unknown@ucscb.ucsc.edu (The Unknown User) (05/13/91)
It's really weird.. This just started happening today.. It
possibly has something to do with my installation of 5.04 on my hard drive..
I installed 5.04 today, DEFINITELY.. (BASIC.SYSTEM is version 1.9)
No, actually, I just realized something.. It DOESN'T have anything
to do with 5.04 on the hard drive as it happens when I boot from floppy
too... (argh, it's after 4am ok?)
It seems to be something with the hard drive...
When I run the Finder either from Wings or boot a disk with the
Finder on it (and the SCSI hard drive driver), it boots up all the way
to the Finder and shows the first partition of my hard drive (/BOOT).
Then it freezes. Usually I can still move the mouse around but it's
still the watch cursor and I can't actually DO anything..
The weird thing is, ProDOS 8 recognizes the second partition
(/TMP). AND GS/OS recognizes it too, from file dialogs.. (Remember, I
boot into Wings on my hard drive, and can do stuff with /tmp just fine)
I want to go into the Finder to play some more with Todd's
seed version of Lord High Giffer.
It's just weird that I can't run the Finder. I can't think of
anything strange I did today, except I did once hit ^reset while the
computer was booting off the hard drive. (that seemed to be the cause when
I had major hard drive probs a week or so ago).. I had hit ^reset before
I realized it was a no-no.. (heh.. I did it all the time when booting from
floppy when I realized I'm booting the wrong disk or something)
Does anyone have any ideas of why the Finder doesn't go to completion?
Ask more questions if you need...
enough rambling.. I should go to bed... (I got up at 2:45 PM yesterday..
/unknown@ucscb.ucsc.edu Apple IIGS Forever! unknown@cats.ucsc.edu\
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