieces and is
    able to put the pieces back together without the user having to
    be careful what order he does things.

    Note 1: BinSCII does not keep track of what parts of what files
    you have and have not already decoded. This is a future enhancement.
    In the meantime, either watch that every segment is decoded, or use
    sciibin -v (show info only) to examine the text file before
    downloading and decoding.

    Note 2: Programs such as ShrinkIt do not currently know how to
    decode BinSCII.  Use an un-BinSCII-ing program before attempting
    to extract the pieces.

    The current version of BinSCII is 1.0.3.  The user interface isn't
    very pretty, but it's being worked on.  Version 1.1 will be revamped
    and will support future enhancements pending in 2.0.  Version 2.0
    will change the encoding format drastically, making BinSCII portable
    to other systems.  Encoded files will be interchangeable between any
    two implementations of BinSCII (for example: encode a file under
    Unix and decode the file on a Macintosh).  When version 2.0 is
    available, its sources will be distributed (written in C).

    BinSCII was written by Dave Whitney <dcw@goldilocks.lcs.mit.edu,
    dcw@lcs.mit.edu or dcw@athena.mit.edu> of Zlink fame.

Sub-Subject: Where can I get a copy of BinSCII?

    BinSCII is available via ftp from tybalt.caltech.edu (or any of the
    ftp sites listed later).

    BinSCII is occasionally posted to comp.binaries.apple2.

    One more place to find BinSCII is on the APPLE2-L listserver
    (file Apple2-L 89-01123).

    Todd Whitesel has re-encoded version 1.0.3 in a self-saving method
    similar to Executioner but more reliable.
    Grab that version (on tybalt) first and then you can easily decode
    future updates (which will be posted in both Executioner and
    BinSCII 1.0 formats).

    To get the specially-encoded BinSCII by ftp type the following
    commands (assuming you have ftp access to Internet):

           ftp []      (or ftp tybalt.caltech.edu)
           user@node.place.domain     (I would be dave@mystie.webo.dg.com)
           cd pub/apple2
           get binscii.exe
           get binscii.txt

    If the above doesn't work (try the ftp without the [] also) then
    something is really wrong.  binscii.txt is a tutorial that Todd
    wrote about BinSCII and the binscii.exe file itself.  The tutorial
    sort of assumes that the .exe file is appended to it when it talks
    about the .exe file -- this is because he usually mails them to people
    with the tutorial and the .exe appended after it.

Sub-Subject: "ShrinkIt won't do anything with the file I just spent
    X hours downloading.  Why not?"

    If you have a text file in your hands that has some lines


    then you've got something encoded by BinSCII. You must decode *all*
    the parts using BinSCII before attempting to extract using ShrinkIt.

    On the other hand, if you have a file which resembles:

begin 666 nonsense.bny
M4W5N3U,@4F5L96%S92 T+C$@*%-$4U0V,"D@(S@Z(%1U92!/8W0@.2 Q,CHS
M...3HT.2!%1%0@,3DY, HT

and more lines like that, followed by an:


    then you have a uuencoded file.  This is going to be tougher to
    decode.  See the Apple II archives for at least one Apple IIgs
    uudecoder program.

    On the third hand, if you have a file which resembles:

(This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0)

    then you have a BinHex file.  This is going to be much tougher
    to decode.  The GSCII+ NDA by Derek Taubert decodes BinHex files
    on an Apple IIGS.

    You can also use either of two macintosh programs to do the
    decoding (StuffIt or BinHex - I believe that most Macintosh
    owners use StuffIt to do the BinHex encoding/decoding).  There
    is also a Unix implementation of BinHex called mcvert.

Sub-Subject: Is there a Unix version of BinSCII?

    SciiBin is a C implementation of a BinSCII decoder.  It works well
    under most Unix or Unix-like operating systems, AOS/VS and MSDOS.

    Note: SciiBin can only decode a BinSCII file!  It cannot encode a
    binary file into BinSCII format.

    SciiBin version 1.10 was written by Marcel J.E. Mol.  Version 1.20
    had several corrections by Dave Whitney.

    The current version is 1.30 by Bruce Kahn.  This version corrected a
    fair number of bugs and was a port to AOS/VS (where byte pointers are
    different than word pointers) and MSDOS (under Microsoft C v5.1).

Subject: What is Executioner?

    Executioner was the standard program that converted Apple II files
    into text to be mailed/posted.  It is no longer considered the
    standard on comp.binaries.apple2.

    Executioner was like BinSCII, in that it translated an Apple II
    file into text to be send via email or 7 bit wide transfer methods.
    Only the 4 bit mode was safe to use (other modes used characters
    that got translated incorrectly between machines on the network).

    Currently, Executioner is typically only used to distribute BinSCII.
    Some older files in the various archives may also be encoded with
    this program.

    To translate an Executioner text file to an Apple II file required
    that you delete the mail headers/trailers, translated the newlines
    into carriage returns, download the file to your Apple II and from
    Applesoft Basic, type the command 'EXEC <filename>' where <filename>
    is the name of the file you downloaded.

    Note: After the last line of the Executioner text, there needs to
    be a blank line.  This blank line indicates the end of the text
    that gets translated back into an Apple II file.

    Executioner was written by Glen Bredon, of ProCMD and ProSEL fame.

Sub-Subject: Long directions to extract a file in Executioner format.

    (I'm assuming that you can edit a file before you download it.
     If this isn't the case, do all the editing after you download
     it and translate the new lines to carriage returns - Kermit
     can do this translation for you).

    First lets determine if you have an Executioner file.  The first
    line after all the headers (mail addresses, text, etc...) will

       CALL -151

    If you have found a CALL -151 then you probably have an Executioner
    format file.  Delete all the lines above the CALL -151 so that it
    is the first line of the file.

    Now edit the other end of the file.  You should find something like
    a line string of numbers (and letters) followed by a blank line which
    is followed by a BSAVE command and then a E00G command.

    Make sure that the blank line contains no characters (other than the
    newline to get the blank line).

    Delete any lines that may follow the E00G command.  These are
    typically signature lines.

    Make sure that there are no spaces before the text of each line
    (1,$<< in vi).

    Save the file to be downloaded.  Note: If you edited the file on
    your apple, then you must make sure that you write a text file back
    to the disk (A save command from AppleWorks isn't good enough,
    you'll have to print the file to disk from AppleWorks).

    Now translate the new lines to carriage returns.  On Unix systems
    the command is:

        tr '\012' '\015' < inputfile > outputfile

    Other possible methods to do the translation is to download using
    the Kermit program (it can translate new lines to carriage returns
    for you) or a program on your apple.  I believe that the DaveEx shell
    has a TR command that can do the translation for you.  I also
    believe that there are several other programs that can do the
    translation for you.  List is a file browser that can print to
    disk.  TextDragon works on the IIGS.

