[comp.sys.apple2] Sense of Humor


Is Apple developing a sense of Humor
One of their directories in Bric-a-brac.apple.com
is pub/nerdtools

or has this always been there.

|Chris Scherrer--------> Increasing his       BITNET:cscherrer@vcuruby       |
|                      his loan debt daily!   INTERNET:cscherrer@ruby.vcu.edu|
|Medical College       --------------------                                  |
|  of Virginia         I am in debt. Therefore, I exist to be in debt. --Me. |

tbandit@athena.mit.edu (Carlos E Reategui) (04/10/91)

In article <91C30C0F6CDF40BC16@Gems.VCU.EDU> CSCHERRER@RUBY.VCU.EDU writes:
>Is Apple developing a sense of Humor
>One of their directories in Bric-a-brac.apple.com
>is pub/nerdtools
>or has this always been there.
>|Chris Scherrer--------> Increasing his       BITNET:cscherrer@vcuruby       |
>|                      his loan debt daily!   INTERNET:cscherrer@ruby.vcu.edu|
>|Medical College       --------------------                                  |
>|  of Virginia         I am in debt. Therefore, I exist to be in debt. --Me. |

Don't know about that but you should see the titles on their Developers CDs.
The code names of some of their projects are also quite funny. 
And don't forget their adds.


alfter@nevada.edu (SCOTT ALFTER) (04/10/91)

You forgot its response when you want to quit an FTP session:

221 CUL8R.

Better than the usual "goodbye," isn't it?

Scott Alfter-----------------------------_/_----------------------------
Support Operation Apple Storm!          / v \ Apple II:
Internet: alfter@uns-helios.nevada.edu (    ( the power to be your best!
   GEnie: S.ALFTER                      \_^_/

daveh@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (David H. Huang) (04/11/91)

In article <1991Apr10.164234.25379@athena.mit.edu> tbandit@athena.mit.edu (Carlos E Reategui) writes:

>Don't know about that [nerdtools directory] but you should see the
>titles on their Developers CDs. The code names of some of their
>projects are also quite funny. And don't forget their adds.

The nerdtools directory has been around for a while... I like the fine
print on their ads too.


David Huang                              |   "Calzoni Pizza:
Internet: daveh@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu       |       Delivery in six
UUCP: ..!ut-emx!ccwf.cc.utexas.edu!daveh |       hours, or else your
America Online: DrWho29                  |       pizza is cold."

dlyons@Apple.COM (David A. Lyons) (04/12/91)

In article <91C30C0F6CDF40BC16@Gems.VCU.EDU> CSCHERRER@RUBY.VCU.EDU writes:
>Is Apple developing a sense of Humor
>One of their directories in Bric-a-brac.apple.com
>is pub/nerdtools

*Developing*?! :)  Apple has always had a sense of humor.

Someone pointed out that the "Developer Helper" CDs have interesting
  1. Phil and Dave's Excellent CD
  2. Phil and Dave's Excellent CD, The Release Version (it's a different Dave)
  3. A Disc Called Wanda
  4. Discy Business
  5. Night of the Living Disc
  6. Gorillas in the Disc


You have to be careful when you go on vacation, too.  I did not see the
following first-hand, but I have seen the story repeated with consistent
details enough times that I think it's true, not folklore.

One poor guy came back from vacation to find that his helpful coworkers
had completely filled his cubicle with white Styrofoam(tm) packing

As he was digging his way into his cube, an -innocent- passer-by saw the
guy digging in, and said "Oh, so that's *your* car out there in the
parking lot."  Now, the guy was pretty attached to his Porsche, so he
went "Gaaak!" and ran outside to see what was going on.

In the parking lot he found his helpful coworkers wrapping his Porsche
in plastic, with the aid of borrowed shrink-wrap machine.


In the lobby of this building, there is no full-time receptionist/guard,
so in the chair behind the guard desk someone put an inflatable (and
inflated) Godzilla(tm?) creature, holding a "Welcome" sign.


One more thing:  Did you see the "McIntosh: The Power to Crush the Other
Kids" pseudo-commercial on Saturday Night Live?  (I know some of you did,
I saw it in somebody's .sig!)

The way I heard it:

After it aired, NBC got a request from Apple for a copy of the tape of
that commercial.  At first they really didn't want to send it, but once
the guy at the Apple Library convinced them that some Apple folks thought
it was funny and didn't want to make trouble over it, apparently NBC agreed
to send the tape.

David A. Lyons, Apple Computer, Inc.      |   DAL Systems
Apple II System Software Engineer         |   P.O. Box 875
America Online: Dave Lyons                |   Cupertino, CA 95015-0875
GEnie: D.LYONS2 or DAVE.LYONS         CompuServe: 72177,3233
Internet/BITNET:  dlyons@apple.com    UUCP:  ...!ames!apple!dlyons
My opinions are my own, not Apple's.

sk2f+@andrew.cmu.edu (Seth D. Kadesh) (04/12/91)

You can find some really funny stuff in the glossary of the Apple IIe
Reference Manual... (I'm at work now, otherwise I'd offer some quotes).

-seth                  tHe mAd ScienTisT, and other carnations 
sk2f@andrew.cmu.edu   | everything seems so easy this way but I'm going under
tmSatCMU@DRYCAS.BITNET| fast, I'm slipping away, am I so crazy? - Marillion