benson@VUSE.VANDERBILT.EDU (Paul Benson) (05/10/91)
I was wondering if anyone knows of a program which converts the Computer Eyes GS data file (the big one with the most data) to a 3200 pic. I've never seen one, so I might do it myself. Here are my questions: 1) What is the standard 3200 pic format? The picture followed by the color table for each line? Are they usually compacted? 2) I would appreciate some source code on displaying a 3200 pic. I belong to GEnie, so I will look in A2Pro (I think some source exists there), but would prefer email since it is free! Source can be in any language, but I will probably be doing the pic conversion in C and the display in assembly (it has to be, right?) Thanks for any help, Pauley ( GEnie: P.Benson1 Vanderbilt University
johnmac@fawlty.towers.oz (John MacLean) (05/13/91)
In article <> benson@VUSE.VANDERBILT.EDU (Paul Benson) writes: > > I was wondering if anyone knows of a program which converts the > Computer Eyes GS data file (the big one with the most data) to > a 3200 pic. I've never seen one, so I might do it myself. Here > are my questions: > > 1) What is the standard 3200 pic format? The picture followed > by the color table for each line? Are they usually compacted? > > Thanks for any help, > Pauley ( GEnie: P.Benson1 > Vanderbilt University I have already written a Computer Eyes data file toolset (and a Visionary data file toolset for that matter) for The Graphic Exchange. They will both ship with TGE LD#2. You can convert these files -> 3200 files (in any of the many filetypes) and visa versa using TGE (and soon with The RGB Exchange). However, I currently only handle the data files produced by the ProDOS 8 version of Computer Eyes (320 x 200). I have been led to believe that the GS files are exactly 1800 bytes larger, ie: Red plane, 600 bytes, Green plane, 600 bytes, Blue plane, 600 bytes. and that they have a BIN filetype. Can ANYone confirm this (filetype, auxtype, length {and even format})? If you can, I'll fix my toolset up to handle the GS format, and even send you this toolset pre-release so you can test it for me / use it for yourself. John MacLean. -- This net: johnmac@fawlty.towers.oz Phone: +61 2 427 2999 That net: uunet!fawlty.towers.oz!johnmac Fax: +61 2 427 7072 Snail: Tower Technology, Unit D 31-33 Sirius Rd, Home: +61 2 960 1453 Lane Cove, NSW 2066, Australia.