    Use whatever method you can, just get the new lines translated into
    carriage returns.

    Download the edited/translated file - I'm not going into any detail
    here.  Just get the file downloaded.  You may have already completed
    this step, if you had to edit/translate the file on your apple.

    Just get the edited/translated file onto a disk for your Apple.

    Boot ProDOS and get into Basic, then set the prefix so the
    edited/translated file is available. 

    Now type 'EXEC filename', where filename is the edited/translated
    text file.

    You should see a ']' prompt followed by lots of '*' prompts.  A while
    later, you will see couple more ']' prompts then everything should
    stop with a ']' prompt.

    You should see a new file in your directory.  If the filetype is
    wrong (it may have to be a particular type, for BinSCII it must
    be type SYS), then you can try the EXEC command again - which will
    probably work the second time.

    An alternative (if EXEC doesn't do the trick) is to change the file
    type with file type changer.

    An example will probably help, so lets try to walk through one.
    The following is a 'edited' file that I just got from the APPLE2-L
    LISTSERVer (actually file APPLE2-L.87-00031) - my editing was simply
    to make its size manageable for this example.

    Note: The '****'s are to mark the start/end of the file and are
    not actually contained in the file itself.

    Here is the file:

Date:         Sat, 15 Aug 87  23:14 EST
Reply-To:     Apple II List <APPLE2-L@BROWNVM>
Sender:       Apple II List <APPLE2-L@BROWNVM>
From:         SEWALL@UCONNVM
Subject:      Chameleon 2 of 2 files

cham.exe (EXEC under ProDOS)-----------Cut Here--------------------
E00:38 A5 FF D0 32 D8 20 8E FD AD 30 BF 8D 6A 0E 20 00 BF C7 6D 0E 0D 80 02
E18:D0 1D 20 00 BF C5 69 0E B0 15 AD 81 02 29 0F AA E8 8E 80 02 A9 2F 8D 81
E30:02 20 00 BF C6 6D 0E A2 08 B0 0E 20 00 BF C3 70 0E B0 06 A2 26 20 53 0E
E48:AA 20 53 0E 4C D0 03 20 ED FD E8 BD 59 0E D0 F7 60 A0 F3 E1 F6 E5 E4 8D
E60:00 C5 F2 F2 EF F2 87 8D 00 02 00 81 02 01 80 02 07 7E 0E 01 FF 00 20 00
E78:00 00 78 AE 00 00 0B C3 C8 C1 CD AE D3 D9 D3 D4 C5 CD 00
F00:D8 A0 00 84 FF 88 84 E0 A9 0F 85 E1 20 67 FD A0 00 A2 FF 20 2F 0F E6 E0
F18:D0 02 E6 E1 0A 0A 0A 0A 91 E0 20 2F 0F 11 E0 91 E0 45 FF 85 FF 90 E4 E8
F30:BD 00 02 09 80 C9 A0 F0 F6 49 B0 C9 0A 90 17 69 88 09 20 C9 FA B0 0C 68
F48:68 E0 04 B0 BF 98 91 E0 4C 69 FF 18 29 0F 60
 . . .



    Since I found the CALL -151 command, I know its an Executioner
    format file.  Now I do all my editing on it and the result looks
    like the following:

E00:38 A5 FF D0 32 D8 20 8E FD AD 30 BF 8D 6A 0E 20 00 BF C7 6D 0E 0D 80 02
E18:D0 1D 20 00 BF C5 69 0E B0 15 AD 81 02 29 0F AA E8 8E 80 02 A9 2F 8D 81
E30:02 20 00 BF C6 6D 0E A2 08 B0 0E 20 00 BF C3 70 0E B0 06 A2 26 20 53 0E
E48:AA 20 53 0E 4C D0 03 20 ED FD E8 BD 59 0E D0 F7 60 A0 F3 E1 F6 E5 E4 8D
E60:00 C5 F2 F2 EF F2 87 8D 00 02 00 81 02 01 80 02 07 7E 0E 01 FF 00 20 00
E78:00 00 78 AE 00 00 0B C3 C8 C1 CD AE D3 D9 D3 D4 C5 CD 00
F00:D8 A0 00 84 FF 88 84 E0 A9 0F 85 E1 20 67 FD A0 00 A2 FF 20 2F 0F E6 E0
F18:D0 02 E6 E1 0A 0A 0A 0A 91 E0 20 2F 0F 11 E0 91 E0 45 FF 85 FF 90 E4 E8
F30:BD 00 02 09 80 C9 A0 F0 F6 49 B0 C9 0A 90 17 69 88 09 20 C9 FA B0 0C 68
F48:68 E0 04 B0 BF 98 91 E0 4C 69 FF 18 29 0F 60
 . . .


    I execute the 'tr' command on my Unix system and download the
    resulting file.  Once I get it to my IIGS, then (from Basic) I

       EXEC FILE

    Lots of '*'s later I find CHAM.SYSTEM on my disk.

    This concludes the test of the emergency Executioner translation

Subject:  What is ShrinkIt?

    This is a program which takes one or more Apple II ProDOS files
    and 'archives' them into a NuFX archive.  ShrinkIt typically
    shrinks the members of the NuFX archive with variations of the
    LZW (Lev-Zimpel-Welch) compression algorithm.

    ShrinkIt has many options, such as whole disk compression,
    disk formatting, displaying text files, etc.  ShrinkIt also
    has the ability to extract BLU files members - more on BLU
    in a couple of questions.

    The current revision number of ShrinkIt is 3.0.3.

    The IIgs version of ShrinkIt is named GShk (the current
    version number is 1.0.4).  GShk can do all that ShrinkIt
    can do and more.  Some of the additions are the ability
    to unarchive different archive types (Unix compress, PC
    Arc, Mac StuffIt) and the ability to create/extract Apple
    Single files - this is becoming more significant as resources
    are being used more frequently in IIgs software.  GShk
    requires System Disk 5.0 .  For specialized extractions,
    more than 1 meg of memory may be required.

    ShrinkIt+ and UnShrinkIt+ are two programs for the Apple II+.

    ShrinkIt, GShk, ShrinkIt+ and UnShrinkIt+ were written by
    Andy Nicholas <shrinkit@apple.com>.

Sub-Subject: What is nulib?

    Nulib is a C implementation of ShrinkIt 1.0.2.  It also works very
    well under most Unix or Unix-like operating systems.

    Nulib was written by Andy McFadden <fadden@cory.berkeley.edu>.

Sub-Subject: What is BLU?

