Unknown must be a very insecure individual. He shouldn't go accusing people of commiting a crime on public networks or anywhere else. He could get sued for libel. He writes: | At the very least, please keep your requests for documentation |on pirated programs off of the net. Get on some pirate BBS.. Lots of |'em still exist... [Boy, the days of AE lines galore!] |-- |/ Apple IIGS Forever!WANT ULTIMA VI //e or GS?-mail me.\ |\CHEAP CDs info-mail me. McIntosh Junior: The Power to Crush the Other Kids. / I have several programs, for which, I no longer have the documentation. These have been lost, stolen and destroyed in many different ways. Believe it or not Unknown it can happen. You are seriously, 'Out to Lunch', if you think it can't! ____________________________________________________________________________ |Chris Scherrer--------> Increasing his BITNET:cscherrer@vcuruby | | his loan debt daily!| |Medical College -------------------- | | of Virginia I am in debt. Therefore, I exist to be in debt. --Me. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~