(ACMFIU) (05/09/91)
i still have been unable to position my string in the upper left-hand corner of my window (well, i found a way but i don't understand it). the following code does what i want. ldx #$ffea ldy #$fff0 stx @x_coor sty @y_coor PushLong #point _LocalToGlobal PushWord @x_coor PushWord @y_coor _MoveTo PushLong #str _WriteCString now, you will notice that i don't use coordinates (0, 10) as the upper left corner for me to position my string. in stead, i use negative coordinates. this seems to do the job. i must be missing something. anyone have any ideas? albert ps. i might have the order wrong for the above code (i.e. in pushing which parameter first). i'm doing this from memory. (Tim Meekins) (05/09/91)
In article <> (ACMFIU) writes: > ldx #$ffea > ldy #$fff0 > stx @x_coor > sty @y_coor > PushLong #point > _LocalToGlobal > PushWord @x_coor > PushWord @y_coor > _MoveTo Ahhhhhhh, get rid of the _LocalToGlobal. Your negative coordinates ($FFEA,$FFF0) are making up for the LocalToGlobal transformations, but will no longer work if your window is moved. MoveTo works in local coordinates, NOT global coordinates so DON'T convert to global unless you set the port to the desktop -- ++------------S-U-P-P-O-R-T---S-H-A-R-E-W-A-R-E---O-R---D-I-E-!-----------++ || Tim Meekins || Snail Mail: || Apple II || || || 8372 Morris Rd. || Forever! || \\___timm@pro-tcc.cts.com________/\____Hilliard, OH 43026__/\_____________//