    BLU is the predecessor of ShrinkIt.  The goal of BLU was to take
    one or more Apple II ProDOS files and 'archive' them into a single
    Apple II file, maintaining the ProDOS file type information.
    It could perform a Huffman compression on the individual pieces
    if the user so desired.

    The resulting files were named Bunny files (.BNY).  BLU files
    that were compressed were .QQ files, with a Binary II header
    they were .BQY files.

    There is little current use of BLU.  The reader is most likely
    to encounter files in its format on various archive sites.  Note
    that since ShrinkIt can unbundle the members of these files, there
    is seldom any need to use BLU itself, unless it is a requirement
    of the archive in question.

    BLU was written by Floyd Zink, Jr., of Tex fame (Tex is a text
    file browser).
    Also, the Binary II format is by Gary Little.

Subject:  What is a .Z, .bsq or .shk file? (some common filename

    Filename extensions are simply the addition of more characters
    to the end of a filename (thus the extension).  An example could
    be FRED.SHK.  'FRED' is the base filename.  '.SHK' is a filename
    extension that happens to indicate that the file is probably a
    NuFX archive and you will need to run ShrinkIt to determine/extract
    its contents.

    Sometimes you will find multiple filename extensions, simply take
    the filename extensions apart one at a time and you should be able
    to reconstruct the original file.

    The following is a table of some of the filename extensions that
    you may encounter during your trips to Apple II ftp sites:

    Extension   What does it usually mean
    ---------  ----------------------------------------------------
       .SHK     The file is usually a NuFX archive created by
                ShrinkIt.  Use ShrinkIt to extract the files.

       .SDK     The file is usually a NuFX disk archive create by
                ShrinkIt.  Use ShrinkIt to extract the disk image.

       .QQ      The file is usually a Huffman encoded file created
                by BLU or possibly SQZ (If I remember correctly).

       .BSQ     This is usually a BinSCII'ized ShrinkIt file.
        or      Use BinSCII to extract a NuFX archive, then use
       .BSC     ShrinkIt to extract the files.

       .BXY     This is usually a NuFX file wrapped in a Binary II

       .BNY     This is usually a BLU archive file.  ShrinkIt
                can be used to extract its contents.  These were
                previously referred to as Bunny files.

       .BQY     This is a BLU wrapped ShrinkIt archive.  Use
        or      ShrinkIt to extract the files (it will automatically
       .BNX     go past the BLU header to extract the NuFX archived
                Note: This filename extension is found on GEnie.

       .EXE     The file is usually the output of Executioner.  To
                extract the file, simply 'EXEC' it from Basic

                Note: You may need to use DOS 3.3... it depends on
                the file you are extracting (sometimes they will
                contain a note which will tell you).

       .Z       The file was compressed with the Unix compress
                command (LZW compression).  Use the uncompress
                command to get the file.  Alternatives include
                using GSHK (GS ShrinkIt) to uncompress or the
                APW/ORCA UNCOMPRESS utility (available at ftp

       .tar     The file is a Tape ARchive created under Unix.
                Use tar to extract the files (tar xvf filename) or
                if you don't have to extract the files, simply run
                them through another program.

       .tar.Z   The file is a combination of the previous two items.
                You would need to uncompress the file, then use tar
                to extract the members.

    I have found ShrinkIt archives as BinSCII files in a tar archive
    that was compressed.  Seems strange, but you may find a
    XXX.BSQ.tar.Z file somewhere.

    Good luck in your file decoding!

Subject:  What are the Apple II FTP sites?

     Here is a list of the sites that have Apple II software available
     by anonymous FTP.  It is current as of 11/5/90.

     Site Name              Site Number      Directory
     --------------------   --------------   --------------------------
     apple.com           pub/DTS/aii
     avalanche.berkeley.edu    pub/Apple2
     brownvm.brown.edu   listserv.193
     f.ms.uky.edu     pub/appleII
     isca            unix/apple2
     plains.nodak.edu   pub/appleII
     shark.nosc.mil      ker*mit.
     tybalt.caltech.edu  pub/apple2
     ummts.cc.umich.edu        pc5:
     watsun.cc.columbia.edu      kermit/a
     wuarchive.wustl.edu    usenet/comp.binaries.apple2

[I'd like to thank Todd A. Bakal <Internet: Tabakal@ub.cc.umich.edu,
  Tab@terminator.cc.umich.edu,  UUCP: ...!uunet!ub.cc.umich.edu!tabakal,
  BITNET: Tabakal@UMICHUB for this table of FTP sites]

Subject: What is APPLE2-L?

[Note: This answer needs expanding too...]

     APPLE2-L is an software archive of Apple II programs provided by
     a BITNET mail server (LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BITNET).  Interactive BITNET
     messages are also supported. 

     Send the following message to apple2-l@brownvm.bitnet to get help

        index apple2-l

     Chris Chung <CHRIS@BROWNVM> administers APPLE2-L (Thanks Chris!)

Subject:  Are there other electronic mail file servers?

     Yes!  Much like Apple2-L works in bitnet, there are electronic
     mail servers on Internet.  I only know of the one at the
     following address:


     The idea is that you send simple commands in the mail message.
     Start with the following message:

        index appleII

     Note: The filenames are case sensitive on this particular file

     You must be aware, however, that if you request the 'send' of
     files, you must first be sending the files to a computer that
     has access to uudecode and (if you request multiple files) tar
     (the unix tape archive utility).

     Note that use of these facilities are generally frowned upon if the
     item being retrieved is larger than 10,000 bytes.  This is due to the
     fact that you are asking a number of machines to carry quite a load
     for you at no cost.  Please do not abuse these privileges.

     A user abused the Atari mail server and because of this single
     user, the mail server has been shutdown permanently.

[I'd like to thank Joe Toth <toth@tellabs.com or uunet!tellab5!toth>
for his pointer to this mail file server]

[The frequently asked questions (with answers) is continued in
 the next posting.]

[Last edited on March 12, 1991]

   Dave Kopper        Internet: dave@mystie.webo.dg.com
                            or: dave%dgc.mceo.dg.com@relay.cs.net
 Apple II Forever!       GEnie: D.Kopper

dave@mystie.webo.dg.com (David Kopper) (03/12/91)

[Last edited on March 12, 1991]

This is the second half of the frequently asked questions (and answers)

Subject:  What is FTP?

     FTP is a program available to many schools and certain businesses
     which are connected to Internet.  This program permits file
     transfers over a high speed international network.

     Note: FTP with remote hosts is a privilege!  The remote sites can
     stop their FTP service if so they desire.  Please try to restrict
     your FTP usage to off-peak hours.

     Some basic directions to get you started with FTP follow:

     Enter the FTP program (type FTP, if you get an FTP command prompt
     then you're in the FTP program).

     Type: open <site>                  ; This command will establish
                                        ; a connection to a remote site.

     Where <site> is the name or address of the remote FTP site from
     which you are trying to retrieve files.

     You will be prompted for a username.

     Type: anonymous                    ; The username anonymous is
                                        ; recognized by many FTP sites
                                        ; as a guest account.

     You will be prompted for a password.

     Type: your electronic mail address ; The password is usually your
                                        ; Internet return mail address.
                                        ; In my case it is
                                        ;  dave@mystie.webo.dg.com

     Now you are logged onto the remote host. Some commands you might
     want to use after you log on follow:

       dir                              ; Show me a listing of the files
                                        ; in the current directory

       dir <directory> [<local filename>]; Put a copy of a listing of the
                                        ; files that are in directory
                                        ; into a file on my machine for
                                        ; later perusal.

       cd <directory>                   ; Change the current directory
                                        ; to <directory>.  pub is typically
                                        ; where the public's files are
                                        ; stored.

       type binary                      ; Change the way a file is sent
                                        ; from the default of ASCII
                                        ; (7 bits) to binary (8 bits).
                                        ; There are sometimes other
                                        ; modes, such as tenex.

       get <filename> [<local filename>]; Retrieve a file (named
                                        ; <filename>) from the
                                        ; remote host to your local
                                        ; host.  If you supply a second
                                        ; argument, then the remote
                                        ; file is stored as that local
                                        ; filename.

       put <filename>                   ; Send a file to the remote
                                        ; host.

       mget <template>                  ; Retrieve multiple files
                                        ; according to the template.
                                        ; The README files of each host
                                        ; should explain templates.

       close                            ; Close the connection to the
                                        ; remote host.

       csh                              ; Start a local C shell
                                        ; (sometimes this is renamed
                                        ; to whatever the local command
                                        ; shell is named - here it is
                                        ; named CLI).

       bye                              ; Close any outstanding
                                        ; connection and exit the FTP
                                        ; program.

Subject:  What is BITFTP?

     Contrary to popular belief, FTP is available from BITNET, in a
     way.  There is a server at bitftp@pucc.BITNET (or
     bitftp@pucc.princeton.edu) which will process your requests.
     Mail a message there with the proper commands in it and it will
     attempt to FTP and send the results back to you in a mail file. 
     The files you actually get are sent as BITNET NETDATA files to
     BITNET sites, or uuencoded for non-BITNET sites.

     Anyway, a sample file would be:

       ftp tybalt.caltech.edu
       user anonymous password {which can be anything, but is
                                normally your address}
       cd pub
       cd apple2/uploads
       get cosmocade.a.bsq
       get cosmocade.b.bsq

     This will list the directories that you change into, and then
     get the files.  What you receive back will be several pieces.
     First, everyone would receive back a mail message showing BITFTP
     attempting your transaction.  Look at this closely, as any errors
     in the file names, as well as the results from the dir commands
     will be in this message.

     If you are on a BITNET site, your get commands will return the get
     files into your NETDATA queue.  Each BITNET site implementation
     varies, so the description here will be specific to the VMS
     operating system.

     To get the files from the queue, simply use the 'receive' command.
     Binary files are a little special.  They will require you to
     'receive/binary', but there is still a problem because you will
     find a carriage return after every 255 characters (or so). Use
     'EDT/FDL binftp.fdl' to edit an FDL (file definition language)
     file that has an option to turn off 'carriage control'. Finally,
     type 'convert/fdl=binftp.fdl inputfile.ext outputfile.ext'.  This
     isn't as bad as it sounds, but it's more hassle than it should be.

     For non-VMS systems, you should contact your local BITNET
     administrator for assistance.

     Obviously, you need to know what the directories are before you
     get in them, which means that each time you need to send a new
     message.  This isn't terribly exciting, but that's how it is.
     Internet's ftp is much easier, but the capability is still there
     for BITNET.

     Note: I have some reports that there are some BITNET sites that
     do support FTP.  Try the FTP command to see if you BITNET site
     has it.

[I'd like to thank Henry Throop <THROOP@GRIN1.BITNET,
 throoph@jacobs.cs.orst.edu> for most of these answers
 and Evan R Aussenberg <erast1@unix.cis.pitt.edu> for
 the pointer that some bitnet sites do have ftp]

Subject:  What is Kermit?

    Kermit itself is a file transfer protocol invented by Frank
    DeCruz of Columbia University.  Typically in this group when
    one talks about kermit, they are talking about a program which
    supports the kermit protocol.  There is at least one commercial
    program which supports kermit - ProTerm.  But many folks are
    using Ted Medin's Kermit 3 (currently 3.87), a freely distributable
    version of a telecommunication program which supports kermit,
    xmodem, vt100 emulation, and many Apple II configurations.

    Kermit was written by Ted Medin <medin-t@shark.nosc.mil>

    The latest official version of kermit is available from Columbia
    University via electronic mail or ftp.  Send electronic mail to
    KERMSERV@CUVMA.BITNET, a one line message of HELP will get you
    started.  For FTP users, the site is watsun.cc.columbia.edu
    ( and the Apple II files reside in the kermit/a

    The latest version of Kermit-65 is 3.87, and it is available at
    ummts as CO.KER387 (with the accompanying DO.KER387 doc file) .

Subject:  What is the current system disk?

    Disk name                 Number
    ------------------------ --------
    DOS System Master ...... 3.3        All Apple IIs

    ProDOS 8 system disk ... 3.2        All Apple IIs with 64k or more
    IIgs System Disk ....... 5.0.4      Apple IIgs with 1Meg or more
                                        (smaller memory configurations
                                         may work, although they are
                                         not supported/tested).

    ProDOS 8 ............... 1.9        Available on the ProDOS 8 and
    Basic.System ........... 1.4.1      IIgs System Disks.

    The system disks should be available from your local Apple Computer
    dealer, a local Apple Users Group or from a commercial information
    system (GEnie, America On Line, or CompuServe).

    Also, IIgs System Software 5.0.4 is available from apple.com via
    ftp (in the pub/dts/aii/sys-soft directory).

Subject:  What are technotes?

[Note: I want to expand this answer, but haven't had enough time]

     Technotes are short topics addressing questions that Apple's
     Apple II Developer Technical Support staff members get from
     outside developers.  Technotes are divided into various
     categories including (but not limited to):  Apple IIc hardware,
     Apple II hardware, Imagewriter, Memory Expansion, ProDOS 8,
     GS/OS and IIgs hardware.

     The idea of technotes is to distribute information about
     Apple computers that isn't readily available from any other
     source. The hundreds of pages are well worth the effort to get.
     DTS really does a great job with technotes! (Thanks DTS!!!)

     You can find Apple II technotes on the FTP sites, or the commercial
     information systems.  Another source of technotes is APDA, where
     one can order printed or diskette subscriptions to the technotes.

     Ftp note: Apple has not upgraded its tech notes on its FTP site
     since January 1990.  Ummts has a copy of the current tech notes.
     Tech Notes are stored as TN.xxxx.yyy where xxxx is the 4 char type
     and yyy is the number.  File Type notes are FT.xx.yyyy where xx is
     the primary type, and yyyy is the aux. type.  Indices are stored
     as TN.!Index and FT.!Index [Thank You Todd A. Bakal!].

Subject: What is APDA?

[Note: This is another answer in need of more work...
       a decent explanation of Developer Express...
       next time it'll be better]

     The Apple Programmers and Developers Association (APDA) provides
     a way for developers to get development tools that are sometimes
     very difficult to find.  For a year's membership ($20), you are
     sent a quarterly catalog of all the available software, manuals,
     etc. available through APDA.

     Developer Express is a way for non-APDA members to be able to
     order items from APDA.  I don't have the details of Developer
     Express here... I believe that anyone can order Class 1 items
     (i.e.: XXX) from APDA through Developer Express.

     Software available through APDA include the following:

       MIDI Synth/synthLAB - MIDI Synth/synthLAB is a second
         generation note synthesizer for the Apple IIGS.  By
         integrating a completely new sequencer, MIDI interface
         and synthesizer into one programming tool, MIDI Synth
         offers developers a powerful but simple solution to
         many of their sound needs.  Because of this integration,
         most of the work required by an application is handled
         by the tool.

         synthLAB is a demo application that shows the power of
         the new MIDI Synth toolset for the Apple IIGS. synthLAB
         can be used to create the instruments needed for
         applications, either by modifying existing ones or by
         creating totally new and original ones. synthLAB's
         recorder can be used to record custom sequences used in
         applications. synthLAB is built around MIDI Synth and
         makes a great learning tool in understanding how
         MIDI Synth works.

         This package includes one 3.5" disk containing the
         MIDI Synth Tool set (tool 35) and synthLAB (a demo
         application that highlights the sheer power of the 
         MIDI Synth Tool set).  Also included is documentation
         on each of the tool calls within that Tool set, and a
         user manual for synthLAB.  The APDA part number is
         'A0250LL/A" (better known as "MIDI Synth/synthLAB
         Version 1.0B3").  The price is $25.

         [The above was stolen without permission from
         8/16-Central, they took the information from A2Pro
         on GEnie.]

       Apple II Video Overlay Card Development Kit v1.1 - This
         kit provides basic design information about the Apple II
         Video Overlay Card.  The notes include information on
         how the Apple II Video Overlay Card works with
         application programs, descriptions of the Video I/O
         Interface Tool Set routines for controlling the
         operation of the Apple II Video Overlay Card, and
         overview of the Apple II Video Expansion Bus (AVEB)
         architecture, and a description of the relevant new
         features incorporated into the Apple IIGS VideoMix
         desk accessory and the Apple IIe Video Setup program.

         The disk includes interfaces for the APW and MPW IIGS
         development systems and an object file for Apple IIe
         programmers. The disk also includes Tool 33 (the Video
         Overlay Card tool), the VideoMix desk accessory (for
         the Apple IIGS), and the Apple IIe Video Setup program.

         APDA part number is 'A0221LL/B', price is $35.

         [The above is stolen from the Summer 1990 APDALog without

       GSBug and Debugging Tools v. 4.0B1 - This beta version of
         Apple Computer's machine-language debugger works on any
         Apple IIGS with System Software v. 4.0 or later.

         With GSBug, you can step through your code; save a trace
         history to a file on disk; define breakpoints and insert
         them into your code; define and use memory protection
         windows; and view the debugger's master display, which
         shows the contents of the 65816 registers, breakpoints,
         and memory-protection ranges that you have set, portions
         of the stack and memory, and a disassembly of your
         program's code.

         Also included with GSBug are the Loader Dumper, Memory
         Mangler, and Scrambler classic desk accessories (CDAs).
         Loader Dumper lets you see where in memory the System
         Loader has loaded each segment of your program and gives
         you information about the various tables and variables 
         that the loader uses. Memory Mangler lets you execute
         a variety of Memory Manager routines and provides lists
         of the memory blocks that are in use, purged, and disposed
         of by the Memory Manager. Scrambler helps you find out
         whether your application has incorrectly dereferenced a
         memory handle by not having first locked the handle.

         The GS/OS Exerciser, also included with this package,
         lets you "exercise" GS/OS by practicing its calls from
         the keyboard.  This utility is supplied as both an
         application and as a CDA.

         APDA part number is 'A0037LL/A', price is $30.

         [The above is stolen from the Fall 1990 APDALog without

       d e v e l o p - The Apple Technical Journal, contains articles
         and samples about creating hardware and software for Apple

         The articles and code in   d e v e l o p   are intended to
         lead you into Inside Macintosh.  Each issue contains source
         code (provided on the CD-ROM disc) that you can use in your
         application. Each journal also includes questions and answers
         from the Macintosh and Apple II Developer Technical Support

         All of the journal articles and source code are included on
         the compact disc that comes with  d e v e l o p.  The disc
         also includes essential tools for developers: international
         versions of system software, international HyperCard,
         Developer Technical Support Notes stacks, and electronic
         versions of selected Apple developer documentation, such as
         Inside Machintosh. If you don't have a CD-ROM drive, you
         will be able to find the contents of the disc on AppleLine,
         the Apple FTP site on the Internet, and other on-line services
         in the near future.

         If you're a certified developer, Partner, or Associate, you'll
         receive one copy of  d e v e l o p  every quarter as part of 
         your developer package.

         A subscription to  d e v e l o p  is $27 for U.S. subscribers
         and $47 for international subscribers.

         The following back issues of  d e v e l o p  are available
         at a price of $10 per issue:

           M0901LL/A    d e v e l o p  issue 1      January 1990
           M0902LL/A    d e v e l o p  issue 2      April 1990
           M0903LL/A    d e v e l o p  issue 3      July 1990
           M0904LL/A    d e v e l o p  issue 4      October 1990

         [The above is stolen from the Fall 1990 APDALog without

     APDA is run by Apple Computer.

     Address:  APDA
               Apple Computer, Inc.
               20525 Mariani Avenue, Mail Stop 33G
               Cupertino, California 95014-6299

     Phone: 1-800-282-2732 (U.S.)
            1-800-637-0029 (Canada)
            1-408-562-3910 (International)
            1-408-562-3971 (Fax)
            171-576 (Telex)

     Electronic Mail: APDA (AppleLink)
                      A.DEVELOPER3 (GEnie)
                      76666,2405 (CompuServe)
                      POSTROM (MCI)
                      APDA (MacNet)

Subject:  What Apple II magazines are there?

[Note: This question needs to be completed...]

     GS+ is a bi-monthly magazine for the Apple IIGS published on an
       Apple IIGS.  This magazine is not as polished as some magazines,
       but they are honest and put together very good reviews and
       software.  If they see something that is junk, they call it junk
       (just the way it should be!).  Their idea is to show what an
       Apple IIGS can do and they succeed very well at doing exactly

       Some of their software is just downright great - their EGOed
       NDA editor is great, I also like their Shuffle Init (shuffles
       the active window between all open windows).  I'm not being paid
       for this favorable point of view - I'm simply a very happy

       Address: GS+ Subscription Services
                c/o EGO Systems
                P.O. Box 15366
                Chattanooga, Tennessee  37415-0366

       Voice: (615) 870-4960  (Mon-Fri 9am-6pm EST)
       FAX: (913) 469-6507
       gs-plus BBS: (615) 875-4607 (2400 baud, 8 data bits, no parity,
                                    1 stop bit)

       Electronic mail: Internet: diz@pro-gsplus.cts.com (editor)

       Subscription Price: magazine $15/year,  disk+magazine $36/year
                           magazine $3/issue,  disk+magazine $8/issue
                     First class mail service for $1.50/issue, $9/year
                     Tennessee Residents add 5.5% sales tax.
                     Chattanooga Residents add 7.25% sales tax.
                     Canadian/Mexican orders add $1 extra postage.
                     All other foreign orders add $6 surface, $30 air.




     d e v e l o p - see the section about APDA for information on
                     d e v e l o p.


     inCider/A+ is a monthly Apple II/Macintosh magazine.

       Address: inCider/A+
                P.O. Box 56818
                Boulder, CO 80322-8618

       Subscription: $27.97/year  $43/2 years


     HyperStudio Network is a quarterly newsletter about HyperStudio.
       Membership in HSN will get you the newsletter (HyperStudio Forum),
       an annual 'Best of HyperStudio' disk of stacks and availability
       of discounts on HyperStudio accessories (including HyperStudio).
       This network seems to be a great place for teachers to get

       HyperPostCards is their current big success.  The idea is to
       get students to include information about themselves and to
       distribute the HyperStudio stacks from one school to another.
       It works much like postcards would.  I don't have more details,
       so I'm stopping.

       Address: HyperStudio Network
                Box 103
                Blawenburg, NJ 08504

       Phone: (609) 466-3196

       Subscription/Membership: $29 for 1 year, $55 for 2 years.
       Institutional Membership: $99 for 1 year, $189 for 2 years.
                                 Includes 20 copies of both HyperStudio
                                 Forum and the annual "Best of
                                 HyperStudio" disk.


     ??? - is the Basic (or was that Z-Basic) programmer's magazine
       (sorry about being vague... I just don't have the information
        with me... and never subscribed to a couple of these magazines)


     A2-Central publishes several Apple II magazines:

       A2-Central - The Apple II newsletter, there is an optional
                    disk version.  This is a monthly publication.

       All of their other publications are 3.5" disk based only.

       For the IIGS, the program to use is HyperStudio (they include
       the runtime version, in case you don't have HyperStudio).

       For other IIs, they include a text browser.  Although any text
       browser will do the job.  I don't know if this applies to all
       of the magazines or not (guess I should call again...).

       8/16-Central - Monthly Apple II programmers disk magazine.
                      8/16-Central will include programs, sources
                      and articles.

       Stack Central - HyperStudio-based disk.  Each issue is a
                      collection of HyperStudio additions.  My guess
                      is that it includes things like Clip Art/Sounds,
                      XCMDs, PD Stacks and so on.  There were some
                      articles in the demo that I saw - I can't say
                      any more than this.  Except that there are
                      two disks per issue - every other month.

       TimeOut Central - every other month - all about TimeOut
                      additions and AppleWorks.  Includes UltraMacros
                      Macros, Templates and so forth.  There is one
                      disk per issue.

       Hyperbole - Will begin in January.  This disk based publication
                      is not about computers.  It is HyperStudio based
                      stories and poetry and so on.

       Address: A2-Central (or is it Resource Central now?)
                P.O. Box 11250
                Overland Park, KS  66207

       Voice: (913) 469-6502
       FAX: (913) 469-6507

       Electronic mail on GEnie: A2-CENTRAL, UNCLE-DOS, or DENNIS.DOMS


     The Road Apple - An Apple // "End Users" Underground Newsletter

       Published six times a year.

       Address: 1121 NE 177th, Suite B
                Portland, OR 97230

       Telephone:  (503) 254-3874.

       Subscription price: $9.95 per year (6 issues)


     Computist - a publication devoted to gathering and distributing
                 information on removing copy protection from Apple II

       Address: P.O. Box 110846
                Tacoma, WA  98411


     Softdisk and Softdisk GS - monthly disk magazines containing a
        variety of software.  Softdisk is available on 5.25" or 3.5"
        disks.  Softdisk GS is available only on 3.5" disks.

        Address: Softdisk Publishing
                 P.O. Box 30008
                 Shreveport, LA 71130-0008

        Phone: 1-800-831-2694

        Subscription: Softdisk: $19.95/3 months
                      Softdisk GS: $29.95/3 months
                      Both: $39.95/3 months

Subject: Recent Apple Computer Announcements and Changes

     The Apple IIc+ was dropped from price lists (I really liked the
     //c+, I even bought my parents one).

     ProDOS 8 1.9 was announced in September 1990.

     GS/OS 5.0.4 was announced in December 1990.

     HyperCard IIGS was announced in December 1990 at AppleFest.
     It will become available from Apple Computer Dealers in February 1991
     for $99.  HCGS will require 1.5meg (although 2meg is recommended).

     Apple has a toll-free customer assistance line for handling
     sales questions and user concerns.  This toll-free line is not
     designed to be a technical support hotline, but instead is an
     extension to the comprehensive Apple customer relations effort.
     The Customer Assistance Center is open Monday through Friday
     from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific time by dialing 1-800-776-2333.

Subject: Apple II Resources

     This section is pointers to Apple II resources - places to get
     more information about Apple IIs.


     To find the closest Apple II (or Macintosh) User Group near
     you, contact:

       The Apple User Group Connection
       Apple Computer, Inc.
       20525 Mariani Avenue, MS:36-AA
       Cupertino, CA 95014

       (800) 538-9696, extension 500


     The Apple II Guide is a resource guide for Apple II owners.
     Apple has given this guide away at Applefest and it should be
     available from your local dealer, your user group or directly
     from Apple.

     From the comments I've heard about this book, Apple has done
     a very good job on it.  Thank you Apple!


     If you are having problems with a dealer in your area then call
     the Apple Dealer Relations toll free number: 1-800-538-9696.


[I would like to thank David A. Lyons <dlyons@apple.com> for the pointer
to the AUGC.]

Subject: Future questions for the FAQ

This is the section where you get to peek into the future of the
FAQ list.  Here is where some questions that may take me a while
to incorporate correctly. Since I have the questions I thought
that I'd present them here.

Where can I find Apple II software?
Where can I get commercial hardware and/or software?
    Mention where to find listings (is there anyone doing
    decent reviews any longer?)
Where can I find out how to do XYZ? (fill in the XYZ)
Common Apple II general questions:
    Are there any free programming languages for the Apple II line?
         Mad Forth (other Forths?)
         Hyper-C - a shareware package with no one at
                   the address to receive the money?
         Applesoft and various freeware and shareware
                   extensions (mention some that are
                   available on Apple2-l and comp.*.apple2)

                   How do I get out of AppleSoft?  Type 'bye'.
         Scheme (for the IIgs).
    What versions of BASIC are available for the Apple II line?
         TML Basic, Micol Basic, Z-Basic, Beagle Compiler
    What versions of C language are available for the Apple II line?
         Orca C, APW C, Manx Aztec C
    What versions of other languages (Pascal, Forth, Scheme, etc)
         TML Pascal, Orca Pascal, GS Forth, there was a Lisp
         at one time, Pecan Power Systems Pascal, FORTRAN, and
    What versions of assemblers are available?
         Orca/M, Orca/M GS, APW, Merlin 8/16+, Lisa, EDASM, others?

    ByteWorks : 1-505-898-8183
                4700 Irving Blvd NW
                Suite 207
                Albuquerque, NM 87114

    Common Apple IIe specific questions:
    Common Apple IIc specific questions:
    Common IIgs specific questions:
         What does it mean when my IIgs crashes with a $0911
         unclaimed interrupt?

         Redmond Cable has an ADB Y-connector cable for separating
         your mouse from the side of your keyboard (also can be used
         to work around a failing ADB port on the keyboard).  Their
         address is: Redmond Cable Corporation, 17371-A1 NE 67th Ct,
         Redmond, WA 98052, (206) 882-2009.

         When your battery dies get a the 'Slide-On Battery Replacement
         Kit' from Night Owl Productions:
          Address: Nite Owl Productions
                   Slide-On Battery Dept.
                   5734 Lamar Street
                   Mission, KS 66202
          Phone: (913) 362-9898
          Price: 14:95 plus $2 for shipping

         Alltech Electronics carries all the //c chips for $9 to
         $39 each (depending on the chip). Pick up the latest A+
         and look for their ad. Can them at (619) 721-7733.

Subject: Editors Notes

     This is the fifth revision of the FAQ for comp.sys.apple2.

     I apologize in advance for any of the errors (typographical,
     logical, or otherwise).  With your patience (and help!) this
     frequently asked questions (with answers) article will improve.

     I would appreciate hearing from you if you have an addition,
     correction, or to complain to me about what I did wrong.

     Please send me electronic mail at one of the following

          Internet: dave@mystie.webo.dg.com
                or: dave%dgc.mceo.dg.com@relay.cs.net
             GEnie: D.Kopper

     Apple II Forever!!!!!  David Kopper

[Last edited on March 12, 1991]

dave@mystie.webo.dg.com (David Kopper) (03/12/91)

< [Last edited on Feburary 19, 1991]
> [Last edited on March 12, 1991]
<        * What is BinSCII?
>          What is BinSCII?
<        * What is ShrinkIt?
<        * What is a .Z, .bsq or .shk file? (some common filename
>          What is ShrinkIt?
>          What is a .Z, .bsq or .shk file? (some common filename
<        * What are the Apple II FTP sites?
>          What are the Apple II FTP sites?
<        + Apple II resources
<        * Future questions for the FAQ
>          Apple II resources
>          Future questions for the FAQ
< [Last edited on Feburary 19, 1991]
> [Last edited on March 12, 1991]
< [Last edited on Feburary 19, 1991]
> [Last edited on March 12, 1991]
<      This is the fourth revision of the FAQ for comp.sys.apple2.
<      I am posting it at this time because there are sites that
<      have not received it at all.  This is because of its size
<      which also explains why I broke it into two pieces.
>      This is the fifth revision of the FAQ for comp.sys.apple2.
< [Last edited on Feburary 19, 1991]
> [Last edited on March 12, 1991]

  Dave Kopper        Internet: dave@mystie.webo.dg.com
                           or: dave%dgc.mceo.dg.com@relay.cs.net
Apple II Forever!       GEnie: D.Kopper

evberic@monsoon.Berkeley.EDU (Eric van Bezooijen) (04/08/91)


Fellow Debtor:                              March 22, 1991
    The following document is going to sound EXACTLY like a
mail order con.  The fact is that none of us want to get ripped
by some jerk with nothing else to do but dream these things up.
BUT - if you will take the 5 minutes it took me to read this,
you will see that it really can work - it's all based on the
multiplication factor.  Take this week off from Lotto America
and put it here.  Your HONESTY and $5.00 WILL get you those
computer upgrades you've been wanting for Christmas.......
                        BIZMAN DAVE THE MODEM SLAVE
                        Takoma Park, MD 20912
                        Can be reached on the best BBS:
                        DC Follies BBS (202) 232-3379
                        (Not the Dave mentioned below...)
Dear Friend,
     My name is Dave Rhodes.  In September 1988 my car was
reposessed and the bill collectors were hounding me like you
wouldn't believe.  I was laid off and my unemployment checks
had run out.  The only escape I had from the pressure of
failure was my Apple computer and my modem.  I longed to
turn my advocation into my vocation.
     This January 1989 my family and I went on a ten day
cruise to the tropics.  I bought a Lincoln Town Car for CASH
in Feburary 1989.  I am currently building a home on the
West Coast of Florida, with a private pool, boat slip, and a
beautiful view of the bay from my breakfast room table and
patio.  I will never have to work again. Today I am rich!  I
have earned over $400,000.00 (Four Hundred Thousand Dollars)
to date and will become a millionaire within 4 or 5 months.
Anyone can do the same.  This money making program works
perfectly every time, 100% of the time.  I have NEVER failed
to earn $50,000.00 or more whenever I wanted. Best of all
you never have to leave home except to go to your mailbox or
post office.
     In October 1988, I received a letter in the mail
telling me how I could earn $50,000 dollars or more whenever
I wanted.  I was naturally very skeptical and threw the
letter on the desk next to my computer. It's funny though,
when you are desparate, backed into a corner, your mind does
crazy things. I spent a frustating day looking through the
want ads for a job with a future.  The pickings were sparse
at best.  That night I tried to unwind by booting up my
Apple computer and calling several bulletin boards.  I read
several of the message posts and than glanced at the letter
next to the computer.  All at once it came to me, I now had
the key to my dreams.
      I realized that with the power of the computer I could
expand and enhance this money making formula into the most
unbelievable cash flow generator that has ever been created.
I substituted the computer bulletion boards in place of the
post office and electronically did by computer what others
were doing 100% by mail.  Now only a few letters are mailed
manually.  Most of the hard work is speedily downloaded to
other bulletin boards throughout the world.  If you believe
that someday you deserve that lucky break that you have
waited for all your life, simply follow the easy
instructions below.  Your dreams will come true.
                          Sincerely yours,
                          Dave Rhodes
Follow these instructions EXACTLY, and in 20 to 60 days you
will have received well over $50,000.00 cash, all yours.
This program has remained successful because of the honesty
and integrety of the participants.  Please continue its
success by carefully adhering to the instructions.
Welcome to the world of Mail Order!  This little business is
a little different than most mail order houses.  Your product
is not solid and tangible, but rather a service.  You are in
the business of developing Mailing lists.  Many large
corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists.
   (The money made from the mailing lists are secondary to the
    income which is made from people like yourself requesting
    that they be included in that list.)
  1)  Immediately mail $1.00 to the first 5 names listed
      below starting at number 1 through number 5.  Send cash only
      please (total investment $5.00). Enclose a note with each
      letter stating: "Please add my name to your mailing list."
         (This is a legitimate service that you
          are requesting and you are paying $1.00
          for this service).
  2)  Remove the name that appears number 1 on the list.
      Move the other 9 names up one position. (Number 2 will
      become number 1 and number 3 will become number 2, etc.)
      Place your name, address and zip code in the number 10
  3)  With your name in the number 10 spot, upload this file
      to 10 (Ten) separate bulletin boards, 10 to 50 e-mail
      addresses, or 10 to 20 different newsgroups.  You may 
      post it to the BBS's message base or to the file section.
      Name it FASTCASH, and use the file description to call
      attention to the great potential this has for all of us.
  4)  Within 60 days you will receive over $50,000.00 in
      CASH.  Keep a copy of this file for yourself so that you can
      use it again and again whenever you need money. As soon as
      you mail out these letters you are automatically in the mail
      order business and people are sending you $1.00 to be placed
      on your mailing list. This list can than be rented to a list
      broker that can be found in the Yellow Pages for additional
      income on a regular basis.  The list will become more
      valuable as it grows in size.  This is a service.  This is
      perfectly legal.  If you have any doubts, refer to Title 18,
      Sec. 1302 & 1341 of the postal lottery laws.
       NOTE: Make sure you retain EVERY Name and Address sent
             to you, either on computer or hard copy, but do not
             discard the names and notes they send you.  This is
             PROOF that you are truely providing a service and
             should the IRS or some other Government Agency
             question you, you can provide them with this PROOF!
   Remember as each post is downloaded and the instructions
   carefully followed, five members will be reimbursed for
   their participation as a List Developer with one dollar
   each.  Your name will move up the list geometrically so that
   when your name reaches the number five position you will be
   receiving thousands of dollars in cash.

  1. P. Czajko			161 Westway #203
	                        Greenbelt, MD.
  2. Darryl McGinnis		P.O. Box 34431
	                        Phoenix, AZ
  3. David Larson	        2802 E. Shangri-la Rd.
	                        Phoenix, AZ
  4. Brian A. Miller	        10270 Ft. Churchill
	                        Reno, NV
  5. Steve Simmons      	P.O. Box 91154
	                        Washington, DC.
  6. Clifford Arms      	P.O. Box 3215
                	        Arlington, Virginia
  7. David Walton      		8302 Garland Avenue #2
        	                Takoma Park, MD
  8. Steve J. Frank	        1519 48th ST SW #101
        	                Fargo, ND
  9. Leny Freeman       	237 S. Kenilworth Ave.
        	                Glendale CA

  10. Eric van Bezooijen	3115 Ellis Street
       				Berkeley, CA 

The following letter was written by a participating member
in this program.
To Whom It May Concern:
     About six months ago I received the enclosed post in
letter form.  I ignored it.  I received about five more of
the same letter withIn the next two weeks.  I ignored them
also.  Of course, I was tempted to follow through and
dreamed of making thousands, but I was convinced it was just
another gimmick and could not possibly work.  I was wrong!
About three weeks later I saw this same letter posted on a
local bulletion board in Montreal.  I liked the idea of
giving it a try with my computer.  I didn't expect much
because I figured, if other people were as skeptical as I,
they wouldn't be too quick to part with Five dollars.  But,
TO SHOW FOR IT BUT TICKET STUBS!  This week I decided to
envelopes and mailed out one dollar in each as directed.
Two weeks went by and I didn't recieve anything in the mail.
The fourth week rolled around and I couldn't believe what
happened!  I can't say I received $50,000, but it was
definitely well over $35,000!  For the first time in ten
years, I got out of debt.   It was great.  Of course, it
didn't take me long to go through my earnings so I am using
this excellent money opportunity once again.  FOLLOW THE
     PLEASE send a copy of this letter along with the
enclosed letter so together we can convince people who are
skeptical that it really works!
                             Good Luck,
                             Charles Kust
                             St Agathe Que.

unknown@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (The Unknown User) (04/08/91)

In article <1991Apr8.055316.14782@agate.berkeley.edu> evberic@monsoon.Berkeley.EDU (Eric van Bezooijen) writes:
>Fellow Debtor:                              March 22, 1991
>    The following document is going to sound EXACTLY like a
>mail order con.  The fact is that none of us want to get ripped

	Nope, not a mail-order con, a PYRAMID SCHEME con.

	Everyone.. Mail this guy tons of complaints.. (I just did)..
Including /usr/dict/words might be a good idea too. (I didn't.. I don't have
the guts.. Don't wanna get complained at by system administrators.. I
get enough crap for my Apple II fanaticizm on a local forum!)
/unknown@ucscb.ucsc.edu Apple IIGS Forever! ULTIMA VI GS -mail me. CDs-mail me\
\          McIntosh Junior:  The Power to Crush the Other Kids.               /


This is in reply to that SCAM that has been posted TWICE to this net now.



(Do not pass go, go directy to jail:)

P.S.  Whatever happened to those people on the list the first time this
was circulated?  Somebody posted their telephone numbers.  Did they ever
get cought?

  BITNET--  mquinn@utcvm    <------------send files here
  pro-line-- mquinn@pro-gsplus.cts.com